14 research outputs found

    The Dayton division of Bosnia and other core allocations

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    The paper evaluates the Dayton Peace Agreement division of Bosnia. Based on Census data from 1991 and under plausible assumptions on all territories (pure ethnic and mixed as well), cooperative core allocations are applied to divide the country into its three parts. The highest share, which is received by the Serbs (the nucleolus solution), is 459 square km less than the respective Dayton share. Serbs, however, benefit from the goal programming implementation of that solution, since less of them are forced to leave their homes, compared to the Dayton division In general, the redrawn nucleolus map of Bosnia, is approximately 93% identical to the Dayton Peace Agreement map.

    Value Based Benchmarking and Market Partitioning

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    The paper offers an analytical approach for an integrated treatment of market partitioning and benchmarking within a Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) framework. Based on an empirical example from the automotive industry we measure product efficiency from the customers perspective. This is interpreted as customer value, i. e., as a ratio of outputs that customers obtain from a product (e. g., resale value, reliability) and inputs that customers have to invest (e. g., price, running costs). Products offering a maximum customer value relative to all other alternatives represent efficient peers, which constitute benchmarks for different sub-markets. All products benchmarked via the same efficient peer(s) constitute a sub-market including the benchmarks