337 research outputs found

    Numerical treatment of the Filament Based Lamellipodium Model (FBLM)

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    We describe in this work the numerical treatment of the Filament Based Lamellipodium Model (FBLM). The model itself is a two-phase two-dimensional continuum model, describing the dynamics of two interacting families of locally parallel F-actin filaments. It includes, among others, the bending stiffness of the filaments, adhesion to the substrate, and the cross-links connecting the two families. The numerical method proposed is a Finite Element Method (FEM) developed specifically for the needs of these problem. It is comprised of composite Lagrange-Hermite two dimensional elements defined over two dimensional space. We present some elements of the FEM and emphasise in the numerical treatment of the more complex terms. We also present novel numerical simulations and compare to in-vitro experiments of moving cells

    Global existence for chemotaxis with finite sampling radius

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    Migrating cells measure the external environment through receptor-binding of specific chemicals at their outer cell membrane. In this paper this non-local sampling is incorporated into a chemotactic model. The existence of global bounded solutions of the non-local model is proven for bounded and unbounded domains in any space dimension. According to a recent classification of spikes and plateaus, it is shown that steady state solutions cannot be of spike-type. Finally, numerical simulations support the theoretical results, illustrating the ability of the model to give rise to pattern formation. Some biologically relevant extensions of the model are also considered

    On nonlinear conservation laws with a nonlocal diffusion term

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    AbstractScalar one-dimensional conservation laws with a nonlocal diffusion term corresponding to a Riesz–Feller differential operator are considered. Solvability results for the Cauchy problem in L∞ are adapted from the case of a fractional derivative with homogeneous symbol. The main interest of this work is the investigation of smooth shock profiles. In the case of a genuinely nonlinear smooth flux function we prove the existence of such travelling waves, which are monotone and satisfy the standard entropy condition. Moreover, the dynamic nonlinear stability of the travelling waves under small perturbations is proven, similarly to the case of the standard diffusive regularisation, by constructing a Lyapunov functional

    Kinetic modelling of colonies of myxobacteria

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    A new kinetic model for the dynamics of myxobacteria colonies on flat surfaces is derived formally, and first analytical and numerical results are presented. The model is based on the assumption of hard binary collisions of two different types: alignment and reversal. We investigate two different versions: a) realistic rod-shaped bacteria and b) artificial circular shaped bacteria called Maxwellian myxos in reference to the similar simplification of the gas dynamics Boltzmann equation for Maxwellian molecules. The sum of the corresponding collision operators produces relaxation towards nematically aligned equilibria, i.e. two groups of bacteria polarized in opposite directions. For the spatially homogeneous model a global existence and uniqueness result is proved as well as exponential decay to equilibrium for special initial conditions and for Maxwellian myxos. Only partial results are available for the rod-shaped case. These results are illustrated by numerical simulations, and a formal discussion of the macroscopic limit is presented

    Pricing-Strategien in der KFZ-Versicherung

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    Invalidität in der Schweiz - Einflussfaktoren und zukünftige Entwicklung

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