8 research outputs found

    Pulse-mode quantum projection synthesis: Effects of mode mismatch on optical state truncation and preparation

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    Quantum projection synthesis can be used for phase-probability-distribution measurement, optical-state truncation and preparation. The method relies on interfering optical lights, which is a major challenge in experiments performed by pulsed light sources. In the pulsed regime, the time frequency overlap of the interfering lights plays a crucial role on the efficiency of the method when they have different mode structures. In this paper, the pulsed mode projection synthesis is developed, the mode structure of interfering lights are characterized and the effect of this overlap (or mode match) on the fidelity of optical-state truncation and preparation is investigated. By introducing the positive-operator-valued measure (POVM) for the detection events in the scheme, the effect of mode mismatch between the photon-counting detectors and the incident lights are also presented.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Quantum teleportation of entangled coherent states

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    We propose a simple scheme for the quantum teleportation of both bipartite and multipartite entangled coherent states with the successful probability 1/2. The scheme is based on only linear optical devices such as beam splitters and phase shifters, and two-mode photon number measurements. The quantum channels described by multipartite maximally entangled coherent states are readily made by the beam splitters and phase shifters.Comment: 4 pages, no figure

    Measuring the elements of the optical density matrix

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    Most methods for experimentally reconstructing the quantum state of light involve determining a quasiprobability distribution such as the Wigner function. In this paper we present a scheme for measuring individual density matrix elements in the photon number state representation. Remarkably, the scheme is simple, involving two beam splitters and a reference field in a coherent state.Comment: 6 pages and 1 figur

    Desempenho e características de carcaça de cordeiros alimentados em comedouros privativos recebendo raçÔes contendo semente de girassol Performance and carcass traits of lambs fed diets containing sunflower seed in creep feeding

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    Avaliaram-se o desempenho e as caracterĂ­sticas quali e quantitativas da carcaça de cordeiros alimentados com ração contendo semente de girassol. Utilizaram-se 16 cordeiros distribuĂ­dos aleatoriamente em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos (0,00; 6,60; 13,20 ou 19,80% de semente de girassol na matĂ©ria natural), cada um com quatro repetiçÔes, totalizando 16 cordeiros. As dietas continham 2,65; 2,78; 2,89 e 2,93 Mcal/kg de energia metabolizĂĄvel e 18,38; 18,75; 19,98 e 21,18% de proteĂ­na bruta, respectivamente, e foi fornecida ad libitum. Os cordeiros foram pesados a cada 14 dias e mantidos com as ovelhas atĂ© atingirem 28 kg, quando foram abatidos, apĂłs jejum de sĂłlidos por 18 horas, para obtenção do peso vivo ao abate e registro do peso da carcaça quente e do conteĂșdo gastrintestinal, utilizados no cĂĄlculo do peso de corpo vazio. As carcaças foram mantidas por 24 horas em cĂąmara frigorĂ­fica em temperatura de 5ÂșC para obtenção do peso de carcaça fria. Os nĂ­veis de semente de girassol na dieta nĂŁo afetaram as caracterĂ­sticas de desempenho dos cordeiros. No entanto, os pesos de carcaça quente e de carcaça fria; os pesos de pescoço, baixo, paleta, costela descoberta, costela, lombo; e os rendimentos comerciais de carcaça e costela descoberta, costela, lombo, paleta, pescoço e baixo sofreram efeito da adição da semente de girassol. O fornecimento de semente de girassol na dieta nĂŁo influencia as caracterĂ­sticas qualitativas e morfomĂ©tricas da carcaça de cordeiros.<br>Performance and quantitative and qualitative carcass traits of lambs fed with diets containing sunflower seed were evaluated. Sixteen lambs were randomly distributed to a completely randomized design with four diets (0.00, 6.60, 13.20 or 19.80% of sunflower seed, % as fed), with 4 replications. The diets contained 2.65, 2.78, 2.89 and 2.93 Mcal / kg of metabolize energy and 18.38, 18.75, 19.98 and 21.18% crude protein, respectively, and was ad libitum fed. The lambs were weighed every 14 days and kept with the ewes until they reached 28 kg, when were slaughtered, after solid fasting for 18 hours, to obtain slaughter body weight and recording hot carcass weight and gastrointestinal content, used in the calculation of empty body weight. The carcasses were kept for 24 hours in a cold room temperature of 5ÂșC to obtain cold carcass weight. Sunflower seed levels in the diet did not affect the performance characteristics of lambs. However, the hot carcass weight and cold carcass weight, the weights of neck, low, shoulder, rib, thru rib, loin and carcass commercial yields and rib, thru rib, loin, shoulder, neck and low showed effect of sunflower seed addition. The addition of sunflower seed in the diet does not influence the qualitative and morphometric characteristics of carcass of lambs