980 research outputs found

    Gaia DR2 Distances and Peculiar Velocities for Galactic Black Hole Transients

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    We report on a first census of Galactic black hole X-ray binary (BHXRB) properties with the second data release (DR2) of {\em Gaia}, focusing on dynamically confirmed and strong candidate black hole transients. DR2 provides five-parameter astrometric solutions including position, parallax and proper motion for 11 of a sample of 24 systems. Distance estimates are tested with parallax inversion as well as Bayesian inference. We derive an empirically motivated characteristic scale length of LL=2.17±\pm0.12 kpc for this BHXRB population to infer distances based upon an exponentially decreasing space density prior. Geometric DR2 parallaxes provide new, independent distance estimates, but the faintness of this population in quiescence results in relatively large fractional distance uncertainties. Despite this, DR2 estimates generally agree with literature distances. The most discrepant case is BW Cir, for which detailed studies of the donor star have suggested a distant location at >~25 kpc. A large DR2 measured parallax and relatively high proper motion instead prefer significantly smaller distances, suggesting that the source may instead be amongst the nearest of XRBs. However, both distances create problems for interpretation of the source, and follow-up data are required to resolve its true nature. DR2 also provides a first distance estimate to one source, MAXI J1820+070, and novel proper motion estimates for 7 sources. Peculiar velocities relative to Galactic rotation exceed ∼\sim 50 km s−1^{-1} for the bulk of the sample, with a median system kinetic energy of peculiar motion of ∼\sim 5 ×\times 1047^{47} erg. BW Cir could be a new high-velocity BHXRB if its astrometry is confirmed. A putative anti-correlation between peculiar velocity and black hole mass is found, as expected in mass-dependent BH kick formation channels, but this trend remains weak in the DR2 data.Comment: MNRAS in pres

    Calcium-Rich Gap Transients: Tidal Detonations of White Dwarfs?

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    We hypothesize that at least some of the recently discovered class of calcium-rich gap transients are tidal detonation events of white dwarfs (WDs) by black holes (BHs) or possibly neutron stars. We show that the properties of the calcium-rich gap transients agree well with the predictions of the tidal detonation model. Under the predictions of this model, we use a follow-up X-ray observation of one of these transients, SN 2012hn, to place weak upper limits on the detonator mass of this system that include all intermediate-mass BHs (IMBHs). As these transients are preferentially in the stellar haloes of galaxies, we discuss the possibility that these transients are tidal detonations of WDs caused by random flyby encounters with IMBHs in dwarf galaxies or globular clusters. This possibility has been already suggested in the literature but without connection to the calcium-rich gap transients. In order for the random flyby cross-section to be high enough, these events would have to be occurring inside these dense stellar associations. However, there is a lack of evidence for IMBHs in these systems, and recent observations have ruled out all but the very faintest dwarf galaxies and globular clusters for a few of these transients. Another possibility is that these are tidal detonations caused by three-body interactions, where a WD is perturbed toward the detonator in isolated multiple star systems. We highlight a number of ways this could occur, even in lower-mass systems with stellar-mass BHs or neutron stars. Finally, we outline several new observational tests of this scenario, which are feasible with current instrumentation.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Some Constraints On the Effects of Age and Metallicity on the Low Mass X-ray Binary Formation Rate

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    We have studied the low mass X-ray binary (LMXB) populations within and outside globular clusters (GC) in NGC 4365 and NGC 3115. Using published age and metallicity constraints from optical and IR observations of their GCs, we do not find any evidence for an increase in the LMXB formation rate in the intermediate age cluster population of NGC 4365, as has been proposed in some scenarios of dynamical LMXB formation in GCs. The old, metal-rich, red population of GCs in NGC 3115 on the other hand is {\it at least} three times as efficient at creating LMXBs as the old, metal-poor, blue clusters. These data suggest that the higher formation efficiency of LMXBs in the red GC subsystems of many galaxies is largely a consequence of their higher metallicity. A comparison of the densities of field LMXBs in different galaxies does not reveal an obvious correlation with the age of the field stars as predicted by models in which the LMXB formation rate in the field drops monotonically with time after an initial burst. This suggests that either a significant fraction of the field LMXBs are created in GCs and subsequently injected into the field, or the LMXB formation rate has a more complex time evolution pattern.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters. 7 pages including 5 figure

    The Atmospheric Monitoring Strategy for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Technique (IACT) is unusual in astronomy as the atmosphere actually forms an intrinsic part of the detector system, with telescopes indirectly detecting very high energy particles by the generation and transport of Cherenkov photons deep within the atmosphere. This means that accurate measurement, characterisation and monitoring of the atmosphere is at the very heart of successfully operating an IACT system. The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will be the next generation IACT observatory with an ambitious aim to improve the sensitivity of an order of magnitude over current facilities, along with corresponding improvements in angular and energy resolution and extended energy coverage, through an array of Large (23m), Medium (12m) and Small (4m) sized telescopes spread over an area of order ~km2^2. Whole sky coverage will be achieved by operating at two sites: one in the northern hemisphere and one in the southern hemisphere. This proceedings will cover the characterisation of the candidate sites and the atmospheric calibration strategy. CTA will utilise a suite of instrumentation and analysis techniques for atmospheric modelling and monitoring regarding pointing forecasts, intelligent pointing selection for the observatory operations and for offline data correction.Comment: 6 pages. To appear in the proceedings of the Adapting to the Atmosphere conference 201

    Wind, jet, hybrid corona and hard X-ray flares: multiwavelength evolution of GRO J1655-40 during the 2005 outburst rise

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    We have investigated the complex multiwavelength evolution of GRO J1655-40 during the rise of its 2005 outburst. We detected two hard X-ray flares, the first one during the transition from the soft state to the ultra-soft state, and the second one in the ultra-soft state. The first X-ray flare coincided with an optically thin radio flare. We also observed a hint of increased radio emission during the second X-ray flare. To explain the hard flares without invoking a secondary emission component, we fit the entire data set with the eqpair model. This single, hybrid Comptonization model sufficiently fits the data even during the hard X-ray flares if we allow reflection fractions greater than unity. In this case, the hard X-ray flares correspond to a Comptonizing corona dominated by non-thermal electrons. The fits also require absorption features in the soft and ultra-soft state which are likely due to a wind. In this work we show that the wind and the optically thin radio flare co-exist. Finally, we have also investigated the radio to optical spectral energy distribution, tracking the radio spectral evolution through the quenching of the compact jet and rise of the optically thin flare, and interpreted all data using state transition models.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure
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