142 research outputs found

    LandTrendr smoothed spectral profiles enhance woody encroachment monitoring

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    Secondary succession (SS) is one of the main consequences of the abandonment of agricultural and forestry practices in rural areas, causing -among other processes- woody encroachment on former pastures and croplands. In this study we model and monitor the spatial evolution of SS over semi-natural grassland communities in the mountain range of the Pyrenees in Spain, during the last 36 years (1984-2019). Independent variables for ‘annual-based’ and ‘period-based’ modeling were drawn from a suite of Surface Reflectance Landsat images, LandTrendr (LT)-algorithm-adjusted images and LT outputs. Support vector machine (SVM) classifiers were trained and tested using all possible variable combinations of all the aforementioned datasets. The best modeling strategy involved yearly time series of LT-adjusted Tasseled Cap Brightness (TCB) and Wetness (TCW) axes as predictors, attaining a F1-score of 0.85, a Matthew Correlation Coefficient (MCC) of 0.67 and an AUC 0.83. Woodlands encroached above 480, 000 ha of grasslands and crops during the study period. A model using LT outputs for the whole period also denoted good performance (F1-score = 0.85, MCC = 0.75) and estimated a similar area of woodland expansion (~509, 000 ha), but this ‘period’ approach was unable to provide temporal information on the year or the encroachment dynamics. Our results suggest an overall proportion of 66% for the Pyrenees being affected by SS, with higher intensity in the west-central part, decreasing towards the eastern end. © 2021 The Author

    Dynamic expression of Ralstonia solanacearum virulence factors and metabolism-controlling genes during plant infection

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    Altres ajuts: CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya. P. Sebastià received the support of a fellowship (code is LCF/BQ/IN17/11620004) from la Caixa Foundation (identifier [ID] 100010434)Background: Ralstonia solanacearum is the causal agent of bacterial wilt, a devastating plant disease responsible for serious economic losses especially on potato, tomato, and other solanaceous plant species in temperate countries. In R. solanacearum, gene expression analysis has been key to unravel many virulence determinants as well as their regulatory networks. However, most of these assays have been performed using either bacteria grown in minimal medium or in planta, after symptom onset, which occurs at late stages of colonization. Thus, little is known about the genetic program that coordinates virulence gene expression and metabolic adaptation along the different stages of plant infection by R. solanacearum. Results: We performed an RNA-sequencing analysis of the transcriptome of bacteria recovered from potato apoplast and from the xylem of asymptomatic or wilted potato plants, which correspond to three different conditions (Apoplast, Early and Late xylem). Our results show dynamic expression of metabolism-controlling genes and virulence factors during parasitic growth inside the plant. Flagellar motility genes were especially up-regulated in the apoplast and twitching motility genes showed a more sustained expression in planta regardless of the condition. Xylem-induced genes included virulence genes, such as the type III secretion system (T3SS) and most of its related effectors and nitrogen utilisation genes. The upstream regulators of the T3SS were exclusively up-regulated in the apoplast, preceding the induction of their downstream targets. Finally, a large subset of genes involved in central metabolism was exclusively down-regulated in the xylem at late infection stages. Conclusions: This is the first report describing R. solanacearum dynamic transcriptional changes within the plant during infection. Our data define four main genetic programmes that define gene pathogen physiology during plant colonisation. The described expression of virulence genes, which might reflect bacterial states in different infection stages, provides key information on the R. solanacearum potato infection process

    Data and care integration for post-acute intensive care program of stroke patients: effectiveness assessment using a disease-matched comparator cohort

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    Sistemes d'informació, Atenció integrada; Ictus; Atenció domiciliàriaSistemas de información; Atención integrada; Ictus; Atención domiciliariaInformation systems; Integrated care; Stroke; Domiciliary carePurpose: to assess the effectiveness of an integrated care program for post-acute care of stroke patients, the return home program (RHP program), deployed in Barcelona (North-East Spain) between 2016 and 2017 in a context of health and social care information systems integration. Design/methodology/approach: the RHP program was built around an electronic record that integrated health and social care information (with an agreement for coordinated access by all stakeholders) and an operational re-design of the care pathways, which started upon hospital admission instead of discharge. The health outcomes and resource use of the RHP program participants were compared with a population-based matched control group built from central healthcare records of routine care data. Findings: the study included 92 stroke patients attended within the RHP program and the patients’ matched controls. Patients in the intervention group received domiciliary care service, home rehabilitation, and telecare significantly earlier than the matched controls. Within the first two years after the stroke episode, recipients of the RHP program were less frequently institutionalized in a long-term care facility (5 vs 15%). The use of primary care services, non-emergency transport, and telecare services were more frequent in the RHP group

    Mesures i recomanacions per a la COVID-19 dels serveis de centre de dia per a gent gran

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    Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Prevenció; Centres de dia; Gent granCoronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Prevención; Centros de día; AncianosCoronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Prevention; Day centers; SeniorsEl document que es presenta estableix criteris i mesures per adaptar el funcionament dels centres a aquesta nova etapa que s’obre amb la vacunació de les persones usuàries i treballadors. No obstant això, les entitats proveïdores han de poder generar un entorn de seguretat a les persones ateses i al conjunt de professionals davant els riscos del COVID-19

    Clinical significance of pneumatosis intestinalis - correlation of MDCT-findings with treatment and outcome.

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    To evaluate the clinical significance of pneumatosis intestinalis (PI) including the influence on treatment and outcome. Two radiologists jointly reviewed MDCT-examinations of 149 consecutive emergency patients (53 women, mean age 64, range 21-95) with PI of the stomach (n = 4), small (n = 68) and/or large bowel (n = 96). PI extension, distribution and possibly associated porto-mesenteric venous gas (PMVG) were correlated with other MDCT-findings, risk factors, clinical management, laboratory, histopathology, final diagnosis and outcome. The most frequent cause of PI was intestinal ischemia (n = 80,53.7 %), followed by infection (n = 18,12.1 %), obstructive (n = 12,8.1 %) and non-obstructive (n = 10,6.7 %) bowel dilatation, unknown aetiologies (n = 8,5.4 %), drugs (n = 8,5.4 %), inflammation (n = 7,4.7 %), and others (n = 6,4 %). Neither PI distribution nor extension significantly correlated with underlying ischemia. Overall mortality was 41.6 % (n = 62), mostly related to intestinal ischemia (p = 0.003). Associated PMVG significantly correlated with underlying ischemia (p = 0.009), as did the anatomical distribution of PMVG (p = 0.015). Decreased mural contrast-enhancement was the only other MDCT-feature significantly associated with ischemia (p p < 0.001). Elevated white blood count significantly correlated with ischemia (p = 0.03). In emergency patients, ischemia remains the most common aetiology of PI, showing the highest mortality. PI with associated PMVG is an alerting sign. PI together with decreased mural contrast-enhancement indicates underlying ischemia. • In emergency patients, PI may be caused by various disorders. • Intestinal ischemia remains the most common cause of PI in acute situations. • PI associated with decreased mural contrast-enhancement indicates acute intestinal ischemia. • PI associated with PMVG should alert the radiologist to possible underlying ischemia

    Mesures i recomanacions per al maneig de la COVID-19 dels centres i serveis socials d’atenció diürna per a persones amb discapacitat

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    Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Centros de atención diurna; Personas discapacitadasCoronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Centres d'atenció diürna; Persones discapacitadesCoronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Day care centers; Disabled peopleEl document que es presenta estableix criteris i mesures per adaptar el funcionament dels centres a aquesta nova etapa que s’obre amb la vacunació de les persones usuàries i treballadors. No obstant això, les entitats proveïdores han de poder generar un entorn de seguretat a les persones ateses i al conjunt de professionals davant els riscos del COVID-19. L’Administració ha de proporcionar instruccions, pautes, criteris i el suport necessari per a la protecció i l’adaptació dels serveis ocupacionals i d’atenció diürna especialitzada