13,254 research outputs found

    Spectrum of a duality-twisted Ising quantum chain

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    The Ising quantum chain with a peculiar twisted boundary condition is considered. This boundary condition, first introduced in the framework of the spin-1/2 XXZ Heisenberg quantum chain, is related to the duality transformation, which becomes a symmetry of the model at the critical point. Thus, at the critical point, the Ising quantum chain with the duality-twisted boundary is translationally invariant, similar as in the case of the usual periodic or antiperiodic boundary conditions. The complete energy spectrum of the Ising quantum chain is calculated analytically for finite systems, and the conformal properties of the scaling limit are investigated. This provides an explicit example of a conformal twisted boundary condition and a corresponding generalised twisted partition function.Comment: LaTeX, 7 pages, using IOP style

    Exciting a d-density wave in an optical lattice with driven tunneling

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    Quantum phases with unusual symmetries may play a key role for the understanding of solid state systems at low temperatures. We propose a realistic scenario, well in reach of present experimental techniques, which should permit to produce a stationary quantum state with dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2}-symmetry in a two-dimensional bosonic optical square lattice. This state, characterized by alternating rotational flux in each plaquette, arises from driven tunneling implemented by a stimulated Raman scattering process. We discuss bosons in a square lattice, however, more complex systems involving other lattice geometries appear possible.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    On Flux Quantization in F-Theory II: Unitary and Symplectic Gauge Groups

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    We study the quantization of the M-theory G-flux on elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau fourfolds with singularities giving rise to unitary and symplectic gauge groups. We seek and find its relation to the Freed-Witten quantization of worldvolume fluxes on 7-branes in type IIB orientifold compactifications on Calabi-Yau threefolds. By explicitly constructing the appropriate four-cycles on which to calculate the periods of the second Chern class of the fourfolds, we find that there is a half-integral shift in the quantization of G-flux whenever the corresponding dual 7-brane is wrapped on a non-spin submanifold. This correspondence of quantizations holds for all unitary and symplectic gauge groups, except for SU(3), which behaves mysteriously. We also perform our analysis in the case where, in addition to the aforementioned gauge groups, there is also a 'flavor' U(1)-gauge group.Comment: 33 pages, 4 figure

    Efficient creation of molecules from a cesium Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We report a new scheme to create weakly bound Cs2_2 molecules from an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate. The method is based on switching the magnetic field to a narrow Feshbach resonance and yields a high atom-molecule conversion efficiency of more than 30%, a factor of three higher than obtained with conventional magnetic-field ramps. The Cs2_2 molecules are created in a single gg-wave rotational quantum state. The observed dependence of the conversion efficiency on the magnetic field and atom density shows scattering processes beyond two-body coupling to occur in the vicinity of the Feshbach resonance.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Europhysics Letter

    The dynamics of condensate shells: collective modes and expansion

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    We explore the physics of three-dimensional shell-shaped condensates, relevant to cold atoms in "bubble traps" and to Mott insulator-superfluid systems in optical lattices. We study the ground state of the condensate wavefunction, spherically-symmetric collective modes, and expansion properties of such a shell using a combination of analytical and numerical techniques. We find two breathing-type modes with frequencies that are distinct from that of the filled spherical condensate. Upon trap release and subsequent expansion, we find that the system displays self-interference fringes. We estimate characteristic time scales, degree of mass accumulation, three-body loss, and kinetic energy release during expansion for a typical system of Rb87

    How Do Quasicrystals Grow?

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    Using molecular simulations, we show that the aperiodic growth of quasicrystals is controlled by the ability of the growing quasicrystal `nucleus' to incorporate kinetically trapped atoms into the solid phase with minimal rearrangement. In the system under investigation, which forms a dodecagonal quasicrystal, we show that this process occurs through the assimilation of stable icosahedral clusters by the growing quasicrystal. Our results demonstrate how local atomic interactions give rise to the long-range aperiodicity of quasicrystals.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Figures and text have been updated to the final version of the articl

    Comparison of Hyperspectral Imagery Target Detection Algorithm Chains

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    Detection of a known target in an image has several different approaches. The complexity and number of steps involved in the target detection process makes a comparison of the different possible algorithm chains desirable. Of the different steps involved, some have a more significant impact than others on the final result the ability to find a target in an image. These more important steps often include atmospheric compensation, noise and dimensionality reduction, background characterization, and detection (matched filtering for this research). A brief overview of the algorithms to be compared for each step will be presented. This research seeks to identify the most effective set of algorithms for detecting a known tar get. Several different algorithms for each step will be presented, to include ELM, FLAASH, ACORN, MNF, PPI, N-FINDR, MAXD, and two matched filters that employ a structured background model OSP and ASD. The chains generated by these algorithms will be com pared using the Forest Radiance I HYDICE data set. Finally, ROC curves and AFAR values are calculated for each algorithm chain and a comparison of them is presented. Detection rates at a CFAR are also compared. Since a relatively small number of algorithms were used for each step, there were no definitive results generated. However, a comprehensive comparison of the chains using the above mentioned algorithms is presented

    Spin Hall Effect in Atoms

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    We propose an optical means to realize a spin hall effect (SHE) in neutral atomic system by coupling the internal spin states of atoms to radiation. The interaction between the external optical fields and the atoms creates effective magnetic fields that act in opposite directions on "electrically" neutral atoms with opposite spin polarizations. This effect leads to a Landau level structure for each spin orientation in direct analogy with the familiar SHE in semiconductors. The conservation and topological properties of the spin current, and the creation of a pure spin current are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure; Final versio