1,270 research outputs found

    Imaging the lateral shift of a quantum-point contact using scanning-gate microscopy

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    We perform scanning-gate microscopy on a quantum-point contact. It is defined in a high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas of an AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructure, giving rise to a weak disorder potential. The lever arm of the scanning tip is significantly smaller than that of the split gates defining the conducting channel of the quantum-point contact. We are able to observe that the conducting channel is shifted in real space when asymmetric gate voltages are applied. The observed shifts are consistent with transport data and numerical estimations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Scanning-gate-induced effects and spatial mapping of a cavity

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    Tailored electrostatic potentials are the foundation of scanning gate microscopy. We present several aspects of the tip-induced potential on the two-dimensional electron gas. First, we give methods on how to estimate the size of the tip-induced potential. Then, a ballistic cavity is formed and studied as a function of the bias-voltage of the metallic top gates and probed with the tip-induced potential. It is shown how the potential of the cavity changes by tuning the system to a regime where conductance quantization in the constrictions formed by the tip and the top gates occurs. This conductance quantization leads to a unprecedented rich fringe pattern over the entire structure. Finally, the effect of electrostatic screening of the metallic top gates is discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Locally induced quantum interference in scanning gate experiments

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    We present conductance measurements of a ballistic circular stadium influenced by a scanning gate. When the tip depletes the electron gas below, we observe very pronounced and regular fringes covering the entire stadium. The fringes correspond to transmitted modes in constrictions formed between the tip-induced potential and the boundaries of the stadium. Moving the tip and counting the fringes gives us exquisite control over the transmission of these constrictions. We use this control to form a quantum ring with a specific number of modes in each arm showing the Aharonov-Bohm effect in low-field magnetoconductance measurements.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Ab initio many-body calculation of excitons in solid Ne and Ar

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    Absorption spectra, exciton energy levels and wave functions for solid Ne and Ar have been calculated from first principles using many-body techniques. Electronic band structures of Ne and Ar were calculated using the GW approximation. Exciton states were calculated by diagonalizing an exciton Hamiltonian derived from the particle-hole Green function, whose equation of motion is the Bethe-Salpeter equation. Singlet and triplet exciton series up to n=5 for Ne and n=3 for Ar were obtained. Binding energies and longitudinal-transverse splittings of n=1 excitons are in excellent agreement with experiment. Plots of correlated electron-hole wave functions show that the electron-hole complex is delocalised over roughly 7 a.u. in solid Ar.Comment: 6 page

    Connections of activated hopping processes with the breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein relation and with aspects of dynamical heterogeneities

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    We develop a new extended version of the mode-coupling theory (MCT) for glass transition, which incorporates activated hopping processes via the dynamical theory originally formulated to describe diffusion-jump processes in crystals. The dynamical-theory approach adapted here to glass-forming liquids treats hopping as arising from vibrational fluctuations in quasi-arrested state where particles are trapped inside their cages, and the hopping rate is formulated in terms of the Debye-Waller factors characterizing the structure of the quasi-arrested state. The resulting expression for the hopping rate takes an activated form, and the barrier height for the hopping is ``self-generated'' in the sense that it is present only in those states where the dynamics exhibits a well defined plateau. It is discussed how such a hopping rate can be incorporated into MCT so that the sharp nonergodic transition predicted by the idealized version of the theory is replaced by a rapid but smooth crossover. We then show that the developed theory accounts for the breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein relation observed in a variety of fragile glass formers. It is also demonstrated that characteristic features of dynamical heterogeneities revealed by recent computer simulations are reproduced by the theory. More specifically, a substantial increase of the non-Gaussian parameter, double-peak structure in the probability distribution of particle displacements, and the presence of a growing dynamic length scale are predicted by the extended MCT developed here, which the idealized version of the theory failed to reproduce. These results of the theory are demonstrated for a model of the Lennard-Jones system, and are compared with related computer-simulation results and experimental data.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure
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