6 research outputs found

    Teleportation-based number state manipulation with number sum measurement

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    We examine various manipulations of photon number states which can be implemented by teleportation technique with number sum measurement. The preparations of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen resources as well as the number sum measurement resulting in projection to certain Bell state may be done conditionally with linear optical elements, i.e., beam splitters, phase shifters and zero-one-photon detectors. Squeezed vacuum states are used as primary entanglement resource, while single-photon sources are not required.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, Misprints are corrected. 3 figures for number sum measurement are added. Discussion on manipulations are expanded. Calculations for success probabilities are added. Fig.4 is adde

    Conditional generation of arbitrary multimode entangled states of light with linear optics

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    We propose a universal scheme for the probabilistic generation of an arbitrary multimode entangled state of light with finite expansion in Fock basis. The suggested setup involves passive linear optics, single photon sources, strong coherent laser beams, and photodetectors with single-photon resolution. The efficiency of this setup may be greatly enhanced if, in addition, a quantum memory is available.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Identification and Management of Frailty in Older People in Brazil: a scoping review protocol

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    open access articleObjective: to look for evidence on how researchers, health and social care professionals in Brazil currently detect and treat frailty in older adults. Introduction: rapid population aging and associated increased healthcare usage by older people with frailty are challenging the sustainability of healthcare for older people in Brazil. Understanding how frailty is assessed and treated in Brazil is an important part of building a response to the challenge. Inclusion criteria: this scoping review will consider studies that included Brazilian older adults (60 years old) recruited from different settings (community, primary care, health care centers, hospital and long-term institutions). The articles will be included if frailty assessment has been conducted using at least transcultural adapted tools. This review will consider systematic reviews, observational and interventional studies. National policies for older people will be also considered for analysis, excluding expert opinion papers and non-peer reviewed articles. Methods: Indexed and grey literature in English and Portuguese from 2001 to the present will be considered. The searches will be conducted using bibliographic databases, university repositories and grey literature (Brazilian government official database). The studies will be independently selected from the inclusion criteria by two authors based on their title and abstract. In case of disagreement, a third author will be consulted. A customized data extraction form will be used to perform data extraction of the included studies. The results will be presented in tabular form, accompanied by a narrative summary related to the objective of the present scoping review

    Imobilização de nitrogênio da uréia e do sulfato de amônio aplicado em pré-semeadura ou cobertura na cultura de milho, no sistema plantio direto Nitrogen immobilization of urea and ammonium sulphate applied to maize before planting or top-dressing in a no-till system

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    No segundo ano de estudo, sulfato de amônio (SA) e uréia (U) marcados com 15N foram aplicados na cultura do milho, em sucessão à aveia-preta (Avena strigosa Schieb.), no sistema plantio direto, 33 dias antes e 10 dias depois da semeadura, na dose de 80 kg ha-1 de N, incorporados a 5-7 cm de profundidade, em sulcos espaçados de 0,8 m, nas entrelinhas do milho. O objetivo foi quantificar o N dos fertilizantes imobilizado no solo (15N orgânico), no sulco de adubação, e o N recuperado na planta nos estádios de 4-5 folhas, 11-12 folhas, florescimento e colheita. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados, efetuando-se a análise de variância em esquema fatorial 2 x 6 em pré-semeadura (duas fontes, U e SA, em seis épocas de amostragem) e 2 x 3 (duas fontes em três épocas de amostragem) em cobertura, com três repetições. O experimento foi realizado em Latossolo Vermelho ácrico típico fase Cerrado subcaducifólio, na Fazenda Floresta do Lobo - Pinusplan, em Uberlândia (MG). Na aplicação em pré-semeadura, a máxima imobilização foi observada aos 22 dias da aplicação do SA (9,1 kg ha-1 ou 11,4 % do N aplicado) e aos 11 dias da aplicação da U (46,5 kg ha-1 ou 58,1 % do N aplicado). Até a colheita, a planta (parte aérea, grãos e raiz) acumulou 66,0 e 47,9 kg ha-1 de N-SA e N-U, respectivamente, correspondendo à eficiência de absorção de 82,5 e 59,9 % do N aplicado. Na aplicação em cobertura, a imobilização do N fertilizante das duas fontes foi inferior a 12,5 % do N aplicado, em todas as fases de crescimento da planta, evidenciando que a biomassa do solo não concorreu com a planta pelo N fertilizante, sendo similar à quantificação realizada na safra 1999/2000. Na média das duas safras (1999/2001) e dos estádios de 11-12 folhas e florescimento, para cada kg de N fertilizante imobilizado, as plantas de milho absorveram 8,9 e 15,4 kg ha-1 de N-SA, em pré-semeadura e cobertura, respectivamente. Para N-U, esses valores foram, respectivamente, de 4,5 e 5,2 kg ha-1, mostrando menor proporção de N-imobilizado de SA, com a aplicação dos fertilizantes em cobertura. As produtividades de grãos obtidas com SA e U, independentemente da época de aplicação, foram de 8.543 e 7.767 kg ha-1, respectivamente. Na adubação em pré-semeadura do milho, o SA apresentou maior rapidez na ciclagem do N imobilizado-mineralizado (turnover), em relação a U, e, conseqüentemente, causou maior absorção do N pela cultura, como verificado na safra anterior. Em cobertura, no sulco de adubação, de forma similar à observada na safra anterior, somente houve imobilização significativa do N-U, retardando sua absorção pela planta.<br>Ammonium sulfate (AS) and urea (U), labeled with 15N, were applied to no-till maize, 33 days before and 10 days after sowing, at a single rate of 80 kg ha-1 of N incorporated 5-7 cm deep along furrows spaced 0.8 m. Corn was sown after black oat (Avena strigosa Schieb.).The amount of immobilized N and of N-fertilizer recovered by corn plants was evaluated at the following plants stages: 4-5 leaves, 11-12 leaves, flowering, and at harvest. Treatments were applied in a randomized block design with three replications. The analysis of variance was performed based on one factorial scheme (2 x 6) with two sources in pre-planting (AS and U) on six sampling dates, and on a second (2 x 3) with two sources in top-dressing on three sampling dates. This field experiment was carried out on a Typic Acrustox in Uberlandia, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Pre-planting applications resulted in a maximal AS-N immobilization 22 days after fertilizer application (9.1 kg ha-1 or 11.4 % of applied N), whereas the maximum immobilization of U-N occurred 11 days after fertilizer application (46.5 kg ha-1 or 58.1 % of applied N). Until harvest, the plants (aerial part, grains and roots) had accumulated 66.0 and 47.9 of AS-N and U-N, respectively (use efficiency of 82.5 and 59.9 % of applied N). N top-dressing resulted in 12.5 % less N immobilized applied as both sources in all growth stages, evidencing that the soil biomass did not compete with the plants for N-fertilizer, in agreement with results of the growing season 1999/2000. In both growing seasons (1999/2000 and 2000/2001) corn plants assimilated an average 8.9 and 15.4 kg ha-1 of AS-N for each kg of immobilized N-fertilizer from pre-planting and top-dressing, respectively, in the stage of 11-12 leaves and at flowering. For U-N these values were 4.5 and 5.2 kg ha-1, respectively, presenting a lower ratio of immobilized AS-N in top-dressing. Highest corn yields were obtained in the AS treatments (mean grain yield of 8.543 kg ha-1) independent of the application time. Urea treated plants obtained average grain yields of 7.767 kg ha-1 for both application periods. These results show that for pre-planting fertilizers the immobilization-mineralization N turnover was faster in the AS than in the U-N treatment. Consequently, N assimilation by corn plants was higher in the AS treatments. Only U-N was significantly immobilized more also in the second growing season when top-dressed, thus limiting plant N uptake

    Ferramenta para tomada de decisão considerando a interação dos sistemas de produção e o meio ambiente Decision-making tool considering the interaction of the production systems and the environment

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    Diagramas ternários são apresentados como ferramenta gráfica no auxílio da contabilidade ambiental e tomada de decisões ambientais baseadas na análise emergética. Além de inquestionáveis vantagens da interpretação gráfica sobre análise de tabelas, o uso dos diagramas ternários, largamente empregados para a avaliação da físico-química de diagrama de fases para sistemas de três componentes, permite o uso das propriedades do diagrama de fases para avaliação da dependência dos sistemas sobre entradas renováveis e não-renováveis e a avaliação do suporte ambiental para diluição e redução de emissões dos processos e da eficiência dos sistemas. A imediata visualização dos dados da contabilidade emergética permite a comparação de processos e sistemas com e sem serviços dos ecossistemas, para avaliar melhorias e acompanhamento do desempenho dos sistemas ao longo do tempo. Com a objetividade dos diagramas ternários, aspectos como a interação entre sistemas e a interação entre sistemas e meio ambiente podem ser prontamente reconhecidos e avaliados.<br>Ternary diagrams are presented as graphic tools to assist environmental accounting and environmental decision-making based on emergy analysis. Besides the unquestionable advantages of graphic interpretation over table analysis, the use of ternary diagrams, widely used for physical chemistry evaluation of three components systems, or three components phase diagrams, permits the use of phase diagrams properties to assess the dependence of the system upon renewable and non renewable inputs, the environmental support for dilution and abatement of process emissions and the system efficiency. The prompt visualization of the emergy accounting data makes possible to compare processes and systems with and without ecosystem services, to evaluate improvements and to follow the system performance over time. With the aim of ternary diagrams, aspects such as the interaction between systems and the interactions between systems and the environment can be readily recognized and evaluated