20,146 research outputs found

    Photons in polychromatic rotating modes

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    We propose a quantum theory of rotating light beams and study some of its properties. Such beams are polychromatic and have either a slowly rotating polarization or a slowly rotating transverse mode pattern. We show there are, for both cases, three different natural types of modes that qualify as rotating, one of which is a new type not previously considered. We discuss differences between these three types of rotating modes on the one hand and non-rotating modes as viewed from a rotating frame of reference on the other. We present various examples illustrating the possible use of rotating photons, mostly for quantum information processing purposes. We introduce in this context a rotating version of the two-photon singlet state.Comment: enormously expanded: 12 pages, 3 figures; a new, more informative, but less elegant title, especially designed for Phys. Rev.

    Ejection of a Low Mass Star in a Young Stellar System in Taurus

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    We present the analysis of high angular resolution VLA radio observations, made at eleven epochs over the last 20 years, of the multiple system T Tauri. One of the sources (Sb) in the system has moved at moderate speed (5-10 km/s), on an apparently elliptical orbit during the first 15 years of observations, but after a close (< 2 AU) encounter with the source Sa, it appears to have accelerated westward to about 20 km/s in the last few years. Such a dramatic orbital change most probably indicates that Sb has just suffered an ejection - which would be the first such event ever detected. Whether Sb will ultimately stay on a highly elliptical bound orbit, or whether it will leave the system altogether will be known with about five more years of observations.Comment: 4 pages, accepter in ApJ Letter

    Stable Mode Sorting by Two-Dimensional Parity of Photonic Transverse Spatial States

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    We describe a mode sorter for two-dimensional parity of transverse spatial states of light based on an out-of-plane Sagnac interferometer. Both Hermite-Gauss (HG) and Laguerre-Gauss (LG) modes can be guided into one of two output ports according to the two-dimensional parity of the mode in question. Our interferometer sorts HG_nm input modes depending upon whether they have even or odd order n+m; it equivalently sorts LG modes depending upon whether they have an even or odd value of their orbital angular momentum. It functions efficiently at the single-photon level, and therefore can be used to sort single-photon states. Due to the inherent phase stability of this type of interferometer as compared to those of the Mach-Zehnder type, it provides a promising tool for the manipulation and filtering of higher order transverse spatial modes for the purposes of quantum information processing. For example, several similar Sagnacs cascaded together may allow, for the first time, a stable measurement of the orbital angular momentum of a true single-photon state. Furthermore, as an alternative to well-known holographic techniques, one can use the Sagnac in conjunction with a multi-mode fiber as a spatial mode filter, which can be used to produce spatial-mode entangled Bell states and heralded single photons in arbitrary first-order (n+m=1) spatial states, covering the entire Poincare sphere of first-order transverse modes.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, 2 appendice

    Wavelet Monte Carlo dynamics : a new algorithm for simulating the hydrodynamics of interacting Brownian particles

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    We develop a new algorithm for the Brownian dynamics of soft matter systems that evolves time by spatially correlated Monte Carlo moves. The algorithm uses vector wavelets as its basic moves and produces hydrodynamics in the low Reynolds number regime propagated according to the Oseen tensor. When small moves are removed the correlations closely approximate the Rotne-Prager tensor, itself widely used to correct for deficiencies in Oseen. We also include plane wave moves to provide the longest range correlations, which we detail for both infinite and periodic systems. The computational cost of the algorithm scales competitively with the number of particles simulated, N, scaling as N ln N in homogeneous systems and as N in dilute systems. In comparisons to established lattice Boltzmann and Brownian dynamics algorithms the wavelet method was found to be only a factor of order 1 times more expensive than the cheaper lattice Boltzmann algorithm in marginally semi-dilute simulations, while it is significantly faster than both algorithms at large N in dilute simulations. We also validate the algorithm by checking it reproduces the correct dynamics and equilibrium properties of simple single polymer systems, as well as verifying the effect of periodicity on the mobility tensor

    Quantum Electrical Dipole in Triangular Systems: a Model for Spontaneous Polarity in Metal Clusters

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    Triangular symmetric molecules with mirror symmetry perpendicular to the 3-fold axis are forbidden to have a fixed electrical dipole moment. However, if the ground state is orbitally degenerate and lacks inversion symmetry, then a ``quantum'' dipole moment does exist. The system of 3 electrons in D_3h symmetry is our example. This system is realized in triatomic molecules like Na_3. Unlike the fixed dipole of a molecule like water, the quantum moment does not point in a fixed direction, but lies in the plane of the molecule and takes quantized values +/- mu_0 along any direction of measurement in the plane. An electric field F in the plane leads to a linear Stark splitting +/- mu_0 F}. We introduce a toy model to study the effect of Jahn-Teller distortions on the quantum dipole moment. We find that the quantum dipole property survives when the dynamic Jahn-Teller effect is included, if the distortion of the molecule is small. Linear Stark splittings are suppressed in low fields by molecular rotation, just as the linear Stark shift of water is suppressed, but will be revealed in moderately large applied fields and low temperatures. Coulomb correlations also give a partial suppression.Comment: 10 pages with 7 figures included; thoroughly revised with a new coauthor; final minor change
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