124 research outputs found

    An improved time of flight gamma-ray telescope to monitor diffuse gamma-ray in the energy range 5 MeV - 50 MeV

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    A time of flight measuring device is the basic triggering system of most of medium and high energy gamma-ray telescopes. A simple gamma-ray telescope has been built in order to check in flight conditions the functioning of an advanced time of flight system. The technical ratings of the system are described. This telescope has been flown twice with stratospheric balloons, its axis being oriented at various Zenital directions. Flight results are presented for diffuse gamma-rays, atmospheric secondaries, and various causes of noise in the 5 MeV-50 MeV energy range

    Secondary gamma-ray production in a coded aperture mask

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    The application of the coded aperture mask to high energy gamma-ray astronomy will provide the capability of locating a cosmic gamma-ray point source with a precision of a few arc-minutes above 20 MeV. Recent tests using a mask in conjunction with drift chamber detectors have shown that the expected point spread function is achieved over an acceptance cone of 25 deg. A telescope employing this technique differs from a conventional telescope only in that the presence of the mask modifies the radiation field in the vicinity of the detection plane. In addition to reducing the primary photon flux incident on the detector by absorption in the mask elements, the mask will also be a secondary radiator of gamma-rays. The various background components in a CAMTRAC (Coded Aperture Mask Track Chamber) telescope are considered. Monte-Carlo calculations are compared with recent measurements obtained using a prototype instrument in a tagged photon beam line

    The properties of the peculiar Type Ia SN~1991bg. Analysis and discussion of two years of observations

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    Observations of the peculiar type Ia SN~1991bg in NGC~4374 collected at ESO--La Silla and Asiago are presented and discussed. The broad--band light curves in the early months have a narrower peak and a luminosity decline faster than other SNIa while the R and I light curves do not show the secondary peak. The SN is intrinsically very red (\bvmax=0.74_{max}=0.74) and faint (Bmax=16.54B_{max}=-16.54). The uvoiruvoir bolometric light curve of SN~1991bg is fainter with a steeper decline than that of the normal SNIa (e.g. 1992A). This object enhances the correlation which exists between the peak luminosity of SNIa, the decline rate and the kinetic energy. Although a number of spectral peculiarities are present the spectral evolution retains a general resemblance to that of other SNIa until the latest available observation (day 203). This work suggests that the explosion energy was probably a factor 3 to 5 lower than in normal SNIa.Comment: 17pages, Latex, MNRAS in press, postscript with full resolution figures available at http://www.pd.astro.it/supern/preprints.htm

    Helium Emission in the Type Ic SN 1999cq

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    We present the first unambiguous detection of helium emission lines in spectra of Type Ic supernovae (SNe Ic). The presence of He I lines, with full width at half maximum ~ 2000 km/s, and the distinct absence of any other intermediate-width emission (e.g., Halpha), implies that the ejecta of SN Ic 1999cq are interacting with dense circumstellar material composed of almost pure helium. This strengthens the argument that the progenitors of SNe Ic are core-collapse events in stars that have lost both their hydrogen and helium envelopes, either through a dense wind or mass-transfer to a companion. In this way, SN 1999cq is similar to supernovae such as SN 1987K and SN 1993J that helped firmly establish a physical connection between Type Ib and Type II supernovae. The light curve of SN 1999cq is very fast, with an extremely rapid rise followed by a quick decline. SN 1999cq is also found to exhibit a high level of emission at blue wavelengths (< 5500 A), likely resulting from either an unusually large amount of iron and iron-group element emission or uncharacteristically low reddening compared with other SNe Ic.Comment: 17 pages (AASTeX V5.0), 4 figures, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    The bright linear type II SN 1990K

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    We obtained extensive photometric and spectroscopic observations of the Linear type II SN 1990K. The photometry suggests that the SN suffered a relatively high extinction (A_B_=~2mag) and was therefore very bright at maximum (M^0^_V_sun_). The spectral evolution is typical for SNII, very similar for instance to that of the SN 1987A (neglecting the fact that the latter SN showed unusually strong BaII lines). The line flux evolution of SN 1990K compared with that of other SNe and with theoretical models indicates that the envelope mass of SN 1990K was relatively low (~5Msun_). Also, the envelope density is probably low (i.e. a factor 3 lower than in SN 1987A). Two months after discovery a bump appeared in the blue side of the Hα line which has a strong similarity to the same feature observed in SN 1987A (Bochum event) and in SN 1988A and has been related to the emergence of radioactive material into the outer hydrogen-rich envelope

    The study of neutron star magnetospheres with LOFT

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    This is a White Paper in support of the mission concept of the Large Observatory for X-ray Timing (LOFT), proposed as a medium-sized ESA mission. We discuss the potential of LOFT for the study of magnetospheres of isolated neutron stars. For a summary, we refer to the paper.Comment: White Paper in Support of the Mission Concept of the Large Observatory for X-ray Timin

    The type II supernova 1988Z in MCG +03-28-022 : increasingevidence of interaction of supernova ejecta with a circumstellar wind

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    We present a set of optical observations of SN 1988Z covering a period of 3 yr from the discovery. This relatively bright supernova shows an unusual photometric behaviour, with broad light curves in the B, V and R bands resembling those of SN 1987F. The colour evolution is unique, with a slow blueward evolution in the early months, after which it remains nearly constant. The spectrum is characterized at all epochs by strong Balmer emission, without the usual P Cygni absorption component which is typical of SNeII at early stages. Several He I emission lines are also visible. These lines have a complex structure, with several components evolving with time with respect to both width and intensity. The Hα luminosity decline is exceptionally slow and cannot be explained by a simple radioactive model, so this object is an ideal candidate for a supernova in which there is interaction of the SN ejecta with a circumstellar wind. A number of unresolved, forbidden emission lines of [O III], [N II], [Ne III], [Fe II], [Fe III], [Fe VII], [Fe x] and, tentatively, of [Fe xI], [A x] and [Ca V] have been identified. Their presence and relative strengths suggest the existence of a shock, which gives further support to the theory of an ejecta-wind interaction