60 research outputs found

    Effects of resuscitation with crystalloid fluids on cardiac function in patients with severe sepsis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The use of hypertonic crystalloid solutions, including sodium chloride and bicarbonate, for treating severe sepsis has been much debated in previous investigations. We have investigated the effects of three crystalloid solutions on fluid resuscitation in severe sepsis patients with hypotension.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Ninety-four severe sepsis patients with hypotension were randomly assigned to three groups. The patients received the following injections within 15 min at initial treatment: Ns group (n = 32), 5 ml/kg normal saline; Hs group (n = 30), with 5 ml/kg 3.5% sodium chloride; and Sb group (n = 32), 5 ml/kg 5% sodium bicarbonate. Cardiac output (CO), systolic blood pressure, mean arterial pressure (MAP), body temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate and blood gases were measured.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were no differences among the three groups in CO, MAP, heart rate or respiratory rate during the 120 min trial or the 8 hour follow-up, and no significant differences in observed mortality rate after 28 days. However, improvement of MAP and CO started earlier in the Sb group than in the Ns and Hs groups. Sodium bicarbonate increased the base excess but did not alter blood pH, lactic acid or [HCO<sub>3</sub>]<sup>- </sup>values; and neither 3.5% hypertonic saline nor 5% sodium bicarbonate altered the Na<sup>+</sup>, K<sup>+</sup>, Ca<sup>2+ </sup>or Cl<sup>- </sup>levels.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>All three crystalloid solutions may be used for initial volume loading in severe sepsis, and sodium bicarbonate confers a limited benefit on humans with severe sepsis.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>ISRCTN36748319.</p

    Data for: Contact between rough rock surfaces using a dual mortar method

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    This files contain the surface meshes generated from asperity scans of granite samples from the Grimsel test site. They have been used to create the geometries used in this paper. For convenience we also add .jou file which contains the commands to generate exodus files for the use in MOOSE

    Der dreissigjährige Kampf um eine rätische Alpenbahn...

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    von P.C. Plant

    Mein Lebensgang

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    P.C. Planta(Mit Portrait des Verfassers

    Data for: Contact between rough rock surfaces using a dual mortar method

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    This files contain the surface meshes generated from asperity scans of granite samples from the Grimsel test site. They have been used to create the geometries used in this paper. For convenience we also add .jou file which contains the commands to generate exodus files for the use in MOOSE.THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

    Marktpotenzial der Innovation.

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    Das f&uuml;nfte Kapitel widmet sich der Frage, wie die Zahl der potenziellen Kunden bestimmt werden kann, sowie welche weiteren Kennzahlen f&uuml;r die Marktanalyse wichtig sind und wie sie ermittelt werden k&ouml;nnen. Neben einer allgemeinen Darstellung des Themas &bdquo;Marktanalyse&ldquo; f&uuml;r die Gesundheitswirtschaft wird auch auf Spezifika im Gesundheitswesen eingegangen. Zudem gibt das Kapitel einen &Uuml;berblick &uuml;ber relevante Informationsquellen