215 research outputs found
Samatas' surveillance in Greece
Guilt, responsibility and repentance
L’incarcération en tant que violence: l’application de la douleur dans les prisons portugaises
This article sets the groundwork for understanding prison violence as a broad and interrelated phenomenon which is bound by shifting notions of legitimacy. We argue that the
concept of violence can help understand how the “pains of imprisonment” are inflicted
and punishment is produced in different prison settings. Drawing upon fieldwork carried
out in several Portuguese prisons, we describe how unequal sets of circumstances are
imposed on groups of inmates, who become differently exposed to the deprivations
of confinement. Our argument is that the various types of prison violence should be
understood against this backdrop, as well as relationship to the diverse circumstances
in which they are produced and the subjectivities of the individuals involved.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Aspiring to modernize: Current trends in state surveillance in Portugal
In various countries throughout the world, the bureaucratic development of the modern states has
been accompanied by the creation of identification systems whose purpose is to collect, store and
manage personal and biometric data about its citizens. In this chapter we analyse the establishment
of a national DNA database for criminal and civil forensic identification and the intention of
implementing CCTV (closed-circuit television) in open areas on a national scale.
The comprehensive analysis of these processes in the Portuguese context is especially relevant due
mainly to the fact that, on the one hand, we are considering a country with a long history of a political
dictatorship in the twentieth century (1928- 1974) characterized by political and police repression and
censorship and, on the other hand, a newly democratic state divided between the quest for
modernization and uniformity by following the paths of surveillance implemented in other European
countries (considered to be more advanced) while at the same time struggling with its own cultural
and social specificities marked by scarce economic resources and low criminality rates.
From our point of view, it is intriguing that Portugal has a long and social history of citizens'
apparently passive compliance with the state's requirements of collecting diverse sorts of personal
identification data and, at the same time, both national and international studies suggest that public
confidence in the state, the police and the justice system is weak in European terms (Cabral et al.
2003). In fact, this is one of the countries in which the majority of respondents consider that the
institutions that are most affected by corruption in the country are politics, business, the police and
the judiciary (Transparency International 2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
Violence(s) in prison. Contributions for a reflection on carceral settings
El concepto de dignidad de la persona humana, como bien jurídico universal afirmado en el periodo de la posguerra de la segunda guerra mundial con la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos, se recubre de una complejidad que va mucho más allá de los sentidos atribuidos cotidianamente a la palabra dignidad (Düwell 2014). En líneas generales, por dignidad humana nos referimos a una esfera individual en que se cruzan los dominios e la política, del derecho y de la moral. Esto significa que siendo un bien jurídico reconocido universal, incondicional e inalienablemente a todos los seres humanos, necesita de ser regulado por el sistema político, aplicado normativamente por el sistema jurídico y negociado diariamente en la esfera de las relaciones y costumbres sociales.Este artículo se propone convocar, discutir y contrastar esa aplicación vertical con una otra aplicación de la noción de dignidad – una aplicación horizontal – que se repercute en las relaciones entre individuos, y que está subyacente a los discursos y prácticas cotidianas en que se coloca el problema da la “dignidad”. Al proceder en ese sentido, me planteo una aplicación en que la cuestión de la dignidad humana ocupa un lugar central, no tanto como regulador de las instituciones en que se basa un estado de derecho, pero sobretodo como concepto regulador de las interacciones entre los individuos que son tutelados por ellas. Asumiendo el contexto penitenciario como un lugar idóneo para el análisis de este concepto, en las relaciones que se allí se establecen, reflexiono sobre el papel de la violencia como elemento moral (o moralizante) de la dignidad humana en su “aplicación horizontal”.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Reflexões em torno do conceito de anonimato
Partindo de uma análise do recurso ao anonimato nas associações de 12 Passos enquanto instrumento mediador das relações entre membros e não-membros, este artigo procura reflectir sobre outros contextos em que o anonimato é utilizado e quais as suas funções e características a um nível mais abrangente e enquanto modelador das relações sociais
Estudo da estabilidade da linamarase de manihot esculenta crantz sob armazenamento.
A linamarase é uma β-glicosidase que pode ser obtida, dentre outras fontes, da mandioca. Ela é responsável pela hidrólise dos glicosídeos cianogênicos linamarina e lotaustralina, que se supõe estão envolvidos em processos de defesa da planta
Neutron Star Structure and the Neutron Radius of 208Pb
We study relationships between the neutron-rich skin of a heavy nucleus and
the properties of neutron-star crusts. Relativistic effective field theories
with a thicker neutron skin in Pb have a larger electron fraction and a
lower liquid-to-solid transition density for neutron-rich matter. These
properties are determined by the density dependence of the symmetry energy
which we vary by adding nonlinear couplings between isoscalar and isovector
mesons. An accurate measurement of the neutron radius in Pb---via
parity violating electron scattering---may have important implications for the
structure of neutron stars.Comment: 5 pages 3 figures, added additional evidence of model independence,
Phys. Rev. Letters in pres
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