4 research outputs found

    Urgence Of Combined Claims Of Default And Branch Of Contract In Civil Procedure Law

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    Lawsuits in civil law are divided into 2 (two) types, namely claims for breach of contract and lawsuits agains the law. In practice, many legal practitioners combine these 2 (two) basic claims in one lawsuit. This study uses a normative juridical method with the statue approach and case approach. The results of the study stated that a person is said be in default if he has fulfilled the achievements as stated in Article 1234 of Civil Code or as agreed then a person is considered to have committed an unlawful act if he fulfills the elements in 1365 of the Civil Code, and the party whose rights have been violated must prove that his rights have been violated and ask for compensation loss. Then in the doctrinal provisions, it is not permissible to mix up the claim for breach of contract as well as an act that violates the law, but if in formulating the posita it has been firmly separated between the fact of the act of default and the fact of the violating the law, then the merger is allowed. In addition, a default can at the same time lead to unlawful acts, as long as the fact is that it is afegault and the fact itself occurs outside the obligations required by the contrac

    Self Concept Family which had a Member People with a Psychological Disorder Restrain History in Blitar Town

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    In Indonesia, there are 20.000 to 30.000 people with psychic disruption which restrained. There are 14,3% family or about 237 from 1655 families had a member with heavy psychic disruption restrained. The purpose of the research is to identify self concept of family member with psychological disorder restrained history. Population in this research are 30 families which had member with psychological disorder restrained history in Blitar town. The sample size in this research is 30 people using total sampling method. Data collected was conducted by questionnaire. Data collected was done on 28 march - 10 may 2016. Result of the research showed that 73,1% (19 families) have positive self concept, then 26,9% (7 families) have negative self concept. Recommendation from this research is may get specific attention from health worker to give motivation, direction, and give health education to family which have member with psychological disorder and restrained history to keep or increase positive self concept and change the negative self concept be positive especially in role component and personal identity

    Konsep Diri Keluarga yang Memiliki Anggota Keluarga Orang dengan Gangguan Jiwa Riwayat Pasung di Kota Blitar

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    In Indonesia, there are 20.000 to 30.000 people with psychic disruption which restrained. There are 14,3% family or about 237 from 1655 families had a member with heavy psychic disruption restrained. The purpose of the research is to identify self concept of family member with psychological disorder restrained history. Population in this research are 30 families which had member with psychological disorder restrained history in Blitar town. The sample size in this research is 30 people using total sampling method. Data collected was conducted by questionnaire. Data collected was done on 28 march - 10 may 2016. Result of the research showed that 73,1% (19 families) have positive self concept, then 26,9% (7 families) have negative self concept. Recommendation from this research is may get specific attention from health worker to give motivation, direction, and give health education to family which have member with psychological disorder and restrained history to keep or increase positive self concept and change the negative self concept be positive especially in role component and personal identity