1,838 research outputs found

    zCOSMOS 10k-bright spectroscopic sample: Exploring mass and environment dependence in early-type galaxies

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    Aims. We present the analysis of the U – V rest-frame color distribution and some spectral features as a function of mass and environment for a sample of early-type galaxies up to z = 1 extracted from the zCOSMOS spectroscopic survey. This analysis is used to place constraints on the relative importance of these two properties in controlling galaxy evolution. Methods. We used the zCOSMOS 10k-bright sample, limited to the AB magnitude range 15 < I < 22.5, from which we extracted two different subsamples of early-type galaxies. The first sample (“red galaxies”) was selected using a photometric classification (2098 galaxies), while in the second case (“ETGs”) we combined morphological, photometric, and spectroscopic properties to obtain a more reliable sample of elliptical, red, passive, early-type galaxies (981 galaxies). The analysis is performed at fixed mass to search for any dependence of the color distribution on environment, and at fixed environment to search for any mass dependence. Results. In agreement with the low redshift results of the SDSS, we find that the color distribution of red galaxies is not strongly dependent on environment for all mass bins, exhibiting only a weak trend such that galaxies in overdense regions (log_(10)(1+Δ) ~ 1.2) are redder than galaxies in underdense regions (log_(10)(1+Δ) ~ 0.1), 
with a difference of = 0.027±0.008 mag. On the other hand, the dependence on mass is far more significant, and we find that the average colors of massive galaxies (log_(10)(M/M_☉) ~ 10.8) are redder by = 0.093±0.007 mag than low-mass galaxies (log_(10)(M/M_☉) ~ 10) 
throughout the entire redshift range. We study the color-mass (U – V)_(rest) ∝ S_M ·log_(10)(M/M_☉) relation, finding a mean slope = 0.12±0.005, while the color-environment (U – V)_(rest) ∝ S_ÎŽ · log_(10)(1+Δ) relation is flatter, with a slope always smaller than S_ÎŽ ≈ 0.04. 
 The spectral analysis that we perform on our ETGs sample is in good agreement with our photometric results: we study the 4000 Å  break and the equivalent width of the HÎŽ Balmer line, finding for D4000 a dependence on mass ( =0.11±0.02 between log_(10)(M/M_☉) ~ 10.2 and log_(10)(M/M_☉) ~ 10.8), and a much weaker dependence on environment ( = 0.05±0.02 between high and low environment quartiles). The same is true for the equivalent width of HÎŽ, for which we measure a difference of ΔEW0(HÎŽ) = 0.28±0.08 Å  across the same mass range and no significant dependence on environment. By analyzing the lookback time of early-type galaxies, we support the possibility of a downsizing scenario, in which massive galaxies with a stronger D4000 and an almost constant equivalent width of HÎŽ formed their mass at higher redshift than lower mass ones. We also conclude that the main driver of galaxy evolution is the galaxy mass, the environment playing a subdominant role

    zCOSMOS – 10k-bright spectroscopic sample : The bimodality in the galaxy stellar mass function: exploring its evolution with redshift

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    We present the galaxy stellar mass function (GSMF) to redshift z ≃ 1, based on the analysis of about 8500 galaxies with I < 22.5 (AB mag) over 1.4 deg^2, which are part of the zCOSMOS-bright 10k spectroscopic sample. We investigate the total GSMF, as well as the contributions of early- and late-type galaxies (ETGs and LTGs, respectively), defined by different criteria (broad-band spectral energy distribution, morphology, spectral properties, or star formation activities). We unveil a galaxy bimodality in the global GSMF, whose shape is more accurately represented by 2 Schechter functions, one linked to the ETG and the other to the LTG populations. For the global population, we confirm a mass-dependent evolution (“mass-assembly downsizing”), i.e., galaxy number density increases with cosmic time by a factor of two between z = 1 and z = 0 for intermediate-to-low mass (log(M/M_⊙) ~ 10.5) galaxies but less than 15% for log(M/M_⊙) > 11.We find that the GSMF evolution at intermediate-to- low values of M(log(M/M_⊙) < 10.6) is mostly explained by the growth in stellar mass driven by smoothly decreasing star formation activities, despite the redder colours predicted in particular at low redshift. The low residual evolution is consistent, on average, with ~0.16 merger per galaxy per Gyr (of which fewer than 0.1 are major), with a hint of a decrease with cosmic time but not a clear dependence on the mass. From the analysis of different galaxy types, we find that ETGs, regardless of the classification method, increase in number density with cosmic time more rapidly with decreasing M, i.e., follow a top-down building history, with a median “building redshift” increasing with mass (z > 1 for log(M/M_⊙) > 11), in contrast to hierarchical model predictions. For LTGs, we find that the number density of blue or spiral galaxies with log(M/M_⊙) > 10 remains almost constant with cosmic time from z ~ 1. Instead, the most extreme population of star-forming galaxies (with high specific star formation), at intermediate/high-mass, rapidly decreases in number density with cosmic time. Our data can be interpreted as a combination of different effects. Firstly, we suggest a transformation, driven mainly by SFH, from blue, active, spiral galaxies of intermediate mass to blue quiescent and subsequently (1−2 Gyr after) red, passive types of low specific star formation. We find an indication that the complete morphological transformation, probably driven by dynamical processes, into red spheroidal galaxies, occurred on longer timescales or followed after 1−2 Gyr. A continuous replacement of blue galaxies is expected to be accomplished by low-mass active spirals increasing their stellar mass. We estimate the growth rate in number and mass density of the red galaxies at different redshifts and masses. The corresponding fraction of blue galaxies that, at any given time, is transforming into red galaxies per Gyr, due to the quenching of their SFR, is on average ~25% for log(M/M_⊙) < 11. We conclude that the build-up of galaxies and in particular of ETGs follows the same downsizing trend with mass (i.e. occurs earlier for high-mass galaxies) as the formation of their stars and follows the converse of the trend predicted by current SAMs. In this scenario, we expect there to be a negligible evolution of the galaxy baryonic mass function (GBMF) for the global population at all masses and a decrease with cosmic time in the GBMF for the blue galaxy population at intermediate-high masses

    The 10k zCOSMOS: Morphological Transformation of Galaxies in the Group Environment Since z ~1

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    We study the evolution of galaxies inside and outside of the group environment since z = 1 using a large well-defined set of groups and galaxies from the zCOSMOS-bright redshift survey in the COSMOS field. The fraction of galaxies with early-type morphologies increases monotonically with M_B luminosity and stellar mass and with cosmic epoch. It is higher in the groups than elsewhere, especially at later epochs. The emerging environmental effect is superposed on a strong global mass-driven evolution, and at z ~ 0.5 and log(M _*/M_⊙) ~ 10.2, the "effect" of the group environment is equivalent to (only) about 0.2 dex in stellar mass or 2 Gyr in time. The stellar mass function of galaxies in groups is enriched in massive galaxies. We directly determine the transformation rates from late to early morphologies, and for transformations involving color and star formation indicators. The transformation rates are systematically about twice as high in the groups as outside, or up to three to four times higher correcting for infall and the appearance of new groups. The rates reach values as high as 0.3-0.7 Gyr^(–1) in the groups (for masses around the crossing mass 10^(10.5) M_⊙), implying transformation timescales of 1.4-3 Gyr, compared with less than 0.2 Gyr^(–1), i.e., timescales >5 Gyr, outside of groups. All three transformation rates decrease at higher stellar masses, and must also decrease at lower masses below 10^(10) M _⊙ which we cannot probe well. The rates involving color and star formation are consistently higher than those for morphology, by a factor of about 50%. Our conclusion is that the transformations that drive the evolution of the overall galaxy population since z ~ 1 must occur at a rate two to four times higher in groups than outside of them

    High mass star formation in the galaxy

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    The Galactic distributions of HI, H2, and HII regions are reviewed in order to elucidate the high mass star formation occurring in galactic spiral arms and in active galactic nuclei. Comparison of the large scale distributions of H2 gas and radio HII regions reveals that the rate of formation of OB stars depends on (n sub H2) sup 1.9 where (n sub H2) is the local mean density of H2 averaged over 300 pc scale lengths. In addition the efficiency of high mass star formation is a decreasing function of cloud mass in the range 200,000 to 3,000,000 solar mass. These results suggest that high mass star formation in the galactic disk is initiated by cloud-cloud collisions which are more frequent in the spiral arms due to orbit crowding. Cloud-cloud collisions may also be responsible for high rates of OB star formation in interacting galaxies and galactic nuclei. Based on analysis of the Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS) and CO data for selected GMCs in the Galaxy, the ratio L sub IR/M sub H2 can be as high as 30 solar luminosity/solar mass for GMCs associated with HII regions. The L sub IR/M sub H2 ratios and dust temperature obtained in many of the high luminosity IRAS galaxies are similar to those encountered in galactic GMCs with OB star formation. High mass star formation is therefore a viable explanation for the high infrared luminosity of these galaxies

    Tracking the impact of environment on the galaxy stellar mass function up to z ~ 1 in the 10 k zCOSMOS sample

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    We study the impact of the environment on the evolution of galaxies in the zCOSMOS 10 k sample in the redshift range 0.1 ≀ z ≀ 1.0 over an area of ~1.5 deg^2. The considered sample of secure spectroscopic redshifts contains about 8500 galaxies, with their stellar masses estimated by SED fitting of the multiwavelength optical to near-infrared (NIR) photometry. The evolution of the galaxy stellar mass function (GSMF) in high and low density regions provides a tool to study the mass assembly evolution in different environments; moreover, the contributions to the GSMF from different galaxy types, as defined by their SEDs and their morphologies, can be quantified. At redshift z ~ 1, the GSMF is only slightly dependent on environment, but at lower redshifts the shapes of the GSMFs in high- and low-density environments become extremely different, with high density regions exhibiting a marked bimodality, not reproducible by a single Schechter function. As a result of this analysis, we infer that galaxy evolution depends on both the stellar mass and the environment, the latter setting the probability of a galaxy to have a given mass: all the galaxy properties related to the stellar mass show a dependence on environment, reflecting the difference observed in the mass functions. The shapes of the GSMFs of early- and late-type galaxies are almost identical for the extremes of the density contrast we consider, ranging from isolated galaxies to rich group members. The evolution toward z = 0 of the transition mass M_(cross), i.e., the mass at which the early- and late-type GSMFs match each other, is more rapid in high density environments, because of a difference in the evolution of the normalisation of GSMFs compared to the total one in the considered environment. The same result is found by studying the relative contributions of different galaxy types, implying that there is a more rapid evolution in overdense regions, in particular for intermediate stellar masses. The rate of evolution is different for sets of galaxy types divided on the basis of their SEDs or their morphologies, tentatively suggesting that the migration from the blue cloud to the red sequence occurs on a shorter timescale than the transformation from disc-like morphologies to ellipticals. Our analysis suggests that environmental mechanisms of galaxy transformation start to be more effective at z < 1. The comparison of the observed GSMFs to the same quantities derived from a set of mock catalogues based on semi-analytical models shows disagreement, in both low and high density environments: in particular, blue galaxies in sparse environments are overproduced in the semi-analytical models at intermediate and high masses, because of a deficit of star formation suppression, while at z < 0.5 an excess of red galaxies is present in dense environments at intermediate and low masses, because of the overquenching of satellites

    Molecular hydrogen in the galaxy and galactic gamma rays

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    Recent surveys of 2.6 mm CO emission and 100 MeV gamma-radiation in the galactic plane reveal a striking correlation suggesting that both emissions may be primarily proportional to the line-of-sight column density of H2 in the inner galaxy. Both the gamma ray and CO data suggest a prominent ring or arm consisting of cool clouds of H2 at a galactocentric distance of approximately 5 kpc with a mean density of approximately 4 atoms/cu cm. The importance of H2 in understanding galactic gamma ray observations is also reflected in the correlation of galactic latitude distribution of gamma rays and dense dust clouds. A detailed calculation of the gamma ray flux distribution in the 0 deg to 180 deg range using the CO data to obtain the average distribution of molecular clouds in the galaxy shows that most of the enhancement in the inner galaxy is due to pion-decay radiation and the 5 kpc ring plays a major role. Detailed agreement with the gamma ray data is obtained with the additional inclusion of contributions from bremsstrahlung and Compton radiation of secondary electrons and Compton radiation from the intense radiation field near the galactic center

    Herschel Survey of the Palomar-Green QSOs at Low Redshift

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    We investigate the global cold dust properties of 85 nearby (z < 0.5) QSOs, chosen from the Palomar-Green sample of optically luminous quasars. We determine their infrared spectral energy distributions and estimate their rest-frame luminosities by combining Herschel data from 70 to 500 microns with near-infrared and mid-infrared measurements from the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) and the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE). In most sources the far-infrared (FIR) emission can be attributed to thermally heated dust. Single temperature modified black body fits to the FIR photometry give an average dust temperature for the sample of 33~K, with a standard deviation of 8~K, and an average dust mass of 7E6 Solar Masses with a standard deviation of 9E6 Solar Masses. Estimates of star-formation that are based on the FIR continuum emission correlate with those based on the 11.3 microns PAH feature, however, the star-formation rates estimated from the FIR continuum are higher than those estimated from the 11.3 microns PAH emission. We attribute this result to a variety of factors including the possible destruction of the PAHs and that, in some sources, a fraction of the FIR originates from dust heated by the active galactic nucleus and by old stars.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ
