20,774 research outputs found

    Growth of Epitaxial Oxide Thin Films on Graphene

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    The transfer process of graphene onto the surface of oxide substrates is well known. However, for many devices, we require high quality oxide thin films on the surface of graphene. This step is not understood. It is not clear why the oxide should adopt the epitaxy of the underlying oxide layer when it is deposited on graphene where there is no lattice match. To date there has been no explanation or suggestion of mechanisms which clarify this step. Here we show a mechanism, supported by first principles simulation and structural characterisation results, for the growth of oxide thin films on graphene. We describe the growth of epitaxial SrTiO3 (STO) thin films on a graphene and show that local defects in the graphene layer (e.g. grain boundaries) act as bridgepillar spots that enable the epitaxial growth of STO thin films on the surface of the graphene layer. This study, and in particular the suggestion of a mechanism for epitaxial growth of oxides on graphene, offers new directions to exploit the development of oxide/graphene multilayer structures and devices

    Bosonic resonating valence bond wave function for doped Mott insulators

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    We propose a new class of ground states for doped Mott insulators in the electron second-quantization representation. They are obtained from a bosonic resonating valence bond (RVB) theory of the t-J model. At half filling, the ground state describes spin correlations of the S=1/2 Heisenberg model very accurately. Its spin degrees of freedom are characterized by RVB pairing of spins, the size of which decreases continuously as holes are doped into the system. Charge degrees of freedom emerge upon doping and are described by twisted holes in the RVB background. We show that the twisted holes exhibit an off diagonal long range order (ODLRO) in the pseudogap ground state, which has a finite pairing amplitude, but is short of phase coherence. Unpaired spins in such a pseudogap ground state behave as free vortices, preventing superconducting phase coherence. The existence of nodal quasiparticles is also ensured by such a hidden ODLRO in the ground state, which is non-Fermi-liquid-like in the absence of superconducting phase coherence. Two distinct types of spin excitations can also be constructed. The superconducting instability of the pseudogap ground state is discussed and a d-wave superconducting ground state is obtained. This class of pseudogap and superconducting ground states unifies antiferromagnetism, pseudogap, superconductivity, and Mott physics into a new state of matter.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures, final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Charmless BPV,VVB \to PV, VV decays and new physics effects in the mSUGRA model

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    By employing the QCD factorization approach, we calculate the new physics contributions to the branching radios of the two-body charmless BPV B \to PV and BVVB \to VV decays in the framework of the minimal supergravity (mSUGRA) model. we choose three typical sets of the mSUGRA input parameters in which the Wilson coefficient C7γ(mb)C_{7\gamma}(m_b) can be either SM-like (the case A and C) or has a flipped-sign (the case B). We found numerically that (a) the SUSY contributions are always very small for both case A and C; (b) for those tree-dominated decays, the SUSY contributions in case B are also very small; (c) for those QCD penguin-dominated decay modes, the SUSY contributions in case B can be significant, and can provide an enhancement about 3030% \sim 260% to the branching ratios of BK(π,ϕ,ρ)B \to K^*(\pi,\phi,\rho) and KϕK \phi decays, but a reduction about 3030% \sim 80% to BK(ρ,ω) B\to K(\rho, \omega) decays; and (d) the large SUSY contributions in the case B may be masked by the large theoretical errors dominated by the uncertainty from our ignorance of calculating the annihilation contributions in the QCD factorization approach.Comment: 34 pages, 8 PS figures, this is the correct version

    Reversible Fluorination of Graphene: towards a Two-Dimensional Wide Bandgap Semiconductor

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    We report the synthesis and evidence of graphene fluoride, a two-dimensional wide bandgap semiconductor derived from graphene. Graphene fluoride exhibits hexagonal crystalline order and strongly insulating behavior with resistance exceeding 10 GΩ\Omega at room temperature. Electron transport in graphene fluoride is well described by variable-range hopping in two dimensions due to the presence of localized states in the band gap. Graphene obtained through the reduction of graphene fluoride is highly conductive, exhibiting a resistivity of less than 100 kΩ\Omega at room temperature. Our approach provides a new path to reversibly engineer the band structure and conductivity of graphene for electronic and optical applications.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, revtex, to appear in PR

    On the structure of the scalar mesons f0(975)f_0(975) and a0(980)a_0(980)

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    We investigate the structure of the scalar mesons f0(975)f_0(975) and a0(980)a_0(980) within realistic meson-exchange models of the ππ\pi\pi and πη\pi\eta interactions. Starting from a modified version of the J\"ulich model for ππ\pi\pi scattering we perform an analysis of the pole structure of the resulting scattering amplitude and find, in contrast to existing models, a somewhat large mass for the f0(975)f_0(975) (mf0=1015m_{f_0}=1015 MeV, Γf0=30\Gamma_{f_0}=30 MeV). It is shown that our model provides a description of J/ψϕππ/ϕKKJ/\psi\rightarrow\phi\pi\pi/\phi KK data comparable in quality with those of alternative models. Furthermore, the formalism developed for the ππ\pi\pi system is consistently extended to the πη\pi\eta interaction leading to a description of the a0(980)a_0(980) as a dynamically generated threshold effect (which is therefore neither a conventional qqq\overline{q} state nor a KKK\overline{K} bound state). Exploring the corresponding pole position the a0(980)a_0(980) is found to be rather broad (ma0=991m_{a_0}=991 MeV, Γa0=202\Gamma_{a_0}=202 MeV). The experimentally observed smaller width results from the influence of the nearby KKK\overline{K} threshold on this pole.Comment: 25 pages, 15 Postscript figure

    Evolution of InAs branches in InAs/GaAs nanowire heterostructures

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    Branched nanowireheterostructures of InAs∕GaAs were observed during Au-assisted growth of InAs on GaAsnanowires. The evolution of these branches has been determined through detailed electron microscopy characterization with the following sequence: (1) in the initial stage of InAsgrowth, the Au droplet is observed to slide down the side of the GaAsnanowire, (2) the downward movement of Aunanoparticle later terminates when the nanoparticle encounters InAsgrowing radially on the GaAsnanowire sidewalls, and (3) with further supply of In and As vapor reactants, the Aunanoparticles assist the formation of InAs branches with a well-defined orientation relationship with GaAs∕InAs core/shell stems. We anticipate that these observations advance the understanding of the kink formation in axial nanowireheterostructures.The Australian Research Council is acknowledged for the financial support of this project. One of the authors M.P. acknowledges the support of an International Postgraduate Research Scholarship

    Equation-Free Dynamic Renormalization: Self-Similarity in Multidimensional Particle System Dynamics

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    We present an equation-free dynamic renormalization approach to the computational study of coarse-grained, self-similar dynamic behavior in multidimensional particle systems. The approach is aimed at problems for which evolution equations for coarse-scale observables (e.g. particle density) are not explicitly available. Our illustrative example involves Brownian particles in a 2D Couette flow; marginal and conditional Inverse Cumulative Distribution Functions (ICDFs) constitute the macroscopic observables of the evolving particle distributions.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Microseismic signal denoising and separation based on fully convolutional encoder–decoder network

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    Denoising methods are a highly desired component of signal processing, and they can separate the signal of interest from noise to improve the subsequent signal analyses. In this paper, an advanced denoising method based on a fully convolutional encoder–decoder neural network is proposed. The method simultaneously learns the sparse features in the time–frequency domain, and the mask-related mapping function for signal separation. The results show that the proposed method has an impressive performance on denoising microseismic signals containing various types and intensities of noise. Furthermore, the method works well even when a similar frequency band is shared between the microseismic signals and the noises. The proposed method, compared to the existing methods, significantly improves the signal–noise ratio thanks to minor changes of the microseismic signal (less distortion in the waveform). Additionally, the proposed methods preserve the shape and amplitude characteristics so that it allows better recovery of the real waveform. This method is exceedingly useful for the automatic processing of the microseismic signal. Further, it has excellent potential to be extended to the study of exploration seismology and earthquakes

    Microseismic signal denoising and separation based on fully convolutional encoder–decoder network

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    Denoising methods are a highly desired component of signal processing, and they can separate the signal of interest from noise to improve the subsequent signal analyses. In this paper, an advanced denoising method based on a fully convolutional encoder–decoder neural network is proposed. The method simultaneously learns the sparse features in the time–frequency domain, and the mask-related mapping function for signal separation. The results show that the proposed method has an impressive performance on denoising microseismic signals containing various types and intensities of noise. Furthermore, the method works well even when a similar frequency band is shared between the microseismic signals and the noises. The proposed method, compared to the existing methods, significantly improves the signal–noise ratio thanks to minor changes of the microseismic signal (less distortion in the waveform). Additionally, the proposed methods preserve the shape and amplitude characteristics so that it allows better recovery of the real waveform. This method is exceedingly useful for the automatic processing of the microseismic signal. Further, it has excellent potential to be extended to the study of exploration seismology and earthquakes