17 research outputs found

    Critical Susceptibility Exponent Measured from Fe/W(110) Bilayers

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    The critical phase transition in ferromagnetic ultrathin Fe/W(110) films has been studied using the magnetic ac susceptibility. A statistically objective, unconstrained fitting of the susceptibility is used to extract values for the critical exponent (gamma), the critical temperature Tc, the critical amplitude (chi_o) and the range of temperature that exhibits power-law behaviour. A fitting algorithm was used to simultaneously minimize the statistical variance of a power law fit to individual experimental measurements of chi(T). This avoids systematic errors and generates objective fitting results. An ensemble of 25 measurements on many different films are analyzed. Those which permit an extended fitting range in reduced temperature lower than approximately .00475 give an average value gamma=1.76+-0.01. Bilayer films give a weighted average value of gamma = 1.75+-0.02. These results are in agreement with the -dimensional Ising exponent gamma= 7/4. Measurements that do not exhibit power-law scaling as close to Tc (especially films of thickness 1.75ML) show a value of gamma higher than the Ising value. Several possibilities are considered to account for this behaviour.Comment: -Submitted to Phys. Rev. B -Revtex4 Format -6 postscript figure

    Integrative analysis of multimodal mass spectrometry data in MZmine 3

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    3 Pág.We thank Christopher Jensen and Gauthier Boaglio for their contributions to the MZmine codebase. We thank Jianbo Zhang and Zachary Russ for their donations to MZmine development. The MZmine 3 logo was designed by the Bioinformatics & Research Computing group at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research. T.P. is supported by Czech Science Foundation (GA CR) grant 21-11563M and by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement 891397. Support for P.C.D. was from US NIH U19 AG063744, P50HD106463, 1U24DK133658 and BBSRC-NSF award 2152526. T.S. acknowledges funding by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (441958208). M. Wang acknowledges the US Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute ( https://ror.org/04xm1d337 , a DOE Office of Science User Facility) and is supported by the Office of Science of the US Department of Energy operated under subcontract No. 7601660. E.R. and H.H. thank Wen Jiang (HILICON AB) for providing the iHILIC Fusion(+) column for HILIC measurements. M.F., K.D. and S.B. are supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (BO 1910/20). L.-F.N. is supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (project 189921). D.P. was supported through the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) through the CMFI Cluster of Excellence (EXC-2124 — 390838134 project-ID 1-03.006_0) and the Collaborative Research Center CellMap (TRR 261 - 398967434). J.-K.W. acknowledges the US National Science Foundation (MCB-1818132), the US Department of Agriculture, and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. MZmine developers have received support from the European COST Action CA19105 — Pan-European Network in Lipidomics and EpiLipidomics (EpiLipidNET). We acknowledge the support of the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program, which has funded the development of several MZmine modules through student projects. We thank Adam Tenderholt for introducing MZmine to the GSoC program.Peer reviewe