5,265 research outputs found

    Non Abelian Sugawara Construction and the q-deformed N=2 Superconformal Algebra

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    The construction of a q-deformed N=2 superconformal algebra is proposed in terms of level 1 currents of Uq(su^(2)){\cal{U}}_{q} ({\widehat{su}}(2)) quantum affine Lie algebra and a single real Fermi field. In particular, it suggests the expression for the q-deformed Energy-Momentum tensor in the Sugawara form. Its constituents generate two isomorphic quadratic algebraic structures. The generalization to Uq(su^(N+1)){\cal{U}}_{q} ({\widehat{su}}(N+1)) is also proposed.Comment: AMSLATEX, 21page

    Recent Legal Literature

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    Beale: The Law of Innkeepers and Hotels, including other Public Houses, Theatres, Sleeping Cars; Beale: The Law of Railroad Rate Regulation, with special reference to American Legislation; Moore: A Treatise on the Law of Carriers; Bernard: The First Year of Roman Law; Holland: The Elements of Jurisprudence; Wilcox: Foibles of the Bench; Wigmore (ed.): A Selection of Cases on Evidence for the Use of Students of Law; Fairlie: Local Government in Counties, Towns and Villages; Hirschl: Trial Tactics. A Treatment of the Methods of Conducting Litigatio

    Preparation, Structure, and Reactivity of Nonstabilized Organoiron Compounds. Implications for Iron-Catalyzed Cross Coupling Reactions

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    A series of unprecedented organoiron complexes of the formal oxidation states −2, 0, +1, +2, and +3 is presented, which are largely devoid of stabilizing ligands and, in part, also electronically unsaturated (14-, 16-, 17- and 18-electron counts). Specifically, it is shown that nucleophiles unable to undergo β-hydride elimination, such as MeLi, PhLi, or PhMgBr, rapidly reduce Fe(3+) to Fe(2+) and then exhaustively alkylate the metal center. The resulting homoleptic organoferrate complexes [(Me4Fe)(MeLi)][Li(OEt2)]2 (3) and [Ph4Fe][Li(Et2O)2][Li(1,4-dioxane)] (5) could be characterized by X-ray crystal structure analysis. However, these exceptionally sensitive compounds turned out to be only moderately nucleophilic, transferring their organic ligands to activated electrophiles only, while being unable to alkylate (hetero)aryl halides unless they are very electron deficient. In striking contrast, Grignard reagents bearing alkyl residues amenable to β-hydride elimination reduce FeXn (n = 2, 3) to clusters of the formal composition [Fe(MgX)2]n. The behavior of these intermetallic species can be emulated by structurally well-defined lithium ferrate complexes of the type [Fe(C2H4)4][Li(tmeda)]2 (8), [Fe(cod)2][Li(dme)]2 (9), [CpFe(C2H4)2][Li(tmeda)] (7), [CpFe(cod)][Li(dme)] (11), or [Cp*Fe(C2H4)2][Li(tmeda)] (14). Such electron-rich complexes, which are distinguished by short intermetallic Fe−Li bonds, were shown to react with aryl chlorides and allyl halides; the structures and reactivity patterns of the resulting organoiron compounds provide first insights into the elementary steps of low valent iron-catalyzed cross coupling reactions of aryl, alkyl, allyl, benzyl, and propargyl halides with organomagnesium reagents. However, the acquired data suggest that such C−C bond formations can occur, a priori, along different catalytic cycles shuttling between metal centers of the formal oxidation states Fe(+1)/Fe(+3), Fe(0)/Fe(+2), and Fe(−2)/Fe(0). Since these different manifolds are likely interconnected, an unambiguous decision as to which redox cycle dominates in solution remains difficult, even though iron complexes of the lowest accessible formal oxidation states promote the reactions most effectively

    Book Reviews

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    Book Review of Lemuel Shaw by Frederic Hathaway Chase, and The War and Humanity by James M. Beck

    A photonic bandgap resonator to facilitate GHz frequency conductivity experiments in pulsed magnetic fields

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    We describe instrumentation designed to perform millimeter-wave conductivity measurements in pulsed high magnetic fields at low temperatures. The main component of this system is an entirely non-metallic microwave resonator. The resonator utilizes periodic dielectric arrays (photonic bandgap structures) to confine the radiation, such that the resonant modes have a high Q-factor, and the system possesses sufficient sensitivity to measure small samples within the duration of a magnet pulse. As well as measuring the sample conductivity to probe orbital physics in metallic systems, this technique can detect the sample permittivity and permeability allowing measurement of spin physics in insulating systems. We demonstrate the system performance in pulsed magnetic fields with both electron paramagnetic resonance experiments and conductivity measurements of correlated electron systems.Comment: Submitted to the Review of Scientific instrument

    A model for Bioinformatics training : the Marine Biological Laboratory

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    Author Posting. © The Authors, 2010. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Oxford University Press for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Briefings in Bioinformatics 6 (2010): 610-615, doi:10.1093/bib/bbq029.Many areas of science such as biology, medicine, and oceanography are becoming increasingly data-rich and most programs that train scientists do not address informatics techniques or technologies that are necessary for managing and analyzing large amounts of data. Educational resources for scientists in informatics are scarce, yet scientists need the skills and knowledge to work with informaticians and manage graduate students and post-docs in informatics projects. The Marine Biological Laboratory houses a world-renowned library and is involved in a number of informatics projects in the sciences. The MBL has been home to the National Library of Medicine's BioMedical Informatics Course for nearly two decades and is committed to educating scientists and other scholars in informatics. In an innovative, immersive learning experience, Grant Yamashita, a biologist and post-doc at Arizona State University, visited the Science Informatics Group at MBL to learn first hand how informatics is done and how informatics teams work. Hands-on work with developers, systems administrators, librarians, and other scientists provided an invaluable education in informatics and is a model for future science informatics training.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation [0926026 to G.Y., SES-0623176]; Jewett Foundation; Ellison Medical Foundation

    Note and Comment

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    Wills - Revocation by Judicial Legislation - Wills and their revocation as we kno* them are peculiarly the result of the actions and reactions of our common and statute law. We are sufficiently familiar with statutes, declaratory of the common law, in derogation thereof, and creating entirely new principles of law. We also know law the result of no legislative act. Whateyer may or may not be admitted about court-made law, we see the undoubted fact that the great body of our law is the outgrowth of decisions applying to new conditions principles of law found in analogous cases, whereby the common law is able to adapt itself to our changing conditions, and keep step with the march of progress. We are not unaccustomed to judicial interpretation that practically nullifies statutes, or gives to them an effect that would surprise the legislators originating them. We do not so often come upon pretty open contests between court and legislature, cases of judicial usurpation resuiting in rules of law flatly contradictory to the words of the statutes

    Conformations of N-Heterocyclic Carbene Ligands in Ruthenium Complexes Relevant to Olefin Metathesis

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    The structure of ruthenium-based olefin metathesis catalyst 3 and model π-complex 5 in solution and in the solid state are reported. The N-tolyl ligands, due to their lower symmetry than the traditional N-mesityl substituents, complicate this analysis, but ultimately provide explanation for the enhanced reactivity of 3 relative to standard catalyst 2. The tilt of the N-tolyl ring provides additional space near the ruthenium center, which is consistent with the enhanced reactivity of 3 toward sterically demanding substrates. Due to this tilt, the more sterically accessible face bears the two methyl substituents of the N-aryl rings. These experimental studies are supported by computational studies of these complexes by DFT. The experimental data provides a means to validate the accuracy of the B3LYP and M06 functionals. B3LYP provides geometries that match X-ray crystal structural data more closely, though it leads to slightly less (0.5 kcal mol^(−1)) accuracy than M06 most likely because it underestimates attractive noncovalent interactions

    Digistain: a novel biomarker imaging platform for grading breast carcinoma using routinely processed paraffin sections

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    Objective: Digistain is a new technology platform that enables imaging and quantification of a newly conceived biomarker for grading breast carcinoma in routinely processed, unstained paraffin sections without the use of traditional stains or contrasting agents. By recording a unique optical signature to analyze the chemical make-up of a biopsy quantitatively, the technique is unaffected by the subjectivity of traditional grading. Within minutes of loading a slide it yields a highly reproducible and user independent numerical score reflecting the cellularity of the tumour and its nuclear: cytoplasmic ratio. We report here our findings using an objective technique to grade breast tumours using quantitative criteria. Method: H&E stained sections from excision biopsies of 105 cases of invasive breast carcinoma were reviewed and graded using the ElstonEllis grading system. Unstained sections from each case were loaded into the Digistain platform to yield a numerical score - the Digistain Index (DI). Results: The cases were grouped according to histological grading. Mean DIs was calculated for each grade (1,2 and 3) to be 0.56, 0.61, and 0.68 respectively with a maximum standard error of 0.02. The DI spread within each grade was less than that across the three grades, thus validating this index as a viable grading indicator within the context of this study. Conclusion: We believe the new Digistain approach provides for the first time a cost effective and quantitative measure of tumour grade. This can be developed to deliver an effective assessment of prognosis and recurrence risk beyond traditional qualitative measures based on H&E staining protocols
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