912 research outputs found

    Estimation of crossbreeding parameters between Large White and Meishan porcine breeds. II. Growth before weaning and growth of females during the growing and reproductive periods

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    A crossbreeding experiment using Large White (LW) and Meishan (MS) pig strains was conducted. Direct, maternal and grand-maternal additive genetic effects together with direct, maternal and paternal heterosis effects were estimated for traits during the preweaning, growing and reproductive periods. Weight at birth (WB) and at 21 d of age (W21) was recorded in 3731 male and female piglets. After weaning at 28 d, 543 females were weighed at 73 (W73) and 154 (W154) d of age. From these, 148 sows were weighed before farrowing from 1st to 5th parity. Average daily gains were computed from birth to 21 days of age (ADG 0-21), 21 to 73 days of age (ADG 21-73) and 73 to 154 days of age (ADG 73-154). The genetic influence on preweaning traits was mainly maternal in origin. Maternal additive differences between breeds significantly increased with parity of the dam. Average values were 0.33 ± 0.05 kg (26%) and 1.24 ± 0.22 kg (26%) in favour of LW for WB and W21 respectively. Maternal heterosis effects were 0.05 ± 0.02 kg (6%) for WB and 0.65 ± 0.09 kg (14%) for W21. Significant grand-maternal additive and direct heterosis effects were also observed on WB. Adjustment of data for litter size slightly increased additive and heterosis maternal values. After weaning, direct effects became important. Additive differences between breeds rapidly increased during the growing period and averaged 4.1 ± 1.0 kg (18%), 22.9 ± 3.3 kg (36%) and 231 ± 33 g/d (47%) in favour of LW for W73, W154 and ADG 73-154 respectively. Direct heterosis effects for these traits were 3.7 ± 0.7 kg (15%), 19.2 ± 2.3 kg (25%) and 187 ± 24 g/d (30%) respectively. Direct additive differences in favour of LW increased from 58 ± 9 kg at the first farrowing to 111 ± 10 kg at the fifth one. Direct heterosis effects were similar throughout reproductive life and averaged 27 ± 3 kg (11%). The other crossbreeding parameters were small and non-significant after weaning, with the exception of maternal heterosis effects, which remained significant until 154 days.Une expĂ©rience de croisement entre des lignĂ©es Large White (LW) et Meishan (MS) a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e. Les effets gĂ©nĂ©tiques additifs directs, maternels, grand-maternels ainsi que les effets d’hĂ©tĂ©rosis directs, maternels et paternels ont Ă©tĂ© estimĂ©s pour les caractĂšres de croissance au cours des pĂ©riodes d’allaitement, de croissance et de reproduction. Les poids Ă  la naissance (PN) et Ă  21 j (P21) ont Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©s sur 3731 porcelets mĂąles et femelles. AprĂšs sevrage Ă  28 j, 543 femelles ont Ă©tĂ© pesĂ©es Ă  73 (P73) et 154 (P 154) j d’ñge. Cent quarante-huit d’entre elles ont ensuite Ă©tĂ© pesĂ©es avant mise bas de la 1er Ă  la 5e portĂ©e. Les gains moyens quotidiens ont Ă©tĂ© calculĂ©s entre la naissance et 21 j d’ñge (GMQ 0-21), 21 et 73 j d’ñge (GMQ 21-73) et de 73 Ă  154 j d’ñge (GMQ 73-154). La variabilitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique des performances avant sevrage Ă©tait essentiellement d’origine maternelle. Les diffĂ©rences additives maternelles entre races augmentaient de façon significative avec le numĂ©ro de portĂ©e. Elles s’élevaient en moyenne Ă  0,33 ± 0,05 kg (26%) et 1,24 ± 0,22 kg (26%) en faveur de LW pour PN et P21 respectivement. Les effets d’hĂ©tĂ©rosis maternel s’élevaient Ă  0,05 ± 0,02 kg (6%) pour PN et 0,65 ± 0,09 kg (14%) pour P21. Des effets grand-maternels et d’hĂ©tĂ©rosis direct significatifs ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© observĂ©s sur PN. L’ajustement des donnĂ©es pour la taille de la portĂ©e a lĂ©gĂšrement accru les valeurs des effets additifs et d’hĂ©tĂ©rosis maternel. AprĂšs le sevrage, les effets directs devenaient importants. Les diffĂ©rences additives directes entre races ont augmentĂ© rapidement au cours de la croissance aprĂšs sevrage et atteignaient 4,1 ± 1,0 kg (18%), 22,9 ± 3,3 kg (36%) et 231 ± 33 g/j (47%) en faveur de LW pour W73, W154 et GMQ 73-154 respectivement. Les effets d’hĂ©tĂ©rosis directs pour ces caractĂšres s’élevaient Ă  3,7± 0,7 kg (15%); 19,2 ± 2,3 kg (25%) et 187 ± 24g/j (30%)respectivement. Les diffĂ©rences additives directes en faveur de LW ont augmentĂ© de 58 ± 9 kg Ă  la premiĂšre mise bas Ă  111 ± 10 kg Ă  la cinquiĂšme mise bas. Les effets d’hĂ©tĂ©rosis directs sont restĂ©s similaires tout au long de la pĂ©riode de reproduction et atteignaient en moyenne 27 ± 3 kg (11 %). Les autres paramĂštres du croisement Ă©taient faibles et non significatifs aprĂšs le sevrage, Ă  l’exception des effets d’hĂ©tĂ©rosis maternels, qui subsistaient jusqu’à 154 j

    Patterns of silver eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) sex ratio in a catchment

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    Changes in the numbers and size-class structure of European silver eels, Anguilla anguilla, in the River FreÂŽmur (France) were examined over a 9-year period after installation of downstream eel passes. The number of silver eels migrating downstream peaked in 1999, then decreased strongly and steadily after 2000, reaching relatively low levels. At the same time, a gradual shift in the silver eel sex ratio from a dominance of males (size from 270 to 442 mm, age from 3 to 6 years) to females (size from 366 to 1112 mm, age from 4 to 9 years) was recorded. Possible explanations for the escapement patterns observed are environmental sex determination and the installation of eel passes on the main hydraulic engineering structures in 1992 and 1996
