6,000 research outputs found

    Latitudinal Variation of Ozone in India

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    Effect of different sowing times and spacings on growth, yield and quality of water spinach (Ipomoea reptans Poir.) under terai region of West Bengal

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    An experiment was conducted to find out suitable sowing time and spacing as to increase the production of both green and seed yield and its quality of water spinach (Ipomoea reptans Poir.) during the year 2007-08 and 2008-09. The experiment was comprised of three sowing times (1st week of May; 1st week of June and 1st week July) and three spacings (30 cm × 15 cm; 30 cm ×30 cm and 30 cm ×45 cm). It was found that early sowing on 1st week of May and closest spacing of 30 cm ×15 cm alone and their combination executed best results with respect to all parameters. The sowing on 1st week of May with closest spacing of 30 cm ×15 cm produced about 3.26 times higher green yield (18.83 t/ha). On the other hand, sowing on 1st week of June with 30 cm ×15 cm spacing contributed 52.95 percent higher seed yield (0.78 t/ha). All the seed quality testing parameters viz. shelling percentage (62.53), 1000 seed weight (40.56 g), germination percentage (82.40), seedling vigour index (5.38) and seedling growth rate (0.091 g/plant/day) were observed to be highest in 1st week of June with widest spacing of 30 cm ×45 cm. On economic point of view, the combination of 1st week of May along with 30 cm ×15 cm spacing was noticed to be superior amongst all other treatment combinations and that may be adopted for its commercial cultivation in medium to upland situation under terai region of West Bengal

    Effect of boron and zinc application on growth, seed yield and seed quality of water spinach (Ipomoea reptans Poir.) under terai region of West Bengal

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    The field experiment was conducted at the Instructional Farm, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Pundibari, Cooch Behar, West Bengal to study the effect of boron and zinc application on growth, seed yield and its quality of water spinach (Ipomoea reptans Poir.). The study consisted of borax @ 0 (B0), 25 kg/ha through soil (B1) and 1.5 g/litre twice through foliar sprays at 15 days interval (B2) and ZnSO4 @ 0 (Zn0), 15 kg/ha through soil (Zn1) and 1.5 g/litre twice foliar sprays at 15 days interval (Zn2) and their nine treatment combinations (viz. B0 Zn0, B1 Zn0, B2 Zn0, B0Zn1, B1 Zn1, B2 Zn1, B0Zn2, B1 Zn2 and B2 Zn2. The results revealed that application of boron and zinc at all rates alone and as combinations markedly influenced all growth, seed yield and its quality parameters as compared with the control. Soil application of borax @ 25 kg/ha and ZnSO4 @ 15 kg/ha alone and as combination recorded maximum number of flowers/hill (282.6, 275.1 & 311.5), number of capsules/hill (238.2, 220.7 & 257.8), seed yield (1.22 t/ha, 1.21 t/ha & 1.32 t/ha), shelling percentage (67.14%, 67.06% & 68.76%), 1000 seed weight (38.05 g, 38.25 g & 41.16 g), germination percentage (86.6%, 86.3% & 90.0%), seedling vigour index (6.20, 6.26 & 6.63) and seedling growth rate (0.123, 0.123 and 0.127 g/plant/day), respectively over control. Maximum vine length, number of nodes per plant, average internode length and chlorophyll content of leaf were found in twice foliar sprays of bo-rax @ 1.5 g/litre (B2) and twice foliar sprays of ZnSO4 @ 1.5 g/litre (Zn2) individually as well as their combination (B2Zn2). Considering the benefit : cost ratio (B: C ratio), combination of both soil application of borax @ 25 kg/ha and ZnSO4 @ 15 kg/ha (B1Zn1) was found most economical (2.60)

    Effect of cutting frequencies and nitrogen levels on growth, green and seed yield and quality of water spinach (Ipomoea reptans Poir.)

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    To study the effect of cutting frequencies and nitrogen levels on growth, green and seed yield and quality of upland water spinach (Ipomoea reptans Poir.) an experiment was undertaken with four cutting frequencies (C0 = no cutting; C1 = one cutting at 45 days after sowing (DAS); C2 = two cutting at 45 and 65 DAS and C3 = three cutting at 45, 65 and 85 DAS) and five nitrogen levels (N0 = no application; N1 = 50 kg/ha; N2 = 100 kg/ha; N3 = 150 kg/ha and N4 = 200 kg/ha). Results revealed that all growth, seed yield and seed quality attributes were found to decrease significantly with higher cutting frequencies, whereas, reverse effects on all physiological attributes, green yield and its quality parameters. On the other hand, nitrogen level (upto 150 kg N/ha) had significant effect and all these parameters. The highest green yield was recorded at three cuttings and 150 kg N/ha individually and also at their interaction (16.34, 12.57 and 17.77 t/ha, respectively). Maximum value of quality parameter like vitamin A (3072.9 ?g/100 g) was recorded in one cutting with 150 kg N/hectare, whereas, maximum ascorbic acid was recorded maximum (45.31 mg/100 g) in one cutting without N fertilizer application Maximum net profit of Rs. 114324.00 with B: C ratio of 2.22:1 was obtained with combination of three cuttings and 150 kg N/ha and that may be adopted for its commercial cultivation in medium to upland situation under terai region of West Bengal

    Structure of poly(propyl ether imine) (PETIM) dendrimer from fully atomistic molecular Dynamics Simulation and by Small Angle X-ray scattering

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    We study the structure of carboxylic acid terminated neutral poly (propyl ether imine) (PETIM) dendrimer from generation 1 through 6 (G1-G6) in a good solvent (water) by fully atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. We determine as a function of generation such structural properties as: radius of gyration, shape tensor, asphericity, fractal dimension, monomer density distribution, and end-group distribution functions. The sizes obtained from the MD simulations have been validated by Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS) experiment on dendrimer of generation 2 to 4 (G2-G4). A good agreement between the experimental and theoretical value of radius of gyration has been observed. We find a linear increase in radius of gyration with the generation. In contrast, Rg scales as ~ N^x with the number of monomers. We find two distinct exponents depending on the generations: x = 0.47 for G1-G3 and x = 0.28 for G3-G6 which reveals their non-space filling nature. In comparison with the amine terminated PAMAM dendrimer, we find Rg of G-th generation PETIM dendrimer is nearly equal to that of (G+1)-th generation of PAMAM dendrimer as observed by Maiti et. al. [Macromolecules,38, 979 2005]. We find substantial back folding of the outer sub generations into the interior of the dendrimer. Due to their highly flexible nature of the repeating branch units, the shape of the PETIM dendrimer deviates significantly from the spherical shape and the molecules become more and more spherical as the generation increases. The interior of the dendrimer is quite open with internal cavities available for accommodating guest molecules suggesting using PETIM dendrimer for guest-host applications. We also give a quantitative measure of the number of water molecules present inside the dendrimer.Comment: 33 page

    Potential algebra approach to position dependent mass Schroedinger equation

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    It is shown that for a class of position dependent mass Schroedinger equation the shape invariance condition is equivalent to a potential symmetry algebra. Explicit realization of such algebras have been obtained for some shape invariant potentials

    Extraction of silicomanganese from marine and low grade mineral resources

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    Manganese nodule, available in ocean beds, is a potential resource of the future for copper, nickel and cobalt. Recovering only these metals, containing less than 3% by weight, will result in the generation of large amount of residue. In addition to the material losses, several environmental and ecological problems arise out of this. The present study has been aimed at reducing the environmental and ecological problems associated with massive generation of this residue together with utilization of the resources. Presence of ~ 20% manganese and ~16% silicon in the residue has prompted us to check its suitability as a raw material for silicomanganese production. Lower manganese content and lower Mn/Fe ratio of the residue than that required for silicomanganese production has been corrected in this study by suitable blending. The efficacy of blending and its thermodynamic aspects using FACTSAGE software are discussed. The studies conducted indicate viability of bulk utilisation of the residue through silicomanganese production and thereby reducing the burden on environment to a great extent

    Seed yield of linseed varieties grown as ‘paira’ crop as influenced by dates of sowing

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    Linseed is an industrial crop cultivated for its seeds, fibres and oil purpose. Linseed crop can met their requirement i.e. moisture and nutritional demand from stored soil moisture and residual fertility status in "utera? or "paira? system of cropping. On the basis of this fact an experiment was conducted on “Seed yield of linseed varieties grown as paira crop as influenced by dates of sowing” in red and laterite zone of West Bengal during rabi season of 2012-13 and 2013-14 at Rice Research Station, Bankura, West Bengal, India. Poor in organic matter content, available phosphate and bases, hard structure of iron and aluminium patterned as honeycomb are present in the subsurface regions of the profiles and kaolinite is the predominant clay minerals of red and lateritic zone (western part) of West Bengal. This experiment was laid out in a split-plot design with three replications and compared two factors (dates of sowing and linseed varieties). Objective was identifying the optimum date of sowing and suitable linseed varieties grown as „paira? crop under changed climate in red and laterite zone of West Bengal. The experimental results revealed that the highest seed yield (534 kg ha-1 as pooled value) was recorded from the treatment D1 i.e. linseed sown on 15th November. The lowest seed yield (489.2 kg ha-1 as pooled value) was obtained with treatment D3 i.e. linseed sown on 29th November. Among linseed varieties, T-397 has yielded highest seed yield (573.4 kg ha-1 as pooled value). Lowest seed yield (409. 3 kg ha-1 as pooled data) was recorded from Neela variety. From the present study it may be concluded that linseed sown on 15th November is the best time and T-397 is the suitable linseed variety grown as "paira? crop under changed climate in red and laterite zone of West Bengal

    Effect of organic source of nutrients and biofertilizers on growth, yield and quality of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.)

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    Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) being a long crop duration, rhizomatous nature and high productivity it re-quires heavy input of fertilizers. Keeping this in view, an experiment was conducted at the Instructional farm of Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Pundibari, Cooch Behar, West Bengal during 2009-10 and 2010-11 to study the effect of organic source of nutrients and biofertilizers on growth, yield and quality of Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.). The results revealed that application of green leaf manure (from Glyricidia maculata) @ 12tonnes/ha along with rock phosphate @ 0.2 tonnes/ha, wood ash @ 1 tonnes/ha, Azospirillum @ 5kg/ha + PSB @ 5kg/ha (T5) gave the sig-nificantly highest fresh (29.27 tonnes/ha) and dry yield (7.81 tonnes/ha) followed by vermicompost 5 tonnes/ha along with Azospirillum @ 5kg/ha + PSB @ 5kg/ha (T4) (26.30 tonnes/ha and 6.99 tonnes/ha, respectively) which was statistically at par with sole application of 30 tonnes/ha farm yard manure (T2) ( 26.00 tonnes/ha and 6.77 tonnes/ha, respectively). Next highest dry yield (6.40 tonnes/ha) was recorded in control plots (T6) of recommended dose of fertilizers at the rate of 80:80:120 kg N, P2O5 and K2O/ ha along farm yard manure @ 15 tonnes/ha. The lowest fresh yield of 19.31 tonnes/ha and dry yield (5.26 tonnes/ha) was recorded in the treatment of sole application of FYM @ 15 tonnes/ha (T1). Somewhat higher dry recovery percentage was recorded in case of all the organic treatments compared to control treatment (T6). Maximum dry recovery (27.22%) and curcumin content (5.24%) was recorded in the treatment of sole application of FYM @ 15 tonnes/ha (T1). It may be concluded that the application of green leaf manure (from Glyricidia maculata) @ 12tonnes/ha along with rock phosphate @ 0.2 tonnes/ha, wood ash @ 1 tonnes/ha, Azospirillum @ 5kg/ha and PSB @ 5kg/ha was the best treatment followed by application of Vermicompost @ 5 tonnes/ha + Azospirillium @5 kg/ha + PSB @ 5 kg/ha and application of farm yard manure @ 30 tonnes/ha treatments for dry yield and quality of turmeric