196 research outputs found

    CRC COVID: Colorectal cancer services during COVID-19 pandemic. study protocol for service evaluation

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    Introduction COVID-19 has had an impact on the provision of colorectal cancer care. The aim of the CRC COVID study is to describe the changes in colorectal cancer services in the UK and USA in response to the pandemic and to understand the long-term impact. Methods and analysis This study comprises 4 phases. Phase 1 is a survey of colorectal units that aims to evaluate adherences and deviations from the best practice guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Phase 2 is a monthly prospective data collection of service provision that aims to determine the impact of the service modifications on the long-term cancer specific outcomes compared to the national standards. Phase 3 aims to predict costs attributable to the modifications of the CRC services and additional resources required to treat patients whose treatment has been affected by the pandemic. Phase 4 aims to compare the impact of COVID-19 on the NHS and USA model of healthcare in terms of service provision and cost, and to propose a standardised model of delivering colorectal cancer services for future outbreaks

    Perioperative management and anaesthetic considerations in pelvic exenterations using Delphi methodology: results from the PelvEx Collaborative

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    Background: The multidisciplinary perioperative and anaesthetic management of patients undergoing pelvic exenteration (PE) is essential for good surgical outcomes. No clear guidelines have been established, and there is wide variation in clinical practice internationally. This consensus statement consolidates clinical experience and best practice collectively, and systematically addresses key domains in the perioperative and anaesthetic management. Methods: The modified Delphi methodology was used to achieve consensus from the PelvEx Collaborative. The process included one round of online questionnaire involving controlled feedback and structured participant response, two rounds of editing, and one round of web-based voting. It was held from December 2019 to February 2020. Consensus was defined as more than 80 per cent agreement; whereas less than 80 per cent agreement indicated low consensus. Results: The final consensus document contained 47 voted statements, across six key domains of perioperative and anaesthetic management in PEs comprising preoperative assessment and preparation, anaesthetic considerations, perioperative management, anticipating possible massive haemorrhage, stress response and postoperative critical care, and pain management. Consensus recommendations were developed based on consensus agreement achieved on 34 statements. Conclusion: The perioperative and anaesthetic management of PE patients is best accomplished by a dedicated multidisciplinary team with relevant domain expertise in the setting of a specialized tertiary unit. This consensus statement has addressed key domains within the framework of current perioperative and anaesthetic management among PE patients, with an international perspective, to guide clinical practice, and has outlined areas for future clinical research

    Perioperative optimization in complex abdominal wall hernias: Delphi consensus statement

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    Background The incidence of incisional hernia after major abdominal surgery via a midline laparotomy is 20–41 per cent with short-term follow-up, and over 50 per cent in those surviving an abdominal catastrophe. Abdominal wall reconstruction (AWR) requires complex operations, often involving mesh resection, management of scarred skin, fistula takedown, component separation or flap reconstruction. Patients tend to have more complex conditions, with multiple co-morbidities predisposing them to a vicious cycle of complications and, subsequently, hernia recurrence. Currently there appears to be variance in perioperative practice and minimal guidance globally. The aim of this Delphi consensus was to provide a clear benchmark of care for the preoperative assessment and perioperative optimization of patients undergoing AWR. Methods The Delphi method was used to achieve consensus from invited experts in the field of AWR. Thirtytwo hernia surgeons from recognized hernia societies globally took part. The process included two rounds of anonymous web-based voting with response analysis and formal feedback, concluding with a live round of voting followed by discussion at an international conference. Consensus for a strong recommendation was achieved with 80 per cent agreement, and a weak recommendation with 75 per cent agreement. Results Consensus was obtained on 52 statements including surgical assessment, preoperative assessment, perioperative optimization, multidisciplinary team and decision-making, and quality-of-life assessment. Forty-six achieved over 80 per cent agreement; 14 statements achieved over 95 per cent agreement. Conclusion Clear consensus recommendations from a global group of experts in the AWR field are presented in this study. These should be used as a baseline for surgeons and centres managing abdominal wall hernias and performing complex AWR. TOC summary: The Delphi method was used to provide consensus statements for preoperative assessment and perioperative optimization of patients with complex abdominal wall hernias. Clear recommendations are provided as a baseline for surgeons and centres managing complex abdominal wall hernias

    Laparoscopic management of acute small bowel obstruction 2 in non-selected patients: a 10-year experience

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    The laparoscopic approach to the management of small bowel obstruction (SBO) has been associated with reduced length of hospital stay, complications, and mortality. The laparoscopy-first approach has been limited to highly selective cases to date. In this retrospective observational study, we report our 10-year experience and outcomes within a dedicated Emergency Surgery unit that adopted a non-selective approach in the laparoscopic management of SBO. The surgical approach to all patients that underwent surgery for SBO by an experienced Emergency Surgeon, over a period of 10 years, was divided into two groups of open surgery (OS) or laparoscopy-first (LF). Outcomes included length of stay, complications, mortality, readmission rates and reasons for conversion. Data were reviewed to identify patterns of learning. A total of 189 patients were included in the study. A total of 81.5% were managed with an LF approach. Of these, 25.3% required conversion. LF patients had a similar length of stay, lower 30-day readmission rates and wound complications. Reasons for conversion included need for bowel resection, perforation, and malignancy. Our study had a high intention-to-treat LF population and identified major indications for conversion. As our laparoscopic experience increased, conversion rates substantially reduced. We propose that a LF approach is feasible and can benefit from training within dedicated Emergency Surgery teams

    The use of mechanical bowel preparation and oral antibiotic prophylaxis in elective colorectal surgery: a call for change in practice

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    Elective colorectal surgery is associated with one of the highest rates of surgical site infections (SSIs), which result in prolonged length of stay, morbidity, and mortality for these patients and have a significant financial burden to healthcare systems. In an effort to reduce the frequency of SSI rates associated with colorectal surgery, the 2018 World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines recommend the routine use of mechanical bowel preparation (MBP) and oral antibiotic prophylaxis (OAP) in adult patients undergoing elective colorectal surgery. However, this recommendation remains a topic of debate internationally. The National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines, last revised in 2019, recommend against the routine use of MBP and do not address the issue of OAP. In this communication, we reviewed the current guidelines and examined the most recent evidence from randomised-control trials (RCTs) and meta-analyses on the effect of MBP and OAP on SSI rates since the 2019 NICE guideline review. This recent evidence clearly demonstrated an SSI-risk-reduction benefit with the additional use of OAP and the combination of MBP and OAP in this group of patients, and we therefore highlight the need for change of the current NICE guidelines

    It is time to improve the quality of medical information distributed to students across social media

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    The ubiquitous nature of social media has meant that its effects on fields outside of social communication have begun to be felt. The generation undergoing medical education are of the generation referred to as “digital natives”, and as such routinely incorporate social media into their education. Social media’s incorporation into medical education includes its use as a platform to distribute information to the public (“distributive education”) and as a platform to provide information to a specific audience (“push education”). These functions have proved beneficial in many regards, such as enabling constant access to the subject matter, other learners, and educators. However, the usefulness of using social media as part of medical education is limited by the vast quantities of poor quality information and the time required to find information of sufficient quality and relevance, a problem confounded by many student’s preoccupation with “efficient” learning. In this Perspective, the authors discuss whether social media has proved useful as a tool for medical education. The current growth in the use of social media as a tool for medical education seems to be principally supported by students’ desire for efficient learning rather than by the efficacy of social media as a resource for medical education. Therefore, improvements in the quality of information required to maximize the impact of social media as a tool for medical education are required. Suggested improvements include an increase in the amount of educational content distributed on social media produced by academic institutions, such as universities and journals

    Functional outcomes with handsewn versus stapled anastomoses in the treatment of ultralow rectal cancer

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    Adequate oncological outcomes have been demonstrated with rectal resection and handsewn coloanal anastomosis (CAA) in tumours in close proximity to the internal anal sphincter. Our aim was to assess functional differences between handsewn CAA and ultralow stapled anastomosis. Participants were identified from a single-surgeon series. Included participants underwent anorectal physiology testing of anal sphincter function, in addition to completion of several questionnaires: Wexner Incontinence Score (WIS); Birmingham Bowel, Bladder and Urinary Symptom Questionnaire (BBUSQ); Low Anterior Resection Syndrome (LARS) Score; SF36. Non-parametric data compared using the Mann-Whitney U test. 20 participants were included; 11 stapled and 9 handsewn. Mean follow-up was 2.95 ± 1.97 years. The mean LARS score was 21.9 ± 1.97 years in the stapled group versus 29.4 ± 9.57 in the handsewn group (p = 0.133). The Wexner incontinence score was significantly higher in the handsewn group (p = 0.0076), with a mean score of 4.6 ± 3.69 versus 10.9 ± 4.76. The incontinence domain of the BBUSQ was also significantly worse in patients with a handsewn anastomosis (p = 0.001). With the exception of general health (p = 0.035) and social functioning (p = 0.035), which were worse in the handsewn groups, the other six domains of the SF-36 showed no statistical difference between groups. Anorectal physiology scores were not significantly different. Handsewn CAA anastomosis is known to be safe and oncologically feasible. Patient selection should be vigorous, with preoperative counseling regarding the likelihood of incontinence to manage patients' expectations and promote comparable quality of life in the long-term

    Modelling of anal sphincter tone based on pneumatic and cable-driven mechanisms

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    Motivated by the need for improving a haptics-based simulation tool for learning and training digital rectal examinations, a sphincter tone model and its actuation is conceived and developed. Two approaches are presented: One based on pneumatics actuation and the other using cable-driven mechanical actuation using servo motors. Clinical scenarios are modelled as profiles based on studies of anorectal manometry and adapted with clinical input. Both designed mechanisms and scenarios were experimentally evaluated by six experts, Nurse Practitioners in Continence and Colorectal Surgeons. Results show that both mechanisms produce enough pressure on examining finger and profiles are able to generate a wide range of healthy and abnormal cases. Either approach could be used to provide a more realistic experience during training of sphincter tone assessment

    La risa de Quevedo

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    Background Rectal duplication cysts are rare gastrointestinal congenital duplicate cysts with various clinical presentations that require different management. Case presentation We present a case of a lady with a double rectal duplicate cyst which was found incidentally on a follow-up CT abdomen and pelvis scan. The patient initially had a mucocele excision, and following that, she had a non-contrast CT abdomen and pelvis to investigate post-operative pain. The CT scan revealed a single rectal duplicate cyst. She had a posterior approach excision to have it removed, and only intra-operatively, she was found to have a double rectal duplicate cyst. She had them both removed via a midline incision running from the perineal pigmentation and extending until the coccyx. She had another follow-up CT which showed complete excision of the cysts. Conclusions After a thorough review of the literature regarding rectal cysts, there was no mention of a double rectal duplicate cyst. The purpose of this paper is to point out the various potential presentations of a rectal cyst as well as the idea that a double cyst is managed effectively in a similar way as the single one
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