180 research outputs found

    Winkelkeuze bij verse groenten en vers fruit.

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    In 10 plaatsen in Nederland zijn in de zomer van 1983 500 consumenten ondervraagd over hun winkelkeuzegedrag bij verse groenten en fruit. In het voorjaar van 1984 zijn hiervan nogmaals 250 consumenten geenqueteerd. Het ging met name om de motieven die bij de winkelkeuze een rol spelen en om de veranderingen die zich voordoen in winkelkeuzegedrag. Bij het verzamelen van de gegevens is gebruik gemaakt van een model van het winkelkeuzegedra

    Tectonic interactions during rift linkage: insights from analog and numerical experiments

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    Continental rifts evolve by linkage and interaction of adjacent individual segments. As rift segments propagate, they can cause notable re-orientation of the local stress field so that stress orientations deviate from the regional trend. In return, this stress re-orientation can feed back on progressive deformation and may ultimately deflect propagating rift segments in an unexpected way. Here, we employ numerical and analog experiments of continental rifting to investigate the interaction between stress re-orientation and segment linkage. Both model types employ crustal-scale two-layer setups wherein pre-existing linear heterogeneities are introduced by mechanical weak seeds. We test various seed configurations to investigate the effect of (i) two competing rift segments that propagate unilaterally, (ii) linkage of two opposingly propagating rift segments, and (iii) the combination of these configurations on stress re-orientation and rift linkage. Both the analog and numerical models show counterintuitive rift deflection of two sub-parallel propagating rift segments competing for linkage with an opposingly propagating segment. The deflection pattern can be explained by means of stress analysis in numerical experiments wherein stress re-orientation occurs locally and propagates across the model domain as rift segments propagate. Major stress re-orientations may occur locally, which means that faults and rift segment trends do not necessarily align perpendicularly to far-field extension directions. Our results show that strain localization and stress re-orientation are closely linked, mutually influence each other, and may be an important factor for rift deflection among competing rift segments as observed in nature.</p

    101 geodynamic modelling: how to design, interpret, and communicate numerical studies of the solid Earth

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    Geodynamic modelling provides a powerful tool to investigate processes in the Earth's crust, mantle, and core that are not directly observable. However, numerical models are inherently subject to the assumptions and simplifications on which they are based. In order to use and review numerical modelling studies appropriately, one needs to be aware of the limitations of geodynamic modelling as well as its advantages. Here, we present a comprehensive yet concise overview of the geodynamic modelling process applied to the solid Earth from the choice of governing equations to numerical methods, model setup, model interpretation, and the eventual communication of the model results. We highlight best practices and discuss their implementations including code verification, model validation, internal consistency checks, and software and data management. Thus, with this perspective, we encourage high-quality modelling studies, fair external interpretation, and sensible use of published work. We provide ample examples, from lithosphere and mantle dynamics specifically, and point out synergies with related fields such as seismology, tectonophysics, geology, mineral physics, planetary science, and geodesy. We clarify and consolidate terminology across geodynamics and numerical modelling to set a standard for clear communication of modelling studies. All in all, this paper presents the basics of geodynamic modelling for first-time and experienced modellers, collaborators, and reviewers from diverse backgrounds to (re)gain a solid understanding of geodynamic modelling as a whole

    Isolation and individual electrical stimulation of single smooth-muscle cells from the urinary bladder of the pig

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    In contrast to striated muscle, measurements on strips of smooth muscle cannot be uniquely interpreted in terms of an array of contractile units. Therefore scaling down to the single-cell level is necessary to gain detailed understanding of the contractile process in this type of muscle. The present study describes the development of a method for isolating contractile single smooth muscle cells from pig urinary bladders. Contractile responses evoked by individual electrical stimulation were used as a measure of cell quality during development of the method. Responses were evaluated by measuring latency, contraction and relaxation times, as indicated by visible length changes, and stored on-line in a computer. Initial length, relative shortening and shortening speed were determined by measuring cell lengths in previously timed still video frames using a computer-controlled crosshair device. Increase of stimulus pulse duration resulted in improved responses, indicating that the observed shortening represented a physiological contractile response. Ultimately this method of evaluation was applied to two sets of cell preparations obtained by two different methods, one using only collagenase digestion, the other using mechanical manipulation as well. Both sets showed two main patterns of response to electrical stimulation: a pattern of contraction upon stimulation followed by enhanced contraction when stimulation was switched off (CK), and a pattern of contraction upon stimulation followed by relaxation when the stimulus was switched off (CR). The set of preparations containing the highest percentage of CR cells was found to be superior (i.e. greater initial length, shorter latency and contraction times, increased shortening and higher shortening speed). The method of isolation used for this set gives a high yield of contractile cells available for experimental use over a long span of time

    Copper-Dependent Trafficking of the Ctr4-Ctr5 Copper Transporting Complex

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    In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, copper uptake is carried out by a heteromeric complex formed by the Ctr4 and Ctr5 proteins. Copper-induced differential subcellular localization may play a critical role with respect to fine tuning the number of Ctr4 and Ctr5 molecules at the cell surface.We have developed a bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) assay to analyze protein-protein interactions in vivo in S. pombe. The assay is based on the observation that N- and C-terminal subfragments of the Venus fluorescent protein can reconstitute a functional fluorophore only when they are brought into tight contact. Wild-type copies of the ctr4(+) and ctr5(+) genes were inserted downstream of and in-frame with the nonfluorescent C-terminal (VC) and N-terminal (VN) coding fragments of Venus, respectively. Co-expression of Ctr4-VC and Ctr5-VN fusion proteins allowed their detection at the plasma membrane of copper-limited cells. Similarly, cells co-expressing Ctr4-VN and Ctr4-VC in the presence of Ctr5-Myc(12) displayed a fluorescence signal at the plasma membrane. In contrast, Ctr5-VN and Ctr5-VC co-expressed in the presence of Ctr4-Flag(2) failed to be visualized at the plasma membrane, suggesting a requirement for a combination of two Ctr4 molecules with one Ctr5 molecule. We found that plasma membrane-located Ctr4-VC-Ctr5-VN fluorescent complexes were internalized when the cells were exposed to high levels of copper. The copper-induced internalization of Ctr4-VC-Ctr5-VN complexes was not dependent on de novo protein synthesis. When cells were transferred back from high to low copper levels, there was reappearance of the BiFC fluorescent signal at the plasma membrane.These findings reveal a copper-dependent internalization and recycling of the heteromeric Ctr4-Ctr5 complex as a function of copper availability


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