751 research outputs found

    The 2+1 Kepler Problem and Its Quantization

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    We study a system of two pointlike particles coupled to three dimensional Einstein gravity. The reduced phase space can be considered as a deformed version of the phase space of two special-relativistic point particles in the centre of mass frame. When the system is quantized, we find some possibly general effects of quantum gravity, such as a minimal distances and a foaminess of the spacetime at the order of the Planck length. We also obtain a quantization of geometry, which restricts the possible asymptotic geometries of the universe.Comment: 59 pages, LaTeX2e, 9 eps figure

    Panel Discussion - Management of Eurasian watermilfoil in the United States using native insects: State regulatory and management issues

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    While researchers have evaluated the potential of native insect herbivores to manage nonindigenous aquatic plant species such as Eurasian watermilfoil ( Myriophyllum spicatum L.), the practical matters of regulatory compliance and implementation have been neglected. A panel of aquatic nuisance species program managers from three state natural resource management agencies (Minnesota, Vermont and Washington) discussed their regulatory and policy concerns. In addition, one ecological consultant attempting to market one of the native insects to manage Eurasian watermilfoil added his perspective on the special challenges of distributing a native biological control agent for management of Eurasian watermilfoil

    Excessive oral amphetamine use as a possible cause of renal and splanchnic arterial aneurysms: A report of two cases

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    AbstractIntroduction: Multiple visceral aneurysms are uncommon and usually result from connective tissue diseases, systemic arteritis, or mycotic lesions. An association between multiple visceral aneurysms and excessive oral amphetamine use has not been reported. Methods: The clinical features of 2 patients at the University of Michigan Medical Center for treatment of multiple visceral aneurysms and amphetamine use were reviewed. Results: The patients had histories of excessive oral amphetamine use that ranged from 50 mg daily for 22 years to 200 mg daily for 2 years. No evidence was seen of systemic arteritis, connective tissue disorder, or an infectious process that may have caused the aneurysms. The arteriograms documented multiple splanchnic and renal artery aneurysms that involved both the large and the small arteries. The aneurysms of 1 patient were managed conservatively, and the patient has not had any clinical sequelae of the aneurysms during 14 years of follow-up. The second patient had hematobilia from a ruptured hepatic artery aneurysm that was treated with transcatheter embolic occlusion of the bleeding vessel. The patient had no recurrent gastrointestinal problems and continued to use amphetamines until his death from a cerebrovascular accident 6 years later. Conclusion: A possible association between excessive oral amphetamine use and multiple visceral aneurysms is reported for 2 patients in whom other risk factors were absent. The potential for chronic oral amphetamine use to cause multiple visceral aneurysms is an ill-defined but not unexpected complication of this substance that is known to contribute to arterial hypertension and to produce a form of necrotizing arteritis. (J Vasc Surg 1998;28:727-31.

    The GEO 600 laser system

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    Interferometric gravitational wave detectors require high optical power, single frequency lasers with very good beam quality and high amplitude and frequency stability as well as high long-term reliability as input light source. For GEO 600 a laser system with these properties is realized by a stable planar, longitudinally pumped 12 W Nd:YAG rod laser which is injection-locked to a monolithic 800 mW Nd:YAG non-planar ring oscillator. Frequency control signals from the mode cleaners are fed to the actuators of the non-planar ring oscillator which determines the frequency stability of the system. The system power stabilization acts on the slave laser pump diodes which have the largest influence on the output power. In order to gain more output power, a combined Nd:YAGNd:YVO4 system is scaled to more than 22 W

    Generation of short-pulse VUV and XUV radiation

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    Starting from intense short-pulse KrF (248 nm, 25 mJ, 400 fs), ArF (193 nm, 10 mJ, sim1 ps), and Ti:sapphire (810 nm, 100 mJ, 150 fs) laser systems, schemes for the generation of fixed-frequency and tunable VUV and XUV radiation by nonlinear optical techniques are investigated. With the KrF system, a four-wave mixing process in xenon yields tunable radiation in the range of 130–200 nm with output energies of, so far, 100 mgrJ in less than 1 ps. For the XUV spectral range below 100 nm, nonperturbative high-order harmonic generation and frequency mixing processes in noble gas jets are considered. To achieve tunability, the intense fixed-frequency pump laser radiation is mixed with less intense but broadly tunable radiation from short-pulse dye lasers or optical parametric generator-amplifier systems. In this way, tunability down to wavelengths of less than 40 nm has been demonstrated

    (2+1)-dimensional Einstein-Kepler problem in the centre-of-mass frame

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    We formulate and analyze the Hamiltonian dynamics of a pair of massive spinless point particles in (2+1)-dimensional Einstein gravity by anchoring the system to a conical infinity, isometric to the infinity generated by a single massive but possibly spinning particle. The reduced phase space \Gamma_{red} has dimension four and topology R^3 x S^1. \Gamma_{red} is analogous to the phase space of a Newtonian two-body system in the centre-of-mass frame, and we find on \Gamma_{red} a canonical chart that makes this analogue explicit and reduces to the Newtonian chart in the appropriate limit. Prospects for quantization are commented on.Comment: 38 pages, REVTeX v3.1 with amsfonts and epsf, 12 eps figures. (v2: Presentational improvement, references added, typos corrected.

    Self-organized criticality induced by quenched disorder: experiments on flux avalanches in NbHx_x films

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    We present an experimental study of the influence of quenched disorder on the distribution of flux avalanches in type-II superconductors. In the presence of much quenched disorder, the avalanche sizes are power-law distributed and show finite size scaling, as expected from self-organized criticality (SOC). Furthermore, the shape of the avalanches is observed to be fractal. In the absence of quenched disorder, a preferred size of avalanches is observed and avalanches are smooth. These observations indicate that a certain minimum amount of disorder is necessary for SOC behavior. We relate these findings to the appearance or non-appearance of SOC in other experimental systems, particularly piles of sand.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Hamiltonian structure and quantization of 2+1 dimensional gravity coupled to particles

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    It is shown that the reduced particle dynamics of 2+1 dimensional gravity in the maximally slicing gauge has hamiltonian form. This is proved directly for the two body problem and for the three body problem by using the Garnier equations for isomonodromic transformations. For a number of particles greater than three the existence of the hamiltonian is shown to be a consequence of a conjecture by Polyakov which connects the auxiliary parameters of the fuchsian differential equation which solves the SU(1,1) Riemann-Hilbert problem, to the Liouville action of the conformal factor which describes the space-metric. We give the exact diffeomorphism which transforms the expression of the spinning cone geometry in the Deser, Jackiw, 't Hooft gauge to the maximally slicing gauge. It is explicitly shown that the boundary term in the action, written in hamiltonian form gives the hamiltonian for the reduced particle dynamics. The quantum mechanical translation of the two particle hamiltonian gives rise to the logarithm of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on a cone whose angular deficit is given by the total energy of the system irrespective of the masses of the particles thus proving at the quantum level a conjecture by 't Hooft on the two particle dynamics. The quantum mechanical Green's function for the two body problem is given.Comment: 34 pages LaTe

    Image segmentation with traveling waves in an exactly solvable recurrent neural network

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    We study image segmentation using spatiotemporal dynamics in a recurrent neural network where the state of each unit is given by a complex number. We show that this network generates sophisticated spatiotemporal dynamics that can effectively divide an image into groups according to a scene's structural characteristics. Using an exact solution of the recurrent network's dynamics, we present a precise description of the mechanism underlying object segmentation in this network, providing a clear mathematical interpretation of how the network performs this task. We then demonstrate a simple algorithm for object segmentation that generalizes across inputs ranging from simple geometric objects in grayscale images to natural images. Object segmentation across all images is accomplished with one recurrent neural network that has a single, fixed set of weights. This demonstrates the expressive potential of recurrent neural networks when constructed using a mathematical approach that brings together their structure, dynamics, and computation