13 research outputs found

    Results of observations in leaf experiment.

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    <p>Attack, catch, and predation frequencies are presented for the observed contacts per treatment ( = species combination). Total number of replicates per treatment is the sum of the columns ‘without contact’ and ‘with contact’. During one observation, more than one contact can be made. Abbreviations: H = <i>H. axyridis</i>, C = <i>C. septempunctata</i>, and A = <i>A. bipunctata</i>.</p

    Larvae dropping from lime tree.

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    <p>Total number of incidents (dropping from and returning to lime tree) by fourth-instar larvae during 540 time points (all data summed over 36 time intervals during 15 3-hour observations per species combination). Abbreviations: H = <i>H. axyridis</i>, C = <i>C. septempunctata</i>, and A = <i>A. bipunctata</i>. Difference in drop frequency was significant between species X<sup>2</sup><sub>2</sub> = 89.902, Pearson p<0.001); difference in returning to tree between sunny or cloudy conditions was significant X<sup>2</sup><sub>1</sub> = 8.400, Pearson p = 0.004).</p

    Behavioural sequence of coccinellid larval encounters.

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    <p>Grey shaded behaviour indicates end of the observation (adapted from Yasuda et al., 2001 <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0040681#pone.0040681-Yasuda3" target="_blank">[20]</a>).</p

    Effect of previous contact on time until contact.

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    <p>Survival curves of differences in time until first (solid line) and second or later contact (dashed line) are shown for each species combination. Two fourth-instar larvae were observed for 1000 seconds. Censored observations are marked with ‘+’. Abbreviations: H = <i>H. axyridis</i>, C = <i>C. septempunctata</i>, and A = <i>A. bipunctata</i>. Difference between first and second or later contact is significant (Log-rank test, pooled pairwise comparisons, p = 0.018).</p

    Description of larval coccinellid behaviour.

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    <p>The actor is the acting individual; the reactor is the responding individual.</p

    Attack, catch, and predation frequencies in literature.

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    <p>Attack, catch, and predation frequencies are presented per species per species combination. Catch rates have been calculated using published escape rates. Abbreviations: H = <i>H. axyridis</i>, C = <i>C. septempunctata</i>, and A = <i>A. bipunctata</i>.</p

    Incidents observed in tree experiment.

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    <p>Total number of incidents per species combination of two fourth-instar larvae observed on a lime tree during 540 time points (all data summed over 36 time intervals of 15 3-hour observations). Incidents are: ‘on same leaf’, ‘contact’, ‘predation after 3 hours’, and ‘predation after 24 hours’. The number of observations is indicated for the three treatments where the larvae were observed on the same leaf more than once. Abbreviations: H = <i>H. axyridis</i>, C = <i>C. septempunctata</i>, and A = <i>A. bipunctata</i>. Predation in the combination HA and HC was always by <i>H. axyridis.</i></p

    Effect of temperature on time until first contact.

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    <p>Survival curves of differences in time until first contact at temperatures below and above 25°C are shown for each species combination. Two fourth-instar larvae were observed for 1000 seconds. Censored observations are marked with ‘+’. Effect of temperature on time until first contact is significant (Cox’ regression model, Wald test = 13.521, df = 1, p<<0.001).</p

    Effect of species combination on time until first contact.

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    <p>Survival curves of difference in time until contact between fourth-instar larvae per species combination during 1000-second observations. Censored observations are marked with ‘+’. Abbreviations: H = <i>H. axyridis</i>, C = <i>C. septempunctata</i>, and A = <i>A. bipunctata</i>. Time until contact significantly differs between combinations when all contacts are pooled together (Log-Rank test, pooled pairwise comparisons, P = 0.008).</p