899 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of AdS/QCD

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    We study finite temperature properties of four dimensional QCD-like gauge theories in the gauge theory/gravity duality picture. The gravity dual contains two deformed 5d AdS metrics, with and without a black hole, and a dilaton. We study the thermodynamics of the 4d boundary theory and constrain the two metrics so that they correspond to a high and a low temperature phase separated by a first order phase transition. The equation of state has the standard form for the pressure of a strongly coupled fluid modified by a vacuum energy, a bag constant. We determine the parameters of the deformation by using QCD results for TcT_c and the hadron spectrum. With these parameters, we show that the phase transition in the 4d boundary theory and the 5d bulk Hawking-Page transition agree. We probe the dynamics of the two phases by computing the quark-antiquark free energy in them and confirm that the transition corresponds to confinement-deconfinement transition.Comment: 1+19 pages, 6 figures, references added, section 3 improve

    Short distance properties of cascading gauge theories

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    We study the short distance (large momentum) properties of correlation functions of cascading gauge theories by performing a tree-level computation in their dual gravitational background. We prove that these theories are holographically renormalizable; the correlators have only analytic ultraviolet divergences, which may be removed by appropriate local counterterms. We find that n-point correlation functions of properly normalized operators have the expected scaling in the semi-classical gravity (large N) limit: they scale as N_{eff}^{2-n} with N_{eff} proportional to ln(k/Lambda) where k is a typical momentum. Our analysis thus confirms the interpretation of the cascading gauge theories as renormalizable four-dimensional quantum field theories with an effective number of degrees of freedom which logarithmically increases with the energy.Comment: 47 pages, no figure

    Sound Waves in (2+1) Dimensional Holographic Magnetic Fluids

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    We use the AdS/CFT correspondence to study propagation of sound waves in strongly coupled (2+1) dimensional conformal magnetic fluids. Our computation provides a nontrivial consistency check of the viscous magneto-hydrodynamics of Hartnoll-Kovtun-Muller-Sachdev to leading order in the external field. Depending on the behavior of the magnetic field in the hydrodynamic limit, we show that it can lead to further attenuation of sound waves in the (2+1) dimensional conformal plasma, or reduce the speed of sound. We present both field theory and dual supergravity descriptions of these phenomena. While to the leading order in momenta the dispersion of the sound waves obtained from the dual supergravity description agrees with the one predicted from field theory, we find a discrepancy at higher order. This suggests that further corrections to HKMS magneto-hydrodynamics are necessary.Comment: 32 pages, LaTeX; minor corrections, references added; an error in the boundary conditions fixed, a slight change in the result

    Fourth sound of holographic superfluids

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    We compute fourth sound for superfluids dual to a charged scalar and a gauge field in an AdS_4 background. For holographic superfluids with condensates that have a large scaling dimension (greater than approximately two), we find that fourth sound approaches first sound at low temperatures. For condensates that a have a small scaling dimension it exhibits non-conformal behavior at low temperatures which may be tied to the non-conformal behavior of the order parameter of the superfluid. We show that by introducing an appropriate scalar potential, conformal invariance can be enforced at low temperatures.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures; removed a discussion on a variant of fourth soun

    Leading strategies in competitive on-line prediction

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    We start from a simple asymptotic result for the problem of on-line regression with the quadratic loss function: the class of continuous limited-memory prediction strategies admits a "leading prediction strategy", which not only asymptotically performs at least as well as any continuous limited-memory strategy but also satisfies the property that the excess loss of any continuous limited-memory strategy is determined by how closely it imitates the leading strategy. More specifically, for any class of prediction strategies constituting a reproducing kernel Hilbert space we construct a leading strategy, in the sense that the loss of any prediction strategy whose norm is not too large is determined by how closely it imitates the leading strategy. This result is extended to the loss functions given by Bregman divergences and by strictly proper scoring rules.Comment: 20 pages; a conference version is to appear in the ALT'2006 proceeding

    Brane-Inspired Orientifold Field Theories

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    In this paper we consider the gauge theory living on the world-volume of a stack of N D3-branes of Type 0B/\Omega' I_6(-1)^{F_{L}} and of its orbifolds C^2/Z_2 and C^3/(Z_2 x Z_2). The gauge theories obtained in the three cases are a brane realization of ``orientifold field theories'' having the bosonic sector common with N=4,2,1 super Yang-Mills respectively. In these non-supersymmetric theories, we investigate the possibility of keeping the gauge/gravity correspondence that has revealed itself so successful in the case of supersymmetric theories. In the open string framework we compute the coefficient of the gauge kinetic term showing that the perturbative behaviour of the orientifold field theory can be obtained from the closed string channel in the large N limit, where the theory exhibits Bose-Fermi degeneracy.Comment: 27 pages, LaTe

    Gauge/Gravity Correspondence from Open/Closed String Duality

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    We compute the annulus diagram corresponding to the interaction of a fractional D3 brane with a gauge field on its world-volume and a stack of N fractional D3 branes on the orbifolds C^2 /Z_2 and C^3/Z_2 x Z_2. We show that its logarithmic divergence can be equivalently understood as due either to massless open string states circulating in the loop or to massless closed string states exchanged between two boundary states. This follows from the fact that, under open/closed string duality, massless states in the open and closed string channels are matched into each other without mixing with massive states. This explains why the perturbative properties of many gauge theories living on the worldvolume of less supersymmetric and nonconformal branes have been recently obtained from their corresponding supergravity solution.Comment: LaTeX, 28 page

    Real-time gauge/gravity duality: Prescription, Renormalization and Examples

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    We present a comprehensive analysis of the prescription we recently put forward for the computation of real-time correlation functions using gauge/gravity duality. The prescription is valid for any holographic supergravity background and it naturally maps initial and final data in the bulk to initial and final states or density matrices in the field theory. We show in detail how the technique of holographic renormalization can be applied in this setting and we provide numerous illustrative examples, including the computation of time-ordered, Wightman and retarded 2-point functions in Poincare and global coordinates, thermal correlators and higher-point functions.Comment: 85 pages, 13 figures; v2: added comments and reference

    Holographic dual of the Standard Model on the throat

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    We apply recent techniques to construct geometries, based on local Calabi-Yau manifolds, leading to warped throats with 3-form fluxes in string theory, with interesting structure at their bottom. We provide their holographic dual description in terms of RG flows for gauge theories with almost conformal duality cascades and infrared confinement. We describe a model of a throat with D-branes at its bottom, realizing a 3-family Standard Model like chiral sector. We provide the explicit holographic dual gauge theory RG flow, and describe the appearance of the SM degrees of freedom after confinement. As a second application, we describe throats within throats, namely warped throats with discontinuous warp factor in different regions of the radial coordinate, and discuss possible model building applications.Comment: 46 pages, 21 figures, reference adde
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