162 research outputs found

    Cryogenic Calibration Setup for Broadband Complex Impedance Measurements

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    Reflection measurements give access to the complex impedance of a material on a wide frequency range. This is of interest to study the dynamical properties of various materials, for instance disordered superconductors. However reflection measurements made at cryogenic temperature suffer from the difficulty to reliably subtract the circuit contribution. Here we report on the design and first tests of a setup able to precisely calibrate in situ the sample reflection, at 4.2 K and up to 2 GHz, by switching and measuring, during the same cool down, the sample and three calibration standards.Comment: (6 pages, 6 figures

    Destruction of superconductivity in disordered materials : a dimensional crossover

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    The disorder-induced Superconductor-to-Insulator Transition in amorphous Nbx_{x}Si1x_{1-x} two-dimensional thin films is studied for different niobium compositions xx through a variation of the sample thickness dd. We show that the critical thickness dcd_c, separating a superconducting regime from an insulating one, increases strongly with diminishing xx, thus attaining values of over 100 {\AA}. The corresponding phase diagram in the (d,x)(d, x) plane is inferred and related to the three-dimensional situation. The two-dimensional Superconductor-to-Insulator Transition well connects with the three-dimensional Superconductor-to-Metal Transition

    Observation of thermally activated glassiness and memory dip in a-NbSi insulating thin films

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    We present electrical conductance measurements on amorphous NbSi insulating thin films. These films display out-of equilibrium electronic features that are markedly different from what has been reported so far in disordered insulators. Like in the most studied systems (indium oxide and granular Al films), a slow relaxation of the conductance is observed after a quench to liquid helium temperature which gives rise to the growth of a memory dip in MOSFET devices. But unlike in these systems, this memory dip and the related conductance relaxations are still visible up to room temperature, with clear signatures of a temperature dependent dynamics

    A length scale for the superconducting Nernst signal above Tc_{c} in Nb0.15_{0.15}Si0.85_{0.85}

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    We present a study of the Nernst effect in amorphous superconducting thin films of Nb0.15_{0.15}Si0.85_{0.85}. The field dependence of the Nernst coefficient above Tc_{c} displays two distinct regimes separated by a field scale set by the Ginzburg-Landau correlation length. A single function F(ξ)F(\xi), with the correlation length as its unique argument set either by the zero-field correlation length (in the low magnetic field limit) or by the magnetic length (in the opposite limit), describes the Nernst coefficient. We conclude that the Nernst signal observed on a wide temperature (30×Tc30 \times T_c) and field (4×Bc24 \times B_{c2}) range is exclusively generated by short-lived Cooper pairs.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Effect of annealing on the superconducting properties of a-Nb(x)Si(1-x) thin films

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    a-Nb(x)Si(1-x) thin films with thicknesses down to 25 {\AA} have been structurally characterized by TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopy) measurements. As-deposited or annealed films are shown to be continuous and homogeneous in composition and thickness, up to an annealing temperature of 500{\deg}C. We have carried out low temperature transport measurements on these films close to the superconductor-to-insulator transition (SIT), and shown a qualitative difference between the effect of annealing or composition, and a reduction of the film thickness on the superconducting properties of a-NbSi. These results question the pertinence of the sheet resistance R_square as the relevant parameter to describe the SIT.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figure

    Magnetic field-induced quantum superconductor-insulator transition in Nb0.15Si0.85Nb_{0.15}Si_{0.85}

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    A study of magnetic-field tuned superconductor-insulator transitions in amorphous Nb0.15Si0.85Nb_{0.15}Si_{0.85} thin films shows that quantum superconductor-insulator transitions are characterized by an unambiguous signature -- a kink in the temperature profile of the critical magnetic field. Using this criterion, we show that the nature of the magnetic-field tuned superconductor-insulator transition depends on the orientation of the field with respect to the film. For perpendicular magnetic field, the transition is controlled by quantum fluctuations with indications for the existence of a Bose insulator; while for parallel magnetic field, the transition is classical, driven by the breaking of Cooper pairs at the temperature dependent critical field Hc2H_{c2}.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Electron glass effects in amorphous NbSi films

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    We report on non equilibrium field effect in insulating amorphous NbSi thin films having different Nb contents and thicknesses. The hallmark of an electron glass, namely the logarithmic growth of a memory dip in conductance versus gate voltage curves, is observed in all the films after a cooling from room temperature to 4.2 K. A very rich phenomenology is demonstrated. While the memory dip width is found to strongly vary with the film parameters, as was also observed in amorphous indium oxide films, screening lengths and temperature dependence of the dynamics are closer to what is observed in granular Al films. Our results demonstrate that the differentiation between continuous and discontinuous systems is not relevant to understand the discrepancies reported between various systems in the electron glass features. We suggest instead that they are not of fundamental nature and stem from differences in the protocols used and in the electrical inhomogeneity length scales within each material.Comment: Submission SciPos

    Observation of the Nernst signal generated by fluctuating Cooper pairs

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    Long-range order is destroyed in a superconductor warmed above its critical temperature (Tc). However, amplitude fluctuations of the superconducting order parameter survive and lead to a number of well established phenomena such as paraconductivity : an excess of charge conductivity due to the presence of short-lived Cooper pairs in the normal state. According to an untested theory, these pairs generate a transverse thermoelectric (Nernst) signal. In amorphous superconducting films, the lifetime of Cooper pairs exceeds the elastic lifetime of quasi-particles in a wide temperature range above Tc; consequently, the Cooper pairs Nernst signal dominate the response of the normal electrons well above Tc. In two dimensions, the magnitude of the expected signal depends only on universal constants and the superconducting coherence length, so the theory can be unambiguously tested. Here, we report on the observation of a Nernst signal in such a superconductor traced deep into the normal state. Since the amplitude of this signal is in excellent agreement with the theoretical prediction, the result provides the first unambiguous case for a Nernst effect produced by short-lived Cooper pairs

    Axion searches with the EDELWEISS-II experiment

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    We present new constraints on the couplings of axions and more generic axion-like particles using data from the EDELWEISS-II experiment. The EDELWEISS experiment, located at the Underground Laboratory of Modane, primarily aims at the direct detection of WIMPs using germanium bolometers. It is also sensitive to the low-energy electron recoils that would be induced by solar or dark matter axions. Using a total exposure of up to 448 kg.d, we searched for axion-induced electron recoils down to 2.5 keV within four scenarios involving different hypotheses on the origin and couplings of axions. We set a 95% CL limit on the coupling to photons gAγ<2.13×109g_{A\gamma}<2.13\times 10^{-9} GeV1^{-1} in a mass range not fully covered by axion helioscopes. We also constrain the coupling to electrons, gAe<2.56×1011g_{Ae} < 2.56\times 10^{-11}, similar to the more indirect solar neutrino bound. Finally we place a limit on gAe×gANeff<4.70×1017g_{Ae}\times g_{AN}^{\rm eff}<4.70 \times 10^{-17}, where gANeffg_{AN}^{\rm eff} is the effective axion-nucleon coupling for 57^{57}Fe. Combining these results we fully exclude the mass range 0.91eV<mA<800.91\,{\rm eV}<m_A<80 keV for DFSZ axions and 5.73eV<mA<405.73\,{\rm eV}<m_A<40 keV for KSVZ axions

    Proceedings of the third French-Ukrainian workshop on the instrumentation developments for HEP

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    The reports collected in these proceedings have been presented in the third French-Ukrainian workshop on the instrumentation developments for high-energy physics held at LAL, Orsay on October 15-16. The workshop was conducted in the scope of the IDEATE International Associated Laboratory (LIA). Joint developments between French and Ukrainian laboratories and universities as well as new proposals have been discussed. The main topics of the papers presented in the Proceedings are developments for accelerator and beam monitoring, detector developments, joint developments for large-scale high-energy and astroparticle physics projects, medical applications.Comment: 3rd French-Ukrainian workshop on the instrumentation developments for High Energy Physics, October 15-16, 2015, LAL, Orsay, France, 94 page