298 research outputs found

    Uso de dardos anestésicos para a captura de veados campeiros (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) no Pantanal.

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    Existem poucos relatos sobre a captura de cervídeos na América do Sul. Até hoje, a captura do veado campeiro (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) em vida livre foi feita principalmente com uso de redes, seguida de contenção química. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se a viabilidade de captura de indivíduos da espécie utilizando dardos anestésicos, lançados à distância. Essa técnica, também conhecida como ?darting?, nunca havia sido reportada para captura de O. bezoarticus na natureza, pois se acreditava que os animais morreriam em fuga, devido ao estresse relacionado ao tiro. A fim de evitar tal possibilidade, a técnica apresentada incluiu uma fase longa de abordagem dos animais. No geral, a trajetória descrita durante a aproximação teve formato de espiral em torno dos alvos e, via de regra, o atirador adotou ângulos oblíquos para aproximar-se, até alcançar a condição de tiro (<20 m). Entre os anos de 2005 e 2006, foram realizadas 23 capturas de veados campeiros com uso de Zolazepan + Tiletamina (1:1), na dosagem de 10 mg/kg ou Telazol + Xilazina (2:1), na dosagem de 3 a 4,5 mg/kg e 1,5 a 2,25 mg/kg, respectivamente. Os dardos foram lançados com de pistola de gás comprimido ?dartgun? ou zarabatana. Todos os animais capturados recuperam-se após a captura e nenhuma injúria visível foi registrada. Apenas uma mortalidade foi observada durante o estudo. O método mostrou-se eficaz e pode substituir com vantagens o anterior, uma vez que a equipe necessária é menor e o risco de mortalidade mais baixo. A alternativa apresentada é recomendada para futuras capturas de O. bezoarticus. A experiência do atirador é um fator limitante ao método.bitstream/CPAP/55937/1/BP71.pdfFormato eletrônic

    Registro de Ocorrência de Jacaré-paguá (Paleosuchus palpebrosus), na RPPN Engenheiro Eliezer Batista, Pantanal, Brasil

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    O objetivo central do estudo foi identificar riachos, registrar a ocorrência do jacaré-paguá, Paleosuchus palpebrosus, dentro da área da Reserva e no seu entorno, e propor ações de pesquisas com a espécie em longo prazo.bitstream/item/161350/1/COT60.pdfComunicado Técnico Formato Eletrônico

    Strichartz Estimates for the Vibrating Plate Equation

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    We study the dispersive properties of the linear vibrating plate (LVP) equation. Splitting it into two Schr\"odinger-type equations we show its close relation with the Schr\"odinger equation. Then, the homogeneous Sobolev spaces appear to be the natural setting to show Strichartz-type estimates for the LVP equation. By showing a Kato-Ponce inequality for homogeneous Sobolev spaces we prove the well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for the LVP equation with time-dependent potentials. Finally, we exhibit the sharpness of our results. This is achieved by finding a suitable solution for the stationary homogeneous vibrating plate equation.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, some misprints correcte

    A bird’s eye view on the use of whole exome sequencing in rare congenital ophthalmic diseases

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    Phenotypic and genotypic heterogeneity in congenital ocular diseases, especially in anterior segment dysgenesis (ASD), have created challenges for proper diagnosis and classification of diseases. Over the last decade, genomic research has indeed boosted our understanding in the molecular basis of ASD and genes associated with both autosomal dominant and recessive patterns of inheritance have been described with a wide range of expressivity. Here we describe the molecular characterization of a cohort of 162 patients displaying isolated or syndromic congenital ocular dysgenesis. Samples were analyzed with diverse techniques, such as direct sequencing, multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification, and whole exome sequencing (WES), over 20 years. Our data reiterate the notion that PAX6 alterations are primarily associated with ASD, mostly aniridia, since the majority of the cohort (66.7%) has a pathogenic or likely pathogenic variant in the PAX6 locus. Unexpectedly, a high fraction of positive samples (20.3%) displayed deletions involving the 11p13 locus, either partially/totally involving PAX6 coding region or abolishing its critical regulatory region, underlying its significance. Most importantly, the use of WES has allowed us to both assess variants in known ASD genes (i.e., CYP1B1, ITPR1, MAB21L1, PXDN, and PITX2) and to identify rarer phenotypes (i.e., MIDAS, oculogastrointestinal-neurodevelopmental syndrome and Jacobsen syndrome). Our data clearly suggest that WES allows expanding the analytical portfolio of ocular dysgenesis, both isolated and syndromic, and that is pivotal for the differential diagnosis of those conditions in which there may be phenotypic overlaps and in general in ASD

    Optical frequency fiber dissemination at 10^&#8722;19 uncertainty level in Italy

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    We describe the realization of a coherent optical fiber link for the metrological frequency dissemination on the national scale. This infrastructure will improve the frequency references used in radio-astronomy and in atomic physics and will benefit several laboratories in Italy involved in high resolution spectroscopy, matter physics and radioastronomy. The present infrastructure will be part of a forthcoming European network of optical links. This paper describes the haul implementation, the characterization and the future applications of this backbone. © 2014 AEIT

    Twin beam quantum-enhanced correlated interferometry for testing fundamental physics

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    Quantum metrology deals with improving the resolution of instruments that are otherwise limited by shot noise and it is therefore a promising avenue for enabling scientific breakthroughs. The advantage can be even more striking when quantum enhancement is combined with correlation techniques among several devices. Here, we present and realize a correlation interferometry scheme exploiting bipartite quantum correlated states injected in two independent interferometers. The scheme outperforms classical analogues in detecting a faint signal that may be correlated/uncorrelated between the two devices. We also compare its sensitivity with that obtained for a pair of two independent squeezed modes, each addressed to one interferometer, for detecting a correlated stochastic signal in the MHz frequency band. Being the simpler solution, it may eventually find application to fundamental physics tests, e.g., searching for the effects predicted by some Planck scale theories