30 research outputs found

    Improving light harvesting in polymer photodetector devices through nanoindented metal mask films

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    To enhance light harvesting in organic photovoltaic devices, we propose the incorporation of a metal (aluminum) mask film in the system’s usual layout. We fabricate devices in a sandwich geometry, where the mask (nanoindented with a periodic array of holes of sizes d and spacing s) is added between the transparent electrode and the active layer formed by a blend of the semiconducting polymer P3HT and substituted fullerene. Its function is to promote trapping of the incident light into the device’s cavity (the region corresponding to the active layer). For d, we set a value that allows light diffraction through the holes in the relevant absorption range of the polymer. To optimize the mask structure, we consider a very simple model to determine the s leading to trapped fields that are relatively intense and homogeneous within the device. From measurements of the action spectra, we show that, indeed, such architecture can considerably improve the resulting photocurrent efficiencies—one order of magnitude in the best situation studied.

    Instrumented indentation applied to the mechanical characterization of polyurethane derived from castor oil

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    Neste trabalho são investigadas as propriedades mecânicas de poliuretana derivada do óleo de mamona, utilizando a técnica de indentação instrumentada com penetradores de geometrias piramidal e esférica. Foi analisada a influência da forma do penetrador utilizado nos ensaios de indentação instrumentada para se obter valores das propriedades mecânicas de polímero derivado de óleo de mamona. Os penetradores utilizados são de pontas piramidais dos tipos Berkovich e canto de cubo e esférico de raio igual a 150 μm em um Nanoindenter XP TM com cargas aplicadas entre 1 e 200 mN. As penetrações variam de acordo com o formato do penetrador, sendo maiores para pontas agudas. A dureza e o módulo de elasticidade foram determinados, utilizando o método de Oliver e Pharr. Verificou-se que os valores medidos para a dureza são maiores para penetradores mais agudos. Os valores obtidos com a ponta piramidal Berkovich foram de 0,14 GPa para pequenas penetrações e 0,12 GPa para maiores penetrações. Já os valores obtidos com ponta canto de cubo foram 25 a 30% maiores. Isso está relacionado com os volumes das regiões que apresentam deformações plásticas elevadas, no caso de penetradores agudos comparados com os volumes das regiões que sofrem deformações viscoelásticas. A viscosidade aparente determinada, utilizando penetrador esférico em testes de força aplicada constante, é igual a (22 ± 2) × 10(12) Pa.s.The mechanical properties of polyurethane derived from castor oil, obtained by instrumented indentation technique with pyramidal and spherical indenters are reported. The influence of the indenter shape on the values of mechanical properties of the polymer was investigated. The indentations were made with pyramidal Berkovich, cube corner and a spherical indenter with radius of 150 μm in a Nanoindenter XP TM. The applied loads varied between 1 and 200 mN. The penetration depth increases for acute indenters, being higher for the cube corner tip. The hardness and elastic modulus were determined using the method of Oliver and Pharr. It was found that the measured values for hardness are higher for more acute indenters. The hardness with the pyramidal Berkovich tip was 0.14 GPa for small penetrations and 0.12 GPa for higher penetration depths. The values obtained with a cube corner tip were 25 to 30% higher. This is related to the volumes of regions with high plastic deformation in the case of acute indenters compared to the volumes of regions that present viscoelastic deformation. The apparent viscosity determined using the spherical indenter, in tests with applied constant forces, is equal to (22 ± 2) × 10(12) Pa.s.CNPqFAPES

    Ac transport studies in polymers by a resistor network and transfer matrix approaches: application to polyaniline

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    A statistical model of resistor network is proposed to describe a polymer structure and to simulate the real and imaginary components of its ac resistivity. It takes into account the polydispersiveness of the material as well as intrachain and interchain charge transport processes. By the application of a transfer matrix technique, it reproduces ac resistivity measurements carried out with polyaniline films in different doping degrees and at different temperatures. Our results indicate that interchain processes govern the resistivity behavior in the low frequency region while, for higher frequencies, intrachain mechanisms are dominant.Comment: LaTeX file, 15 pages, 5 ps figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Results from Experiments on Hybrid Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation/Nitriding Processing of Materials

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    To improve the performance of critical part components, new methods for surface strengthening are being developed with success, like plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) and hybrid surface treatments mixing PIII and ion nitriding processes. A combination of high pressure (4 × 10 1 P a), moderate temperature (up to 450 o C) glow discharge nitriding with low pressure (8 × 10 −2 P a) and low DC bias voltage ion nitriding (or DC PIII) was implemented. Depending on the particular conditions of the treatment and the depth probed, mixed phases of γN and ε were measured in the treated SS304 steel sample. This near surface modification resulted in an improved hardness (up to a factor of 2.7 ×) of the sample which could also enhance its wear properties. Surface modification of Ti6Al4V alloy and SS304 steel by a combination of PIII and subsequent ion nitriding was investigated as well. Nitrogen ions were implanted into the specimens at 15 keV and then ion nitrided at low pressure (7 × 10 −2 P a) with a bias of -800 V. Compared to the untreated samples, the hardness of Ti6Al4V alloy and the steels could be improved significantly. AES results indicated high retained doses in both samples, confirming the high efficiency of this hybrid process

    Effect of helium implantation on the properties of plasma polymer films

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    Polymer films, deposited from acetylene and argon plasma mixtures, were bombarded with 150 keV He+ ions, varying the fluence, Phi, from 10(18) to 10(21) ions/m(2). Molecular structure and optical gap of the samples were investigated by infrared and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopies, respectively. Two-point probe was employed to determine the electrical resistivity while hardness was measured by nanoindentation technique. It was verified modification of the molecular structure and composition of the films. There was loss of H and increment in the concentration of unsaturated carbon bonds with Phi. Optical gap and electrical resistivity decreased while hardness increased with Phi. Interpretation of these results is proposed in terms of chain crosslinking and unsaturation. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved