232 research outputs found
Superstars and Giant Gravitons in M-theory
Following hep-th/0109127, we show that a certain class of BPS naked
singularities (superstars) found in compactifications of M-theory can be
interpreted as being composed of giant gravitons. More specifically, we study
superstars which are asymptotically AdS_7 x S^4 and AdS_4 x S^7 and show that
these field configurations can be interpreted as being sourced by continuous
distributions of spherical M2- and M5-branes, respectively, which carry
internal momenta and have expanded on the spherical component of the
space-time.Comment: 13 page
Combining a Toggle Switch and a Repressilator within the AC-DC Circuit Generates Distinct Dynamical Behaviors.
Although the structure of a genetically encoded regulatory circuit is an important determinant of its function, the relationship between circuit topology and the dynamical behaviors it can exhibit is not well understood. Here, we explore the range of behaviors available to the AC-DC circuit. This circuit consists of three genes connected as a combination of a toggle switch and a repressilator. Using dynamical systems theory, we show that the AC-DC circuit exhibits both oscillations and bistability within the same region of parameter space; this generates emergent behaviors not available to either the toggle switch or the repressilator alone. The AC-DC circuit can switch on oscillations via two distinct mechanisms, one of which induces coherence into ensembles of oscillators. In addition, we show that in the presence of noise, the AC-DC circuit can behave as an excitable system capable of spatial signal propagation or coherence resonance. Together, these results demonstrate how combinations of simple motifs can exhibit multiple complex behaviors
New Einstein-Sasaki and Einstein Spaces from Kerr-de Sitter
In this paper, which is an elaboration of our results in hep-th/0504225, we
construct new Einstein-Sasaki spaces L^{p,q,r_1,...,r_{n-1}} in all odd
dimensions D=2n+1\ge 5. They arise by taking certain BPS limits of the
Euclideanised Kerr-de Sitter metrics. This yields local Einstein-Sasaki metrics
of cohomogeneity n, with toric U(1)^{n+1} principal orbits, and n real
non-trivial parameters. By studying the structure of the degenerate orbits we
show that for appropriate choices of the parameters, characterised by the (n+1)
coprime integers (p,q,r_1,...,r_{n-1}), the local metrics extend smoothly onto
complete and non-singular compact Einstein-Sasaki manifolds
L^{p,q,r_1,...,r_{n-1}}. We also construct new complete and non-singular
compact Einstein spaces \Lambda^{p,q,r_1,...,r_n} in D=2n+1 that are not
Sasakian, by choosing parameters appropriately in the Euclideanised Kerr-de
Sitter metrics when no BPS limit is taken.Comment: latex, 26 page
Fluctuations of an evaporating black hole from back reaction of its Hawking radiation: Questioning a premise in earlier work
This paper delineates the first steps in a systematic quantitative study of
the spacetime fluctuations induced by quantum fields in an evaporating black
hole. We explain how the stochastic gravity formalism can be a useful tool for
that purpose within a low-energy effective field theory approach to quantum
gravity. As an explicit example we apply it to the study of the
spherically-symmetric sector of metric perturbations around an evaporating
black hole background geometry. For macroscopic black holes we find that those
fluctuations grow and eventually become important when considering sufficiently
long periods of time (of the order of the evaporation time), but well before
the Planckian regime is reached. In addition, the assumption of a simple
correlation between the fluctuations of the energy flux crossing the horizon
and far from it, which was made in earlier work on spherically-symmetric
induced fluctuations, is carefully analyzed and found to be invalid. Our
analysis suggests the existence of an infinite amplitude for the fluctuations
of the horizon as a three-dimensional hypersurface. We emphasize the need for
understanding and designing operational ways of probing quantum metric
fluctuations near the horizon and extracting physically meaningful information.Comment: 10 pages, REVTeX; minor changes, a few references added and a brief
discussion of their relevance included. To appear in the proceedings of the
10th Peyresq meeting. Dedicated to Rafael Sorkin on the occasion of his 60th
Geometries with Killing Spinors and Supersymmetric AdS Solutions
The seven and nine dimensional geometries associated with certain classes of
supersymmetric and solutions of type IIB and D=11 supergravity,
respectively, have many similarities with Sasaki-Einstein geometry. We further
elucidate their properties and also generalise them to higher odd dimensions by
introducing a new class of complex geometries in dimensions, specified
by a Riemannian metric, a scalar field and a closed three-form, which admit a
particular kind of Killing spinor. In particular, for , we show that
when the geometry in dimensions is a cone we obtain a class of
geometries in dimensions, specified by a Riemannian metric, a scalar
field and a closed two-form, which includes the seven and nine-dimensional
geometries mentioned above when , respectively. We also consider various
ansatz for the geometries and construct infinite classes of explicit examples
for all .Comment: 28 page
In-Hospital Code Status Updates: Trends Over Time and the Impact of COVID-19
Objective: The primary objective was to evaluate if the percentage of patients with missing or inaccurate code status documentation at a Trauma Level 1 hospital could be reduced through daily updates. The secondary objective was to examine if patient preferences for DNR changed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: This retrospective study, spanning March 2019 to December 2022, compared the code status in ICU and ED patients drawn from two data sets. The first was based on historical electronic medical records (EHR), and the second involved daily updates of code status following patient admission. Results: Implementing daily updates upon admission was more effective in ICUs than in the ED in reducing missing code status documentation. Around 20% of patients without a specific code status chose DNR under the new system. During COVID-19, a decrease in ICU patients choosing DNR and an increase in full code (FC) choices were observed. Conclusion: This study highlights the importance of regular updates and discussions regarding code status to enhance patient care and resource allocation in ICU and ED settings. The COVID-19 pandemic’s influence on shifting patient preferences towards full code status underscores the need for adaptable documentation practices. Emphasizing patient education about DNR implications and benefits is key to supporting informed decisions that reflect individual health contexts and values. This approach will help balance the considerations for DNR and full code choices, especially during health care crises
Direct amplification of nodD from community DNA reveals the genetic diversity of Rhizobium leguminosarum in soil
Sequences of nodD, a gene found only in rhizobia, were amplified from total community DNA isolated from a pasture soil. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers used, Y5 and Y6, match nodD from Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii, R. leguminosarum biovar viciae and Sinorhizobium meliloti. The PCR product was cloned and yielded 68 clones that were identified by restriction pattern as derived from biovar trifolii [11 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) types] and 15 clones identified as viciae (seven RFLP types). These identifications were confirmed by sequencing. There were no clones related to S. meliloti nodD. For comparison, 122 strains were isolated from nodules of white clover (Trifolium repens) growing at the field site, and 134 from nodules on trap plants of T. repens inoculated with the soil. The nodule isolates were of four nodD RFLP types, with 77% being of a single type. All four of these patterns were also found among the clones from soil DNA, and the same type was the most abundant, although it made up only 34% of the trifolii-like clones. We conclude that clover selects specific genotypes from the available soil population, and that R. leguminosarum biovar trifolii was approximately five times more abundant than biovar viciae in this pasture soil, whereas S. meliloti was rare
The Enhancon, Black Holes, and the Second Law
We revisit the physics of five-dimensional black holes constructed from D5-
and D1-branes and momentum modes in type IIB string theory compactified on K3.
Since these black holes incorporate D5-branes wrapped on K3, an enhancon locus
appears in the spacetime geometry. With a `small' number of D1-branes, the
entropy of a black hole is maximised by including precisely half as many
D5-branes as there are D1-branes in the black hole. Any attempts to introduce
more D5-branes, and so reduce the entropy, are thwarted by the appearance of
the enhancon locus above the horizon, which then prevents their approach. The
enhancon mechanism thereby acts to uphold the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
This result generalises: For each type of bound state object which can be made
of both types of brane, we show that a new type of enhancon exists at
successively smaller radii in the geometry, again acting to prevent any
reduction of the entropy just when needed. We briefly explore the appearance of
the enhancon in the black hole interior.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures, latex, epsfig (v2: Fixed trivial typos.
Marginal Deformations with U(1)^3 Global Symmetry
We generate new 11-dimensional supergravity solutions from deformations based
on U(1)^3 symmetries. The initial geometries are of the form AdS_4 x Y_7, where
Y_7 is a 7-dimensional Sasaki-Einstein space. We consider a general family of
cohomogeneity one Sasaki-Einstein spaces, as well as the recently-constructed
cohomogeneity three L^{p,q,r,s} spaces. For certain cases, such as when the
Sasaki-Einstein space is S^7, Q^{1,1,1} or M^{1,1,1}, the deformed gravity
solutions correspond to a marginal deformation of a known dual gauge theory.Comment: 28pp; Refs. added and to appear in JHE
A comment on multiple vacua, particle production and the time dependent AdS/CFT correspondence
We give an explicit formulation of the time dependent AdS/CFT correspondence
when there are multiple vacua present in Lorentzian signature. By computing
sample two point functions we show how different amplitudes are related by
cosmological particle production. We illustrate our methods in two example
spacetimes: (a) a ``bubble of nothing'' in AdS space, and (b) an asymptotically
locally AdS spacetime with a bubble of nothing on the boundary. In both cases
the alpha vacua of de Sitter space make an interesting appearance.Comment: 9 page
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