1,557 research outputs found

    Identifying Retweetable Tweets with a Personalized Global Classifier

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    In this paper we present a method to identify tweets that a user may find interesting enough to retweet. The method is based on a global, but personalized classifier, which is trained on data from several users, represented in terms of user-specific features. Thus, the method is trained on a sufficient volume of data, while also being able to make personalized decisions, i.e., the same post received by two different users may lead to different classification decisions. Experimenting with a collection of approx.\ 130K tweets received by 122 journalists, we train a logistic regression classifier, using a wide variety of features: the content of each tweet, its novelty, its text similarity to tweets previously posted or retweeted by the recipient or sender of the tweet, the network influence of the author and sender, and their past interactions. Our system obtains F1 approx. 0.9 using only 10 features and 5K training instances.Comment: This is a long paper version of the extended abstract titled "A Personalized Global Filter To Predict Retweets", of the same authors, which was published in the 25th ACM UMAP conference in Bratislava, Slovakia, in July 201

    Interpretation of Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectra in Doped La2_2CuO4_4

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    The nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) spectrum of strontium doped La2_2CuO4_4 surprisingly resembles the NQR spectrum of La2_2CuO4_4 doped with excess oxygen, both spectra being dominated by a main peak and one principal satellite peak at similar frequencies. Using first-principles cluster calculations this is investigated here by calculating the electric field gradient (EFG) at the central copper site of the cluster after replacing a lanthanum atom in the cluster with a strontium atom or adding an interstitial oxygen to the cluster. In each case the EFG was increased by approximately 10 % leading unexpectedly to the explanation that the NQR spectra are only accidentally similar and the origins are quite different. Additionally the widths of the peaks in the NQR spectra are explained by the different EFG of copper centres remote from the impurity. A model, based on holes moving rapidly across the planar oxygen atoms, is proposed to explain the observed increase in frequency of both the main and satellite peaks in the NQR spectrum as the doping concentration is increased

    User Intent Prediction in Information-seeking Conversations

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    Conversational assistants are being progressively adopted by the general population. However, they are not capable of handling complicated information-seeking tasks that involve multiple turns of information exchange. Due to the limited communication bandwidth in conversational search, it is important for conversational assistants to accurately detect and predict user intent in information-seeking conversations. In this paper, we investigate two aspects of user intent prediction in an information-seeking setting. First, we extract features based on the content, structural, and sentiment characteristics of a given utterance, and use classic machine learning methods to perform user intent prediction. We then conduct an in-depth feature importance analysis to identify key features in this prediction task. We find that structural features contribute most to the prediction performance. Given this finding, we construct neural classifiers to incorporate context information and achieve better performance without feature engineering. Our findings can provide insights into the important factors and effective methods of user intent prediction in information-seeking conversations.Comment: Accepted to CHIIR 201

    Nuclear spin-spin coupling in La_{2-x}Sr_{x}CuO_{4} studied by stimulated echo decay

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    We have performed copper NQR experiments in high temperature superconductors YBa_{2}Cu_{4}O_{8}, YBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{7}, and La_{2-x}Sr_{x}CuO_{4} (x=0.12 and 0.15), using the stimulated echo technique. The stimulated echo intensity is analyzed by a model that includes the spin-lattice relaxation process (T_ {1 }-process) and the fluctuating local field due to nuclear spin-spin coupling. The model gives quantitative account of the experimental results in Y-based compounds using the known values of 1/T_{1} and 1/T_{2G}, the gaussian decay rate of the spin echo intensity. The same model applied to LSCO enables us to extract the value of T_{2G}. Our results indicate that T_{1}T/T_{2G} is independent of temperature, implying that the dynamic exponent is one in La_{2-x}Sr_{x}CuO_{4}.Comment: 14 pages, 11 fugures, The bibliography field is correcte

    Phase diagram of YBa2_2Cu3_3O7y_{7-y} at T<<Tc_c based on Cu(2) transverse nuclear relaxation

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    Two maxima in transverse relaxation rate of Cu(2) nuclei in YBa2_2Cu3_3O7y_{7-y} are observed, at T = 35 K and T = 47 K. Comparison of the 63^{63}Cu(2) and 65^{65}Cu(2) rates at T = 47 K indicates the magnetic character of relaxation. The enhancement at T = 47 K of fluctuating local magnetic fields perpendicular to the CuO2_2 planes is connected with the critical fluctuations of orbital currents. Maximum at T = 35 K is connected with the appearance of inhomogeneous supeconducting phase. Together with data published to date, our experimental results allow to suggest a qualitatively new phase diagram of the superconducting phase.Comment: 4 LaTEX pages + 3 figures in *.ps forma

    Magnetic and Structural Studies of the Quasi-Two-Dimensional Spin-Gap System (CuCl)LaNb2O7

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    We report magnetization, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies on the quasi-two-dimensional spin-gap system (CuCl)LaNb2O7, a possible candidate for the J1-J2 model on a square lattice. A sharp single NQR line is observed at the Cu and Cl sites, indicating that both Cu and Cl atoms occupy a unique site. However, the electric field gradient tensors at the Cu, Cl, and La sites do not have axial symmetry. This is incompatible with the reported crystal structure. Thus the J1-J2 model has to be modified. We propose alternative two-dimensional dimer models based on the NMR, NQR, and TEM results. The value of the hyperfine coupling constant at the Cu sites indicates that the spin density is mainly on the d(3z2-r2) orbital (z parallel c). At 1.5 K, Cu- and Nb-NMR signals disappear above the critical field Bc1 = 10.3 T determined from the onset of the magnetization, indicating a field-induced magnetic phase transition at Bc1.Comment: 9 pages, 16 figure

    NMR relaxation rates for the spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain

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    The spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T11/T_1 and the spin echo decay rate 1/T2G1/T_{2G} for the spin-121\over 2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain are calculated using quantum Monte Carlo and maximum entropy analytic continuation. The results are compared with recent analytical calculations by Sachdev. If the nuclear hyperfine form factor AqA_q is strongly peaked around q=πq=\pi the predicted low-temperature behavior [1/T1ln1/2(1/T)1/T_1 \sim \ln{^{1/2}(1/T)}, 1/T2Gln1/2(1/T)/T1/T_{2G} \sim \ln{^{1/2}(1/T)}/\sqrt{T}] extends up to temperatures as high as T/J0.5T/J \approx 0.5. If AqA_q has significant weight for q0q \approx 0 there are large contributions from diffusive long-wavelength processes not taken into account in the theory, and very low temperatures are needed in order to observe the asymptotic T0T \to 0 forms.Comment: 9 pages, Revtex 3.0, 5 uuencoded ps figures To appear in Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Com

    Coulomb suppression of NMR coherence peak in fullerene superconductors

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    The suppressed NMR coherence peak in the fullerene superconductors is explained in terms of the dampings in the superconducting state induced by the Coulomb interaction between conduction electrons. The Coulomb interaction, modelled in terms of the onsite Hubbard repulsion, is incorporated into the Eliashberg theory of superconductivity with its frequency dependence considered self-consistently at all temperatures. The vertex correction is also included via the method of Nambu. The frequency dependent Coulomb interaction induces the substantial dampings in the superconducting state and, consequently, suppresses the anticipated NMR coherence peak of fullerene superconductors as found experimentally.Comment: 4 pages, Revtex, and 2 figures. Revised and final version to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. (1998

    Vector Positronium States in QED3

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    The homogeneous Bethe-Salpeter equation is solved in the quenched ladder approximation for the vector positronium states of 4-component quantum electrodynamics in 2 space and 1 time dimensions. Fermion propagator input is from a Rainbow approximation Dyson-Schwinger solution, with a broad range of fermion masses considered. This work is an extension of earlier work on the scalar spectrum of the same model. The non-relativistic limit is also considered via the large fermion mass limit. Classification of states via their transformation properties under discrete parity transformations allows analogies to be drawn with the meson spectrum of QCD.Comment: 24 pages, 2 encapsulated postscript figure

    Detection by NMR of a "local spin-gap" in quenched CsC60

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    We present a 13C and 133Cs NMR investigation of the CsC60 cubic quenched phase. Previous ESR measurements suggest that this phase is metallic, but NMR reveals contrasting electronic behavior on the local scale. The 13C spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) exhibits a typical metallic behavior down to 50 K, but indicates that a partial spin-gap opens for T<50 K. Unexpectedly, 133Cs NMR shows that there are two inequivalent Cs sites. For one of these sites, the NMR shift and (T1T)^{-1} follow an activated law, confirming the existence of a spin-gap. We ascribe this spin-gap to the occurrence of localized spin-singlets on a small fraction of the C60 molecules.Comment: 4 figure