245 research outputs found

    Maximizing Influence in a Competitive Social Network: A Follower's Perspective

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    Maximizing Influence in a Competitive Social Network: A Follower's Perspectiv

    Prevalence, Impact, and Treatment of Death Rattle

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    Context: Death rattle, or respiratory tract secretion in the dying patient, is a common and potentially distressing symptom in dying patients. Health care professionals often struggle with this symptom because of the uncertainty about management. Objectives: To give an overview of the current evidence on the prevalence of death rattle in dying patients, its impact on patients, relatives, and professional caregivers, and the effectiveness of interventions. Methods: We systematically searched the databases PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsychINFO, and Web of Science. English-language articles containing original data on the prevalence or impact of death rattle or on the effects of interventions were included. Results: We identified 39 articles, of which 29 reported on the prevalence of death rattle, eight on its impact, and 11 on the effectiveness of interventions. There is a wide variation in reported prevalence rates (12%-92%; weighted mean, 35%). Death rattle leads to distress in both relatives and professional caregivers, but its impact on patients is unclear. Different medication regimens have been studied, that is, scopolamine, glycopyrronium, hyoscine butylbromide, atropine, and/or octreotide. Only one study used a placebo group. There is no evidence that the use of any antimuscarinic drug is superior to no treatment. Conclusion: Death rattle is a rather common symptom in dying patients, but it is doubtful if patients suffer from this symptom. Current literature does not support the standard use of antimuscarinic drugs in the treatment of death rattle

    Awareness of dying: it needs words

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    Purpose: The purpose of this research is to study to what extent dying patients are aware of the imminence of death, whether such awareness is associated with patient characteristics, symptoms and acceptance of dying, and whether medical records and nurses' and family caregivers' views on patients' awareness of dying agree. Methods: Nurses and family caregivers of 475 deceased patients from three different care settings in the southwest Netherlands were requested to fill out questionnaires. The two groups were asked whether a patient had been aware of the imminence of death. Also, medical records were screened for statements indicating that the patient had been informed of the imminence of death. Results: Nurses completed questionnaires about 472 patients, family caregivers about 280 patients (response 59%). According to the medical records, 51% of patients had been aware of the imminence of death; according to nurses, 58%; according to family caregivers, 62%. Patients who, according to their family caregiver, had been aware of the imminence of death were significantly more often in peace with dying and felt more often that life had been worth living. Inter-rater agreement on patients' awareness of dying was fair (Cohen's kappa = 0.23-0.31). Conclusions: Being aware of dying is associated with acceptance of dying, which supports the idea that open communication in the dying phase can contribute to the quality of the dying process. However, views on whether or not patients are aware of the imminence of death diverge between different caregivers. This suggests that communication in the dying phase of patients is open for improvement

    Improving the quality of palliative and terminal care in the hospital by a network of palliative care nurse champions: The study protocol of the PalTeC-H project

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    Background: The quality of care of patients dying in the hospital is often judged as insufficient. This article describes the protocol of a study to assess the quality of care of the dying patient and the contribution of an intervention targeted on staff nurses of inpatient wards of a large university hospital in the Netherlands. Methods/Design. We designed a controlled before and after study. The intervention is the establishment of a network for palliative care nurse champions, aiming to improve the quality of hospital end-of-life care. Assessments are performed among bereaved relatives, nurses and physicians on seven wards before and after introduction of the intervention and on 11 control wards where the intervention is not applied. We focus on care provided during the last three days of life, covered in global ratings of the quality of life in the last three days of life and the quality of dying, and various secondary endpoints of treatment and care affecting quality of life and dying. Discussion. With this study we aim to improve the understanding of and attention for patients' needs, and the quality of care in the dying phase in the hospital and measure the impact of a quality improvement intervention targeted at nurses

    Role of intestinal P-glycoprotein in the plasma and fecal disposition of docetaxel in humans

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    Multidrug resistance (MDR)-1-P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is a drug-transporting protein that is abundantly present in biliary ductal cells and epithelial cells lining the gastrointestinal tract. Here, we have determined the role of P-gp in the metabolic disposition of the antineoplastic agent docetaxel (Taxotere) in humans. Pharmacokinetic profiles were evaluated in five cancer patients receiving treatment cycles with docetaxel alone (100 mg/m2 i.v. over a 1-h period) and in combination with a new potent inhibitor of P-gp activity, R101933 (200-300 mg b.i.d.). The terminal disposition half-life and total plasma clearance of docetaxel were not altered by treatment with oral R101933 (P > or = 0.27). The cumulative fecal excretion of docetaxel, however, was markedly reduced from 8.47 +/- 2.14% (mean +/- SD) of the dose with the single agent to less than 0.5% in the presence of R101933 (P = 0.0016). Levels of the major cytochrome P450 3A4-mediated metabolites of docetaxel in feces were significantly increased after combination treatment with R101933 (P = 0.010), indicating very prominent and efficient detoxification of reabsorbed docetaxel into hydroxylated compounds before reaching the systemic circulation. It is concluded that intestinal P-gp plays a principal role in the fecal elimination of docetaxel by modulating reabsorption of the drug after hepatobiliary secretion. In addition, the results indicate that inhibition of P-gp activity in normal tissues by effective modulators, and the physiological and pharmacological consequences of this treatment, cannot be predicted based on plasma drug monitoring alone

    The orally administered P-glycoprotein inhibitor R101933 does not alter the plasma pharmacokinetics of docetaxel

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    This Phase I study was performed to assess the feasibility of combining docetaxel with the new P-glycoprotein inhibitor R101933 and to determine the dose limiting toxicity of this combination. Fifteen patients received oral R101933 alone at a dose escalated from 200 to 300 mg twice daily (b.i.d.; cycle 0), an escalating i.v. dose of docetaxel (60, 75, and 100 mg/m2) as a 1-h infusion (cycle 1), and the combination (cycle 2 and further). Dose limiting toxicity consisting of mucositis and neutropenic fever was reached at the combination of docetaxel, 100 mg/m2, and R101933, 300 mg b.i.d., and the maximum tolerated dose was established at docetaxel, 100 mg/m2, and R101933, 200 mg b.i.d. Plasma concentrations of R101933 achieved in patients were in the same range as required in preclinical rodent models to overcome paclitaxel resistance. The plasma pharmacokinetics of docetaxel were not influenced by the R101933 regimen at any dose level tested, as indicated by plasma clearance values of 26.5 +/- 7.78 liters/h/m2 and 23.4 +/- 4.52 liters/h/m2 (P = 0.15) in cycles 1 and 2, respectively. These findings indicate that the contribution of a P-glycoprotein inhibitor to the activity of anticancer chemotherapy can now be assessed in patients for the first time independent of its effect on drug pharmacokinetics

    Palliative care nurse champions’ views on their role and impact: a qualitative interview study among hospital and home care nurses

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    Background: One of the strategies to promote the quality of palliative care in non-specialised settings is the appointment of palliative care nurse champions. It is unclear what the most effective model to implement the concept of nurse champions is and little is known about palliative care nurse champions’ own views on their role and responsibilities. This paper aims to describe views of palliative care nurse champions in hospitals and home care on their role, responsibilities and added value. Methods: In 2018, a qualitative interview study was conducted with 16 palliative care nurse champions in two hospitals and four home care organisations in the southwest of the Netherlands. The framework approach was used to analyse the data. Results: Most palliative care nurse champions described their role by explaining concrete tasks or activities. Most nurse champions perceive their main task as disseminating information about palliative care to colleagues. A few nurses mentioned activities aimed at raising awareness of palliative care among colleagues. Most nurses were to a limited extent involved in collaboration with the palliative care expert team. Hospital nurse champions suggested that more support from the palliative care expert team would be helpful. Most nurse champions feel little responsibility for organisational tasks and inter-organisational collaboration. Especially hospital nurses found it difficult to describe their role. Conclusion: The role of palliative care nurse champions in hospital and home care varies a lot and nurses have diverging views on palliative care in these settings. Comprehensively fulfilling the role of palliative care nurse champion is a challenge. Careful selection, training, support and task descriptions for nurse champions are needed to make the concept of nurse champions work in palliative care

    Pharmacokinetic considerations and recommendations in palliative care, with focus on morphine, midazolam and haloperidol

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    Introduction: A variety of medications are used for symptom control in palliative care, such as morphine, midazolam and haloperidol. The pharmacokinetics of these drugs may be altered in these patients as a result of physiological changes that occur at the end stage of life. Areas covered: This review gives an overview of how the pharmacokinetics in terminally ill patients may differ from the average population and discusses the effect of terminal illness on each of the four pharmacokinetic processes absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination. Specific considerations are also given for three commonly prescribed drugs in palliative care: morphine, midazolam and haloperidol). Expert opinion: The pharmacokinetics of drugs in terminally ill patients can be complex and limited evidence exists on guided drug use in this population. To improve the quality of life of these patients, more knowledge and more pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamics studies in terminally ill patients are needed to develop individualised dosin

    Role of nurses in medication management at the end of life: a qualitative interview study

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    BACKGROUND: Patients in the last phase of their lives often use many medications. Physicians tend to lack awareness that reviewing the useful

    Varying (preferred) levels of involvement in treatment decision-making in the intensive care unit before and during the COVID-19 pandemic:a mixed-methods study among relatives

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    BackgroundIn the intensive care unit (ICU) relatives play a crucial role as surrogate decision-makers, since most patients cannot communicate due to their illness and treatment. Their level of involvement in decision-making can affect their psychological well-being. During the COVID-19 pandemic, relatives' involvement probably changed. We aim to investigate relatives' involvement in decision-making in the ICU before and during the pandemic and their experiences and preferences in this regard.MethodsA mixed-methods study among relatives of ICU patients admitted to an ICU before or during the COVID-19 pandemic. Relatives in six ICUs completed a questionnaire (n = 329), including two items on decision-making. These were analysed using descriptive statistics and logistic regression analyses. Subsequently, relatives (n = 24) were interviewed about their experiences and preferences regarding decision-making. Thematic analysis was used for analysing the qualitative data.ResultsNearly 55% of the relatives indicated they were at least occasionally asked to be involved in important treatment decisions and of these relatives 97.1% reported to have had enough time to discuss questions and concerns when important decisions were to be made. During the first COVID-19 wave relatives were significantly less likely to be involved in decision-making compared to relatives from pre-COVID-19. The interviews showed that involvement varied from being informed about an already made decision to deliberation about the best treatment option. Preferences for involvement also varied, with some relatives preferring no involvement due to a perceived lack of expertise and others preferring an active role as the patient's advocate. Discussing a patient's quality of life was appreciated by relatives, and according to relatives healthcare professionals also found this valuable. In some cases the preferred and actual involvement was in discordance, preferring either a larger or a smaller role.ConclusionsAs treatment alignment with a patient's values and preferences and accordance between preferred and actual involvement in decision-making is very important, we suggest that the treatment decision-making process should start with discussions about a patient's quality of life, followed by tailoring the process to relatives' preferences as much as possible. Healthcare professionals should be aware of relatives' heterogeneous and possibly changing preferences regarding the decision-making process
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