2,333 research outputs found

    Carter's constant revealed

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    A new formulation of Carter's constant for geodesic motion in Kerr black holes is given. It is shown that Carter's constant corresponds to the total angular momentum plus a precisely defined part which is quadratic in the linear momenta. The characterization is exact in the weak field limit obtained by letting the gravitational constant go to zero. It is suggested that the new form can be useful in current studies of the dynamics of extreme mass ratio inspiral (EMRI) systems emitting gravitational radiation.Comment: Minor changes to match published versio

    Random Boolean Network Models and the Yeast Transcriptional Network

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    The recently measured yeast transcriptional network is analyzed in terms of simplified Boolean network models, with the aim of determining feasible rule structures, given the requirement of stable solutions of the generated Boolean networks. We find that for ensembles of generated models, those with canalyzing Boolean rules are remarkably stable, whereas those with random Boolean rules are only marginally stable. Furthermore, substantial parts of the generated networks are frozen, in the sense that they reach the same state regardless of initial state. Thus, our ensemble approach suggests that the yeast network shows highly ordered dynamics.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum Spin Tomography in Ferromagnet-Normal Conductors

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    We present a theory for a complete reconstruction of non-local spin correlations in ferromagnet-normal conductors. This quantum spin tomography is based on cross correlation measurements of electric currents into ferromagnetic terminals with controllable magnetization directions. For normal injectors, non-local spin correlations are universal and strong. The correlations are suppressed by spin-flip scattering and, for ferromagnetic injectors, by increasing injector polarization.Comment: 4+ page

    Quantum pump driven fermionic Mach-Zehnder interferometer

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    We have investigated the characteristics of the currents in a pump-driven fermionic Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The system is implemented in a conductor in the quantum Hall regime, with the two interferometer arms enclosing an Aharonov-Bohm flux Φ\Phi. Two quantum point contacts with transparency modulated periodically in time drive the current and act as beam-splitters. The current has a flux dependent part I(Φ)I^{(\Phi)} as well as a flux independent part I(0)I^{(0)}. Both current parts show oscillations as a function of frequency on the two scales determined by the lengths of the interferometer arms. In the non-adiabatic, high frequency regime I(Φ)I^{(\Phi)} oscillates with a constant amplitude while the amplitude of the oscillations of I(0)I^{(0)} increases linearly with frequency. The flux independent part I(0)I^{(0)} is insensitive to temperature while the flux dependent part I(Φ)I^{(\Phi)} is exponentially suppressed with increasing temperature. We also find that for low amplitude, adiabatic pumping rectification effects are absent for semitransparent beam-splitters. Inelastic dephasing is introduced by coupling one of the interferometer arms to a voltage probe. For a long charge relaxation time of the voltage probe, giving a constant probe potential, I(Φ)I^{(\Phi)} and the part of I(0)I^{(0)} flowing in the arm connected to the probe are suppressed with increased coupling to the probe. For a short relaxation time, with the potential of the probe adjusting instantaneously to give zero time dependent current at the probe, only I(Φ)I^{(\Phi)} is suppressed by the coupling to the probe.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Reversible, calcium-dependent membrane association of human leukocyte 5-lipoxygenase.

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    Elastic Stars in General Relativity: II. Radial perturbations

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    We study radial perturbations of general relativistic stars with elastic matter sources. We find that these perturbations are governed by a second order differential equation which, along with the boundary conditions, defines a Sturm-Liouville type problem that determines the eigenfrequencies. Although some complications arise compared to the perfect fluid case, leading us to consider a generalisation of the standard form of the Sturm-Liouville equation, the main results of Sturm-Liouville theory remain unaltered. As an important consequence we conclude that the mass-radius curve for a one-parameter sequence of regular equilibrium models belonging to some particular equation of state can be used in the same well-known way as in the perfect fluid case, at least if the energy density and the tangential pressure of the background solutions are continuous. In particular we find that the fundamental mode frequency has a zero for the maximum mass stars of the models with solid crusts considered in Paper I of this series.Comment: 22 pages, no figures, final version accepted for publication in Class. Quantum Grav. The treatment of the junction conditions has been improve

    Quantum teleportation by particle-hole annihilation in the Fermi sea

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    A tunnel barrier in a degenerate electron gas was recently discovered as a source of entangled particle-hole excitations. The entanglement is produced by elastic tunneling events, without requiring electron-electron interactions. Here we investigate the inverse process, the annihilation of an electron and a hole by elastic scattering. We find that this process leads to teleportation of the (unknown) state of the annihilated electron to a second, distant electron -- if the latter was previously entangled with the annihilated hole. We propose an experiment, involving low-frequency noise measurements on a two-dimensional electron gas in a high magnetic field, to detect teleportation of electrons and holes in the two lowest Landau levels.Comment: 5 pages including 2 figures; [2017: fixed broken postscript figures

    Pump-probe scheme for electron-photon dynamics in hybrid conductor-cavity systems

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    Recent experiments on nanoscale conductors coupled to microwave cavities put in prospect transport investigations of electron-photon interplay in the deep quantum regime. Here we propose a pump-probe scheme to investigate the transient dynamics of individual electron-photon excitations in a double quantum dot-cavity system. Excitations pumped into the system decay via charge tunneling at the double dot, probed in real time. We investigate theoretically the short-time charge transfer statistics at the dot, for periodic pumping, and show that this gives access to vacuum Rabi oscillations as well as excitation dynamics in the presence of double dot dephasing and relaxation.Comment: 5 Pages, 5 figure
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