3,513 research outputs found

    Theory of superexchange in CuO2

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    Journal ArticleThe limit method allows exact analysis of low-lying electronic states in a strong-coupling model Cu02 plane. We extend it to nonorthogonal orbitals and fit to a t-t'-J model. The superexchange parameter is J = g32t*, with the unit of energy and g3 a lumped parameter

    Bulky household waste management in a UK local authority area: current practice, challenges and improvement opportunities

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    Charnwood Borough Council (CBC), an English local authority, recently introduced a Zero Waste Strategy encompassing targets for waste minimisation and recycling of household waste above UK Government baselines. To achieve these targets various areas of household waste management need to be amended to improve recycling performance. The bulky waste collection service, collecting large items such as furniture and electrical goods was identified as an area to target for improvement. A case study approach was adopted using data collected on a daily basis by CBC to quantify the number and type of items in the bulky waste stream. Current practices of managing bulky household waste are explored; identifying challenges in dealing with this waste stream such as financial and logistical challenges in identifying, collecting, repairing and storage. However, there is potential to increase recycling of some discarded items, particularly the large numbers of mattresses and some wooden furniture unsuitable for reuse

    Thermodynamically consistent equilibrium properties of normal-liquid Helium-3

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    The high-precision data for the specific heat C_{V}(T,V) of normal-liquid Helium-3 obtained by Greywall, taken together with the molar volume V(T_0,P) at one temperature T_0, are shown to contain the complete thermodynamic information about this phase in zero magnetic field. This enables us to calculate the T and P dependence of all equilibrium properties of normal-liquid Helium-3 in a thermodynamically consistent way for a wide range of parameters. The results for the entropy S(T,P), specific heat at constant pressure C_P(T,P), molar volume V(T,P), compressibility kappa(T,P), and thermal expansion coefficient alpha(T,P) are collected in the form of figures and tables. This provides the first complete set of thermodynamically consistent values of the equilibrium quantities of normal-liquid Helium-3. We find, for example, that alpha(T,P) has a surprisingly intricate pressure dependence at low temperatures, and that the curves alpha(T,P) vs T do not cross at one single temperature for all pressures, in contrast to the curves presented in the comprehensive survey of helium by Wilks. Corrected in cond-mat/9906222v3: The sign of the coefficient d_0 was misprinted in Table I of cond-mat/9906222v1 and v2. It now correctly reads d_0=-7.1613436. All results in the paper were obtained with the correct value of d_0. (We would like to thank for E. Collin, H. Godfrin, and Y. Bunkov for finding this misprint.)Comment: 19 pages, 19 figures, 9 tables; published version; note added in proof; v3: misprint correcte

    Biphasic Modulation of NOS Expression, Protein and Nitrite Products by Hydroxocobalamin Underlies Its Protective Effect in Endotoxemic Shock: Downstream Regulation of COX-2, IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha, IL-6, and HMGB1 Expression

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    Background. NOS/ā€¢NO inhibitors are potential therapeutics for sepsis, yet they increase clinical mortality. However, there has been no in vivo investigation of the (in vitro) ā€¢NO scavenger, cobalaminā€™s (Cbl) endogenous effects on NOS/ā€¢NO/inflammatory mediators during the immune response to sepsis. Methods. We used quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), ELISA, Western blot, and NOS Griess assays, in a C57BL/6 mouse, acute endotoxaemia model. Results. During the immune response, pro-inflammatory phase, parenteral hydroxocobalamin (HOCbl) treatment partially inhibits hepatic, but not lung, iNOS mRNA and promotes lung eNOS mRNA, but attenuates the LPS hepatic rise in eNOS mRNA, whilst paradoxically promoting high iNOS/eNOS protein translation, but relatively moderate ā€¢NO production. HOCbl/NOS/ā€¢NO regulation is reciprocally associated with lower 4ā€‰h expression of TNF-Ī±, IL-1Ī², COX-2, and lower circulating TNF-Ī±, but not IL-6. In resolution, 24ā€‰h after LPS, HOCbl completely abrogates a major late mediator of sepsis mortality, high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) mRNA, inhibits iNOS mRNA, and attenuates LPS-induced hepatic inhibition of eNOS mRNA, whilst showing increased, but still moderate, NOS activity, relative to LPS only. experiments (LPS+D-Galactosamine) HOCbl afforded significant, dose-dependent protection in mice Conclusions. HOCbl produces a complex, time- and organ-dependent, selective regulation of NOS/ā€¢NO during endotoxaemia, corollary regulation of downstream inflammatory mediators, and increased survival. This merits clinical evaluation

    Spectrum of surface-mode contributions to the excitation probability for electron beam interacting with sharp-edged dielectric wedges

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    The interaction of a nonrelativistic charged particle beam, travelling parallel to the surface of a sharp-edged dielectric wedge is analyzed. The general expressions for excitation probability are obtained for a beam moving along the direction of a symmetry axis, either outside or inside the dielectric wedge. The dielectric function of the medium is assumed to be isotropic, and numerical results are given for the materials of experimental interest.Comment: LaTeX 2.09, 15 pages, 10 figure
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