1,117 research outputs found

    Electrical Tuning of Single Nitrogen-Vacancy Center Optical Transitions Enhanced by Photoinduced Fields

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    We demonstrate precise control over the zero-phonon optical transition energies of individual nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond by applying multiaxis electric fields, via the dc Stark effect. The Stark shifts display surprising asymmetries that we attribute to an enhancement and rectification of the local electric field by photoionized charge traps in the diamond. Using this effect, we tune the excited-state orbitals of strained NV centers to degeneracy and vary the resulting degenerate optical transition frequency by >10 GHz, a scale comparable to the inhomogeneous frequency distribution. This technique will facilitate the integration of NV-center spins within photonic networks.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Phonon driven spin distribution due to the spin-Seebeck effect

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    Here we report on measurements of the spin-Seebeck effect of GaMnAs over an extended temperature range alongside the thermal conductivity, specific heat, magnetization, and thermoelectric power. The amplitude of the spin-Seebeck effect in GaMnAs scales with the thermal conductivity of the GaAs substrate and the phonon-drag contribution to the thermoelectric power of the GaMnAs, demonstrating that phonons drive the spin redistribution. A phenomenological model involving phonon-magnon drag explains the spatial and temperature dependence of the measured spin distribution.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Long dephasing time and high temperature ballistic transport in an InGaAs open quantum dot

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    We report on measurements of the magnetoconductance of an open circular InGaAs quantum dot between 1.3K and 204K. We observe two types of magnetoconductance fluctuations: universal conductance fluctuations (UCFs), and 'focusing' fluctuations related to ballistic trajectories between openings. The electron phase coherence time extracted from UCFs amplitude is larger than in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots and follows a similar temperature dependence (between T^-1 and T^-2). Below 150K, the characteristic length associated with 'focusing' fluctuations shows a slightly different temperature dependence from that of the conductivity.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, proceedings of ICSNN2002, to appear in Physica

    Charge Transport Properties of a Metal-free Phthalocyanine Discotic Liquid Crystal

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    Discotic liquid crystals can self-align to form one-dimensional semiconducting wires, many tens of microns long. In this letter, we describe the preparation of semiconducting films where the stacking direction of the disc-like molecules is perpendicular to the substrate surface. We present measurements of the charge carrier mobility, applying temperature-dependent time-of-flight transient photoconductivity, space-charge limited current measurements, and field-effect mobility measurements. We provide experimental verification of the highly anisotropic nature of semiconducting films of discotic liquid crystals, with charge carrier mobilities of up to 2.8x10−3^{-3}cm2^2/Vs. These properties make discotics an interesting choice for applications such as organic photovoltaics.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Thermopower and thermal conductivity in the Weyl semimetal NbP

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    The Weyl semimetal NbP exhibits an extremely large magnetoresistance (MR) and an ultra-high mobility. The large MR originates from a combination of the nearly perfect compensation between electron- and hole-type charge carriers and the high mobility, which is relevant to the topological band structure. In this work we report on temperature- and field-dependent thermopower and thermal conductivity experiments on NbP. Additionally, we carried out complementary heat capacity, magnetization, and electrical resistivity measurements. We found a giant adiabatic magnetothermopower with a maximum of 800 μ\muV/K at 50 K in a field of 9 T. Such large effects have been observed rarely in bulk materials. We suggest that the origin of this effect might be related to the high charge-carrier mobility. We further observe pronounced quantum oscillations in both thermal conductivity and thermopower. The obtained frequencies compare well with our heat capacity and magnetization data.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure


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    Lactoferrin has been identified in rabbit heterophil leukocytes on the basis of its immunological reactivity, electrophoretic mobility, acid-resistant iron-binding properties, and spectral characteristics. Leukocyte lactoferrin was found to be exclusively localized in the specific (secondary) granules, which have been resolved from other subcellular components by zonal differential centrifugation and by isopycnic equilibration

    Atomic Layer Deposition Nucleation Dependence on Diamond Surface Termination

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    Surface termination and interfacial interactions are critical for advanced solid-state quantum applications. In this paper, we demonstrate that atomic layer deposition (ALD) can both provide valuable insight on the chemical environment of the surface, having sufficient sensitivity to distinguish between the common diamond (001) surface termination types and passivate these interfaces as desired. We selected diamond substrates exhibiting both smooth and anomalously rough surfaces to probe the effect of morphology on ALD nucleation. We use high resolution in situ spectroscopic ellipsometry to monitor the surface reaction with sub-angstrom resolution, to evaluate the nucleation of an ALD Al2O3 process as a function of different ex and in situ treatments to the diamond surface. In situ water dosing and high vacuum annealing provided the most favorable environment for nucleation of dimethylaluminum isopropoxide and water ALD. Hydrogen termination passivated both smooth and rough surfaces while triacid cleaning passivated the smooth surface only, with striking effectiveness.Comment: 31 pages, 14 figure
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