8 research outputs found

    Efficacy and safety of dolutegravir and doravirine dual therapy in the context of antiretroviral therapy switch: 48 weeks analysis.

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    Dual therapy in HIV represents an attractive opportunity for HIV infected people in virologic suppression Dual therapy regimens should achieve and maintain viral suppression and immunologic control while minimizing short and long term AEs, improve adherence and convenience and reduce drug drug interactions and costs To date, there are few clinical data to support a dual regimen with dolutegravir and doravirine 1 The individual efficacy of both doravirine and dolutegravir suggests that concomitant administration of these two molecules as part of an NRTI sparing regimen could be a viable option, although to date there are no studies in the HIV infected population The aim of our study is to investigate whether a dual therapy regimen containing dolutegravir and doravirine is effective and saf

    Fogli 609-596, Termini Imerese-Capo Plaia

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    Il Servizio Geologico Nazionale ha unificato i Fogli 609 "Termini Imerese" e 596 "Capo Plaia" in un unico Foglio denominato 609/596 "Termini Imerese-Capo Plaia" allo scopo di uniformare i rilievi e raccoglierne la descrizione in un unico volume delle Note Illustrative. Il Foglio 609/596 "Termini Imerese-Capo Plaia" della Carta Geologica d’Italia in scala 1:50.000 è stato realizzato nell’ambito del Progetto CARG con i fondi della Legge 67/88 - Legge 226/99 con una convenzione tra Servizio Geologico Nazionale ora ISPRA) e Regione Siciliana. Le aree ricadono interamente nella Provincia di Palermo, comprendono la fascia marina del Golfo di Termini Imerese fino al promontorio di Capo Plaia, la regione dei Monti di Termini Imerese e Trabia ad ovest e il settore occidentale del gruppo montuoso delle Madonie ad est. Tra questi rilievi si sviluppa un’ampio settore collinare inciso dai fiumi Torto e Imera settentrionale (o Fiume Grande)

    Spider bite mimicking pyoderma gangrenosum in sJIA: a case report

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    Introduction: Several paediatric patients manifest conditions commonly misdiagnosed as spider bites, which however, can include other arthropods bites; bacterial, viral, and mycotic infections; vasculitis; dermatological diseases; miscellaneous conditions as drug reactions, chemical injuries. Objectives: In Italy, spiders which are likely to be associated with severe toxin mediated tissue damage are uncommon, especially in urban zones. However, a minor trauma may be a precipitating factor for pyoderma gangrenosum particularly over the legs, in association with inflammatory bowel disease, haematologic diseases and Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA)

    Role and clinical importance of Helicobacter pylori infection in hemodialysis patients

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    Dyspepsia is an extrarenal symptom frequently found in hemodialysed patients; it is due to chronic renal failure, and uremic gastritis is a specific associated condition in chronic renal failure (CRF). On the other hand, in the general population, Helicobacter pylori infection is an important dyspepsia-related risk factor; its close connections with gastro-duodenal pathology are already known, above all the peptic disease in a really exclusive way. By observation of a dyalitic group of patients, opportunely matched with a no CRF group, we evaluated CRF-associated uremia and Helicobacter pylori infection which could eventually interact causing symptoms and lesions. A statistical analysis of obtained data allowed us to conclude that, although there is not, from an epidemiological view-point, a larger diffusion of Helicobacter pylori among dyalitic patients compared to general population, moreover the infection is uremia-synergic in causing gastro-duodenal symptoms and lesions. These findings, therefore, suggest systematically investigation a possible Helicobacter pylori infection in CRF patients and its relation to gastritis grading, and searching for probable active peptic lesions