1,034 research outputs found

    Indole-3-acetic acid regulates the central metabolic pathways in Escherichia coli.

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    The physiological changes induced by indoleacetic acid (IAA) treatment were investigated in the totally sequenced Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655. DNA macroarrays were used to measure the mRNA levels for all the 4290 E. coli protein-coding genes; 50 genes (1-1 %) exhibited significantly different expression profiles. In particular, genes involved in the tricarboxylic acid cycle, the glyoxylate shunt and amino acid biosynthesis (leucine, isoleucine, valine and proline) were up-regulated, whereas the fermentative adhE gene was down-regulated. To confirm the indications obtained from the macroarray analysis the activity of 34 enzymes involved in central metabolism was measured; this showed an activation of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and the glyoxylate shunt. The malic enzyme, involved in the production of pyruvate, and pyruvate dehydrogenase, required for the channelling of pyruvate into acetyl-CoA, were also induced in IAA-treated cells. Moreover, it was shown that the enhanced production of acetyl-CoA and the decrease of NADH/NAD+ ratio are connected with the molecular process of the IAA response. The results demonstrate that IAA treatment is a stimulus capable of inducing changes in gene expression, enzyme activity and metabolite level involved in central metabolic pathways in E. col

    The side chain of glutamine 13 is the acyl-donor amino acid modified by type 2 transglutaminase in subunit T of the native rabbit skeletal muscle troponin complex.

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    Subunit T of the native muscle troponin complex is a recognised substrate of transglutaminase both in vitro and in situ with formation of isopeptide bonds. Using a proteomic approach, we have now determined the precise site of in vitro labelling of the protein. A preparation of troponin purified from ether powder from mixed rabbit skeletal muscles was employed as transglutaminase substrate. The only isoform TnT2F present in our preparation was recognised as acyl-substrate by human type 2 transglutaminase which specifically modified glutamine 13 in the N-terminal region. During the reaction, the troponin protein complex was polymerized. Results are discussed in relation to the structure of the troponin T subunit, in the light of the role of troponins in skeletal and cardiac muscle diseases, and to the rules governing glutamine side chain selection by tissue transglutaminase

    A Novel Approach for an Integrated Straw tube-Microstrip Detector

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    We report on a novel concept of silicon microstrips and straw tubes detector, where integration is accomplished by a straw module with straws not subjected to mechanical tension in a Rohacell Âź^{\circledR} lattice and carbon fiber reinforced plastic shell. Results on mechanical and test beam performances are reported on as well.Comment: Accepted by Transactions on Nuclear Science (2005). 11 pages, 9 figures, uses lnfprep.st

    Lack of correlation between N-myc and MAX expression in neuroblastoma tumors and in cell lines: implication for N-myc-MAX complex formation

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    Detectable levels of MAX messenger RNA were found in a set of human neuroblastoma tumors and established cell lines. MAX mRNA levels were independent of tumor stage and N-myc genomic amplification. By contrast, N-myc mRNA transcripts were detectable only in tumors with amplification of N-myc gene and in cell lines. Analysis by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction and hybridization to specific oligodeoxynucleotide probes revealed approximately equal amounts of two MAX transcripts in all cases analyzed. Immunoprecipitations with a specific antibody to MAX detected two proteins of M(r) 21,000 and 22,000 in approximately equal amounts in all neuroblastoma lines regardless of N-myc amplification and/or expression. On the other hand, protein binding to the myc DNA consensus sequence correlated with N-myc expression in neuroblastoma cells. Thus, N-myc expression might be a limiting factor in the formation of the N-myc-MAX heterodimer in neuroblastomas

    HDAC6 mediates the acetylation of TRIM50

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    The E3 Ubiquitin ligase TRIM50 promotes the formation and clearance of aggresome-associated polyubiquitinated proteins through HDAC6 interaction, a tubulin specific deacetylase that regulates microtubule-dependent aggresome formation. In this report we showed that TRIM50 is a target of HDAC6 with Lys-372 as a critical residue for acetylation. We identified p300 and PCAF as two TRIM50 acetyltransferases and we further showed that a balance between ubiquitination and acetylation regulates TRIM50 degradatio

    A remark on an overdetermined problem in Riemannian Geometry

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    Let (M,g)(M,g) be a Riemannian manifold with a distinguished point OO and assume that the geodesic distance dd from OO is an isoparametric function. Let Ω⊂M\Omega\subset M be a bounded domain, with O∈ΩO \in \Omega, and consider the problem Δpu=−1\Delta_p u = -1 in Ω\Omega with u=0u=0 on ∂Ω\partial \Omega, where Δp\Delta_p is the pp-Laplacian of gg. We prove that if the normal derivative ∂Μu\partial_{\nu}u of uu along the boundary of Ω\Omega is a function of dd satisfying suitable conditions, then Ω\Omega must be a geodesic ball. In particular, our result applies to open balls of Rn\mathbb{R}^n equipped with a rotationally symmetric metric of the form g=dt2+ρ2(t) gSg=dt^2+\rho^2(t)\,g_S, where gSg_S is the standard metric of the sphere.Comment: 8 pages. This paper has been written for possible publication in a special volume dedicated to the conference "Geometric Properties for Parabolic and Elliptic PDE's. 4th Italian-Japanese Workshop", organized in Palinuro in May 201

    Planches comparatives avec bitumes modifiés et ajouts. Rapport final.

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    Les liants modifiĂ©s ont fait leur apparition Ă  grande Ă©chelle il y a une trentaine d'annĂ©es afin d'accroĂźtre les performances mĂ©caniques des revĂȘtements bitumineux. Ce dĂ©veloppement rĂ©pondait Ă  l'accroissement du trafic et Ă  une volontĂ© de rĂ©duire les pĂ©riodes de maintenance qui sont source de gĂȘne pour le trafic et qui directement ou indirectement occasionnent des coĂ»ts suplĂ©mentaires Ă  la sociĂ©tĂ©. En 1988, le Service des Routes Nationales du Valais rĂ©alisait la superstructure et le revĂȘtement de l'autoroute (N9) sur une distance de 15km. Une section fĂ»t mise Ă  disposition pour rĂ©aliser des planches d'essais en vue de comparer le comportement d'enrobĂ©s aux bitumes modifiĂ©s aux polymĂšres et ajouts en regard de celui d'enrobĂ©s bitumineux purs.Dans le but de suivre l'Ă©volution de comportement Ă  long terme, des ascultations systĂ©matiques, ainsi que des prĂ©lĂšvements d'Ă©chantillon et leur analyse ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©chelonnĂ©es sur une pĂ©riode de 10 ans
