1,985 research outputs found

    Third post-Newtonian dynamics of compact binaries: Equations of motion in the center-of-mass frame

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    The equations of motion of compact binary systems and their associated Lagrangian formulation have been derived in previous works at the third post-Newtonian (3PN) approximation of general relativity in harmonic coordinates. In the present work we investigate the binary's relative dynamics in the center-of-mass frame (center of mass located at the origin of the coordinates). We obtain the 3PN-accurate expressions of the center-of-mass positions and equations of the relative binary motion. We show that the equations derive from a Lagrangian (neglecting the radiation reaction), from which we deduce the conserved center-of-mass energy and angular momentum at the 3PN order. The harmonic-coordinates center-of-mass Lagrangian is equivalent, {\it via} a contact transformation of the particles' variables, to the center-of-mass Hamiltonian in ADM coordinates that is known from the post-Newtonian ADM-Hamiltonian formalism. As an application we investigate the dynamical stability of circular binary orbits at the 3PN order.Comment: 31 pages, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Gravitational-Wave Inspiral of Compact Binary Systems to 7/2 Post-Newtonian Order

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    The inspiral of compact binaries, driven by gravitational-radiation reaction, is investigated through 7/2 post-Newtonian (3.5PN) order beyond the quadrupole radiation. We outline the derivation of the 3.5PN-accurate binary's center-of-mass energy and emitted gravitational flux. The analysis consistently includes the relativistic effects in the binary's equations of motion and multipole moments, as well as the contributions of tails, and tails of tails, in the wave zone. However the result is not fully determined because of some physical incompleteness, present at the 3PN order, of the model of point-particle and the associated Hadamard-type self-field regularization. The orbital phase, whose prior knowledge is crucial for searching and analyzing the inspiral signal, is computed from the standard energy balance argument.Comment: 12 pages, version which includes the correction of an Erratum to be published in Phys. Rev. D (2005

    Gravitational radiation reaction in the equations of motion of compact binaries to 3.5 post-Newtonian order

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    We compute the radiation reaction force on the orbital motion of compact binaries to the 3.5 post-Newtonian (3.5PN) approximation, i.e. one PN order beyond the dominant effect. The method is based on a direct PN iteration of the near-zone metric and equations of motion of an extended isolated system, using appropriate ``asymptotically matched'' flat-space-time retarded potentials. The formalism is subsequently applied to binary systems of point particles, with the help of the Hadamard self-field regularisation. Our result is the 3.5PN acceleration term in a general harmonic coordinate frame. Restricting the expression to the centre-of-mass frame, we find perfect agreement with the result derived in a class of coordinate systems by Iyer and Will using the energy and angular momentum balance equations.Comment: 28 pages, references added, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Gravitational waves from black hole binary inspiral and merger: The span of third post-Newtonian effective-one-body templates

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    We extend the description of gravitational waves emitted by binary black holes during the final stages of inspiral and merger by introducing in the third post-Newtonian (3PN) effective-one-body (EOB) templates seven new ``flexibility'' parameters that affect the two-body dynamics and gravitational radiation emission. The plausible ranges of these flexibility parameters, notably the parameter characterising the fourth post-Newtonian effects in the dynamics, are estimated. Using these estimates, we show that the currently available standard 3PN bank of EOB templates does ``span'' the space of signals opened up by all the flexibility parameters, in that their maximized mutual overlaps are larger than 96.5%. This confirms the effectualness of 3PN EOB templates for the detection of binary black holes in gravitational-wave data from interferometric detectors. The possibility to drastically reduce the number of EOB templates using a few ``universal'' phasing functions is suggested.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables, with revtex4, Minor clarifications, Final published versio

    Post-Newtonian approximation for isolated systems calculated by matched asymptotic expansions

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    Two long-standing problems with the post-Newtonian approximation for isolated slowly-moving systems in general relativity are: (i) the appearance at high post-Newtonian orders of divergent Poisson integrals, casting a doubt on the soundness of the post-Newtonian series; (ii) the domain of validity of the approximation which is limited to the near-zone of the source, and prevents one, a priori, from incorporating the condition of no-incoming radiation, to be imposed at past null infinity. In this article, we resolve the problem (i) by iterating the post-Newtonian hierarchy of equations by means of a new (Poisson-type) integral operator that is free of divergencies, and the problem (ii) by matching the post-Newtonian near-zone field to the exterior field of the source, known from previous work as a multipolar-post-Minkowskian expansion satisfying the relevant boundary conditions at infinity. As a result, we obtain an algorithm for iterating the post-Newtonian series up to any order, and we determine the terms, present in the post-Newtonian field, that are associated with the gravitational-radiation reaction onto an isolated slowly-moving matter system.Comment: 61 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The Statistical Mechanics of Horizons and Black Hole Thermodynamics

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    Although we know that black holes are characterized by a temperature and an entropy, we do not yet have a satisfactory microscopic ``statistical mechanical'' explanation for black hole thermodynamics. I describe a new approach that attributes the thermodynamic properties to ``would-be gauge'' degrees of freedom that become dynamical on the horizon. For the (2+1)-dimensional black hole, this approach gives the correct entropy. (Talk given at the Pacific Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology, Seoul, February 1996.)Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    Hadamard Regularization

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    Motivated by the problem of the dynamics of point-particles in high post-Newtonian (e.g. 3PN) approximations of general relativity, we consider a certain class of functions which are smooth except at some isolated points around which they admit a power-like singular expansion. We review the concepts of (i) Hadamard ``partie finie'' of such functions at the location of singular points, (ii) the partie finie of their divergent integral. We present and investigate different expressions, useful in applications, for the latter partie finie. To each singular function, we associate a partie-finie (Pf) pseudo-function. The multiplication of pseudo-functions is defined by the ordinary (pointwise) product. We construct a delta-pseudo-function on the class of singular functions, which reduces to the usual notion of Dirac distribution when applied on smooth functions with compact support. We introduce and analyse a new derivative operator acting on pseudo-functions, and generalizing, in this context, the Schwartz distributional derivative. This operator is uniquely defined up to an arbitrary numerical constant. Time derivatives and partial derivatives with respect to the singular points are also investigated. In the course of the paper, all the formulas needed in the application to the physical problem are derived.Comment: 50 pages, to appear in Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Spin induced multipole moments for the gravitational wave amplitude from binary inspirals to 2.5 Post-Newtonian order

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    Using the NRGR effective field theory formalism we calculate the remaining source multipole moments necessary to obtain the spin contributions to the gravitational wave amplitude to 2.5 Post-Newtonian (PN) order. We also reproduce the tail contribution to the waveform linear in spin at 2.5PN arising from the nonlinear interaction between the current quadrupole and the mass monopole.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures. v2 Minor changes, to appear in JCA

    Gravitational waves from inspiralling compact binaries: Energy loss and waveform to second--post-Newtonian order

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    Gravitational waves generated by inspiralling compact binaries are investigated to the second--post-Newtonian (2PN) approximation of general relativity. Using a recently developed 2PN-accurate wave generation formalism, we compute the gravitational waveform and associated energy loss rate from a binary system of point-masses moving on a quasi-circular orbit. The crucial new input is our computation of the 2PN-accurate ``source'' quadrupole moment of the binary. Tails in both the waveform and energy loss rate at infinity are explicitly computed. Gravitational radiation reaction effects on the orbital frequency and phase of the binary are deduced from the energy loss. In the limiting case of a very small mass ratio between the two bodies we recover the results obtained by black hole perturbation methods. We find that finite mass ratio effects are very significant as they increase the 2PN contribution to the phase by up to 52\%. The results of this paper should be of use when deciphering the signals observed by the future LIGO/VIRGO network of gravitational-wave detectors.Comment: 43 pages, LaTeX-ReVTeX, no figures

    Distortion of Gravitational-Wave Packets Due to their Self-Gravity

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    When a source emits a gravity-wave (GW) pulse over a short period of time, the leading edge of the GW signal is redshifted more than the inner boundary of the pulse. The GW pulse is distorted by the gravitational effect of the self-energy residing in between these shells. We illustrate this distortion for GW pulses from the final plunge of black hole (BH) binaries, leading to the evolution of the GW profile as a function of the radial distance from the source. The distortion depends on the total GW energy released and the duration of the emission, scaled by the total binary mass, M. The effect should be relevant in finite box simulations where the waveforms are extracted within a radius of <~ 100M. For characteristic emission parameters at the final plunge between binary BHs of arbitrary spins, this effect could distort the simulated GW templates for LIGO and LISA by a fraction of 0.001. Accounting for the wave distortion would significantly decrease the waveform extraction errors in numerical simulations.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review