6 research outputs found

    Antioxidant Activity Of Cerrado Fruits [atividade Antioxidante De Frutas Do Cerrado]

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    Annona crassiflora (araticum), Solanum lycocarpum (lobeira), Eugenia dysenterica (cagaita), Caryocar brasilense (pequi) and Swartzia langsdorfii (banha de galinha) are tropical fruits consumed mainly by native people in the Brazilian Cerrado (second biggest biome of Brazil). In this study, pulp, seed and peel of the fruits were extracted using ethanol and water. Some of the extracts showed a high content of total phenols and were screened for their potential as antioxidants using the in vitro model 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH). The best results were found for aqueous and ethanolic extracts of pequi peel (IC50 of 9,44 and 17,98 μg.mL-1 respectively), etanolic extract of cagaita seeds (IC50 of 14,15 μg.mL-1), etanolic extract of araticum seeds and peel (IC 50 of 30,97 and 49,18 μg.mL-1 respectively). This is the first report on the antioxidant properties of the extracts of cerrado fruit fractions. 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    Applicability of polyamide 12 intramedullary locked rods in the stabilization of induced humeral fracture in cockerels (white plymouth rock) - in vivo study

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    ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of polyamide 12 intramedullary rods in osteotomized humerus in cockerels (White Plymouth Rock) and analyze, by radiography and histopathology, bone consolidation and the formation of bone callus. Ten cockerels were subjected to transverse osteotomy of the right humeral diaphysis followed by the insertion of polyamide 12 locked rods, with two nails in each bone fragment. Radiographies obtained at the immediate pre and post-operative period, and every 7 days for 3 months revealed no perioperatory complications. Radiography revealed a radiopaque bone callus between the 4th and 5th week post-surgery. Histopathology detected an amphophylic material (polyamide 12 rod) in the intramedullary region and the proliferation of highly vascularized connective tissue between the rod and the cortical bone. This connective tissue was highly cellular with differentiation into osteoblasts. The collagen fibers varied from loose to dense and a differentiated bone matrix, containing osteocytes in gaps and the development of bone marrow, was also observed; indicating the formation of a bone callus without signs of implant rejection. The polyamide 12 intramedullary rod was effective in the stabilization of the fractures used in this experimental model, with no rejection reaction for at least 90 days

    Congenital multiple arthrogryposis in bovine

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    ABSTRACT This report describes an anal atresia, anatomical urethra alteration (slightly caudal to the udder), thickened joints, and changes in the pelvis in a newborn Holstein cow. Visualization of the final portion of the rectum was not possible by perineal access and laparotomy through the right flank was performed in order for abdominal exploration and colostomy attempt. During the surgical procedure visceral rupture and malformations incompatible with life were observed, so surgeons opted for euthanasia and necropsy. Alterations were confirmed in the genitourinary and gastrointestinal tract. The non-formation of the anus caused dilation of the distal portion of the rectum with fecal content retention, which was drained to the body of the uterus, with the presence of meconium. This amount of anatomical and clinical changes were diagnosed as congenital multiple arthrogryposis