209 research outputs found

    Wind Turbine Optimal Control During Storms

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    This paper proposes a control algorithm that enables wind turbine operation in high winds. With this objective, an online optimization procedure is formulated that, based on the wind turbine state, estimates those extremal wind speed variations that would produce maximal allowable wind turbine loads. Optimization results are compared to the actual wind speed and, if there is a danger of excessive loading, the wind turbine power reference is adjusted to ensure that loads stay within allowed limits. This way, the machine can operate safely even above the cut-out wind speed, thereby realizing a soft envelope-protecting cut-out. The proposed control strategy is tested and verified using a high-fidelity aeroservoelastic simulation model

    Design, Manufacturing and Characterization of Aero-Elastically Scaled Wind Turbine Blades for Testing Active and Passive Load Alleviation Techniques within a ABL Wind Tunnel

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    In the research described in this paper, a scaled wind turbine model featuring individual pitch control (IPC) capabilities, and equipped with aero-elastically scaled blades featuring passive load reduction capabilities (bend-twist coupling, BTC), was constructed to investigate, by means of wind tunnel testing, the load alleviation potential of BTC and its synergy with active load reduction techniques. The paper mainly focus on the design of the aero-elastic blades and their dynamic and static structural characterization. The experimental results highlight that manufactured blades show desired bend-twist coupling behavior and are a first milestone toward their testing in the wind tunnel

    A MIMO periodic ARX identification algorithm for the Floquet stability analysis of wind turbines

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    The paper presents a new stability analysis approach applicable to wind turbines. At first, a reduced order periodic model is identified from response time histories, and then stability is assessed using Floquet theory. The innovation of the proposed approach is in the ability of the algorithm to simultaneously consider multiple response time histories, for example in the form of measurements recorded both on the rotor and in the stand still system. As each different measurement carries a different informational content on the system, the simultaneous use of all available signals improves the quality and robustness of the analysis

    Performance Comparison of Control Schemes for Variable-Speed Wind Turbines

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    We analyze the performance of different control schemes when applied to the regulation problem of a variable-speed representative wind turbine. In particular, we formulate and compare a wind-scheduled PID, a LQR controller and a novel adaptive non-linear model predictive controller, equipped with observers of the tower states and wind. The simulations include gusts and turbulent winds of varying intensity in nominal as well as off-design operating conditions. The experiments highlight the possible advantages of model-based non-linear control strategies

    Optimal Shutdown Management

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    The paper presents a novel approach for the synthesis of the open-loop pitch profile during emergency shutdowns. The problem is of interest in the design of wind turbines, as such maneuvers often generate design driving loads on some of the machine components. The pitch profile synthesis is formulated as a constrained optimal control problem, solved numerically using a direct single shooting approach. A cost function expressing a compromise between load reduction and rotor overspeed is minimized with respect to the unknown blade pitch profile. Constraints may include a load reduction not-to-exceed the next dominating loads, a not-to-be-exceeded maximum rotor speed, and a maximum achievable blade pitch rate. Cost function and constraints are computed over a possibly large number of operating conditions, defined so as to cover as well as possible the operating situations encountered in the lifetime of the machine. All such conditions are simulated by using a high-fidelity aeroservoelastic model of the wind turbine, ensuring the accuracy of the evaluation of all relevant parameters. The paper demonstrates the capabilities of the novel proposed formulation, by optimizing the pitch profile of a multi-MW wind turbine. Results show that the procedure can reliably identify optimal pitch profiles that reduce design-driving loads, in a fully automated way

    A Wake Detector for Wind Farm Control

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    The paper describes an observer capable of detecting the impingement on a wind turbine rotor of the wake of an upstream machine. The observer estimates the local wind speed and turbulence intensity on the left and right parts of the rotor disk. The estimation is performed based on blade loads measured by strain gages or optical fibers, sensors which are becoming standard equipment on many modern machines. A lower wind speed and higher turbulence intensity on one part of the rotor, possibly in conjunction with other information, can then be used to infer the presence of a wake impinging on the disk. The wake state information is useful for wind plant control strategies, as for example wake deflection by active yawing. In addition, the local wind speed estimates may be used for a rough evaluation of the vertical wind shear

    A methodology to guide the selection of composite materials in a wind turbine rotor blade design process

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    This work is concerned with the development of an optimization methodology for the composite materials used in wind turbine blades. Goal of the approach is to guide designers in the selection of the different materials of the blade, while providing indications to composite manufacturers on optimal trade-offs between mechanical properties and material costs. The method works by using a parametric material model, and including its free parameters amongst the design variables of a multi-disciplinary wind turbine optimization procedure. The proposed method is tested on the structural redesign of a conceptual 10 MW wind turbine blade, its spar caps and shell skin laminates being subjected to optimization. The procedure identifies a blade optimum for a new spar cap laminate characterized by a higher longitudinal Young's modulus and higher cost than the initial one, which however in turn induce both cost and mass savings in the blade. In terms of shell skin, the adoption of a laminate with intermediate properties between a bi-axial one and a tri-axial one also leads to slight structural improvements

    Simultaneous observation of wind shears and misalignments from rotor loads

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    A wind turbine is used in this paper as a sensor to measure the wind conditions at the rotor disk. In fact, as any anisotropy in the wind will lead to a specific signature in the machine response, by inverting a response model one may infer its generating cause, i.e. the wind. Control laws that exploit this knowledge can be used to enhance the performance of a wind turbine or a wind power plant. This idea is used in the present paper to formulate a linear implicit model that relates wind states and rotor loads. Simulations are run in both uniform and turbulent winds, using a high-fidelity aeroservoleastic wind turbine model. Results demonstrate the ability of the proposed observer in detecting the horizontal and vertical wind misalignments, as well as the vertical and horizontal shears

    Cyclic Pitch Control for the Reduction of Ultimate Loads on Wind Turbines

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    In this paper we study the use of individual blade pitch control as a way to reduce ultimate loads. This load alleviation strategy exploits the fact that cyclic pitching of the blades induces in general a reduction of the average loading of a wind turbine, at least for some components as the main bearing, the yaw bearing, or the tower. When ultimate loads are generated during shutdowns, the effect of the use of cyclic pitch results in reduced peak loads. In fact, as the machine starts from a less stressed condition, the response to an extreme gust or other event will result in reduced loading on its components. This form of load mitigation can be seen as a preventative load mitigation strategy: the effect on load reduction is obtained without the need to detect and react to an extreme event, but by simply unloading the machine so that, in case an extreme event happens, the result will be less severe. The effect of peak load mitigation by preventative cyclic pitch is investigated with reference to a multi-MW wind turbine, by using high-fidelity aeroelastic simulations in a variety of operating conditions

    Wake center position tracking using downstream wind turbine hub loads

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    Having an improved awareness of the flow within a wind farm is useful for power harvesting maximization, load minimization and design of wind farm layout. Local flow information at each wind turbine location can be obtained by using the response of the wind turbines, which are consequently used as distributed sensors. This paper proposes the use of hub loads to track the position of wakes within a wind farm. Simulation experiments conducted within a high-fidelity aeroservoelastic environment demonstrate the performance of the new method
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