186 research outputs found

    Attitudes towards foreign products and welfare with capital mobility

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    We develop a model of trade with imperfect competition to study the welfare implications in developing and developed countries of the asymmetry in attitudes towards foreign products. In the developed country, consumers benefit from a better perception of foreign products while the rental rate of capital declines as long as the location of capital remains unchanged. However, when capital is mobile, the developing country hosts more and more capital at the expense of the developed country as perception of varieties produced in the developed country improves and the surplus of consumers in the developed country can decrease.ECONOMIE;MODELE;CONSOMMATEUR;CAPITAL;PERCEPTION SOCIALE;CAPITAL LOCATION;CONSUMER'S SURPLUS;PRODUCT OF ORIGIN;PRODUIT D'ORIGINE

    The role of social capital components on local economic growth: Local cohesion and openness in French rural areas

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    This paper investigates empirically the economic role of some sociological factors, such as the intensity and nature of local social relationships, on economic growth in rural areas at the micro level. We use the bonding/linking/bridging classification suggested in the social capital literature (Putnam, 2000; Woolcock, 1998). Bonding links consist of strong linkages between similar people, which ensure the stability of relationships, but tend to lead to inertia and closure. Bridging links are weak ties that often lead to valuable new opportunities. Linking social capital is an intermediate category that consists of links between people from different social categories. This form of social capital favors both stability and openness. We use French data to examine these three forms of social capital within a local population and employment growth model inspired by Boarnet (1994), and to evaluate their impacts on local economic growth. The results suggest that all three forms of social capital have a robust and positive role on change in rural population and employment.social capital, rural economic development, population and employment growth

    Attitudes towards foreign products and welfare with capital mobility

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    We develop a model of trade with imperfect competition to study the welfare implications in developing and developed countries of the asymmetry in attitudes towards foreign products. In the developed country, consumers benefit from a better perception of foreign products while the rental rate of capital declines as long as the location of capital remains unchanged. However, when capital is mobile, the developing country hosts more and more capital at the expense of the developed country as perception of varieties produced in the developed country improves and the surplus of consumers in the developed country can decrease.product of origin, capital location, consumer’s surplus

    Ex-ante Policy Assessment of Agricultural, Environmental, and Rural Policies from an Institutional Perspective: The Procedure for Institutional Compatibility Assessment

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    Ex-ante impact assessment of agricultural, environmental, and rural policies has become an integral part of political decision making processes in the EU. While there is a large variety of agrienvironmental modelling tools available to analyse likely social, economic, and environmental impacts of these policies, scientifically well-founded ex-ante policy assessment tools capturing the institutional dimension are still missing. In this paper, we introduce a formalised procedure for modelling – ex-ante – institutional aspects for policy implementation: the ‘Procedure for Institutional Compatibility Assessment’ (PICA). PICA has been designed as an explorative, yet formalised methodology that enables policy makers to identify at an early stage potential institutional incompatibilities. After providing a brief overview of relevant approaches for policy assessment we elaborate on the four distinct steps of PICA and use a core element of the EU Nitrate Directive to illustrate its function.Methodology, Ex-ante Policy Assessment, Institutional Policy Assessment, Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Les relations sociales, frein ou moteur de la durabilité

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    Un mode de dĂ©veloppement peut prĂ©senter des contradictions entre les diffĂ©rentes dimensions de la durabilitĂ©. Cet article montre l’intĂ©rĂȘt de la notion de rayon de confiance pour Ă©valuer la contribution des relations sociales Ă  la durabilitĂ© du dĂ©veloppement. Il dĂ©crit les mĂ©canismes en jeu, et illustre l’évaluation du rayon de confiance dans six Ă©tudes de cas. La durabilitĂ© la plus forte apparaĂźt en gĂ©nĂ©ral associĂ©e Ă  un niveau intermĂ©diaire de rayon de confiance, qui permet de concilier ouverture Ă  l’extĂ©rieur et stabilitĂ© des relations. L’article propose Ă©galement des mesures quantitatives du rayon de confiance.Development paths may include contradictions between the different dimensions of sustainability. This article shows the usefulness of the notion of radius of trust in order to evaluate the contribution of social relationships to sustainability. It describes the mechanisms at play, and illustrates the assessment of the radius of trust in six case studies. The higher sustainability turns out to be generally associated with intermediate levels of radius of trust. Such an intermediate level allows to reconcile openness to external resources and stability of the relationships. The article also suggests quantitative measures of the radius of trusts


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    Ex-ante policy assessment from an institutional perspective: a Procedure for Institutional Compatibility Assessment (PICA)

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    Ex-ante impact assessment of agricultural, environmental, and rural policies has become an integral part of political decision making processes in the EU. While there is a large variety of agri-environmental modelling tools available to analyse likely social, economic, and environmental impacts of these policies, scientifically well-founded ex-ante policy assessment tools capturing institutional dimensions are still missing. In this paper, we introduce a formalised procedure for modelling - ex-ante - institutional aspects for policy implementation: the 'Procedure for Institutional Compatibility Assessment' (PICA). It has recently been developed within the SEAMLESS project as a component of an integrative modelling framework for ex-ante assessment of policy impacts on sustainable development. PICA is based on the assumption that the effectiveness of a policy and the cost-effectiveness of its implementation largely depend on the degree of compatibility between this policy and the institutional context in the respective countries and regions. It has been designed as an explorative and flexible, yet formalised methodology that enables policy makers to identify at an early stage potential institutional incompatibilities. After providing a brief overview of relevant approaches for policy assessment we elaborate on the four distinct steps of PICA and use a core element of the EU Nitrate Directive to illustrate its function

    Nouveaux enjeux d'organisation de la propriété intellectuelle dans les industries complexes: une discussion à partir du cas Thales

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    L'industrie de la défense, en France comme à l'étranger, a connu ces derniÚres années de nombreuses mutations. Ces changements ont introduit une nouvelle division du travail qui fournit des possibilités d'interaction renouvelées pour créer des actifs complémentaires. Dans ce contexte, la question de la protection des innovations et de leur valorisation est devenue centrale. Elle s'impose avec d'autant plus d'acuité que la gestion des DPI requiert des compétences nouvelles pour les groupes industriels. Cet article analyse ces évolutions et met l'accent sur les nouveaux arrangements organisationnels qui y sont liés. L'étude du cas de Thales, qui a externalisé en 2005 une grande partie de la gestion de sa propriété intellectuelle, est emblématique de ces changements. Comment comprendre cette modification des activités a priori si sensibles que la protection ? Telle est la question centrale de cette recherche qui analyse les motivations et les conséquences du choix de l'externalisation de la protection sur la gestion des DPI.Propriété intellectuelle - Industries Complexes - Organisation - Externalisation - Etude de cas
