19,513 research outputs found

    Spitzer Observations of High Redshift Radio Galaxies

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    We present the results of a comprehensive Spitzer survey of 70 radio galaxies across 1<z<5.2. Using IRAC, IRS and MIPS imaging we determine the rest-frame AGN contribution to the stellar emission peak at 1.6um. The stellar luminosities are found to be consistent with that of a giant elliptical with a stellar mass of 10^11-12Msun. The mean stellar mass remains constant at \~10^11.5Msun up to z=3 indicating that the upper end of the mass function is already in place by this redshift. The mid-IR luminosities imply bolometric IR luminosities that would classify all sources as ULIRGs. The mid-IR to radio luminosity generally correlate implying a common origin for these emissions. The ratio is higher than that found for lower redshift, ie z<1, radio galaxies.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, to appear in the proceedings of "The Spitzer Science Center 2005 Conference: Infrared Diagnostics of Galaxy Evolution", held in Pasadena, November 200

    Antiferromagnetic s-d exchange coupling in GaMnAs

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    Measurements of coherent electron spin dynamics in Ga(1-x)Mn(x)As/Al(0.4)Ga(0.6)As quantum wells with 0.0006% < x < 0.03% show an antiferromagnetic (negative) exchange bewteen s-like conduction band electrons and electrons localized in the d-shell of the Mn2+ impurities. The magnitude of the s-d exchange parameter, N0 alpha, varies as a function of well width indicative of a large and negative contribution due to kinetic exchange. In the limit of no quantum confinement, N0 alpha extrapolates to -0.09 +/- 0.03 eV indicating that antiferromagnetic s-d exchange is a bulk property of GaMnAs. Measurements of the polarization-resolved photoluminescence show strong discrepancy from a simple model of the exchange enhanced Zeeman splitting, indicative of additional complexity in the exchange split valence band.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures and one action figur

    Drift and Diffusion of Spins Generated by the Spin Hall Effect

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    Electrically generated spin accumulation due to the spin Hall effect is imaged in n-GaAs channels using Kerr rotation microscopy, focusing on its spatial distribution and time-averaged behavior in a magnetic field. Spatially-resolved imaging reveals that spin accumulation observed in transverse arms develops due to longitudinal drift of spin polarization produced at the sample boundaries. One- and two-dimensional drift-diffusion modeling is used to explain these features, providing a more complete understanding of observations of spin accumulation and the spin Hall effect.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Stripping of gas and dust from the elliptical galaxy M86

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    Past observations of the x ray morphology of M86 have revealed that the galaxy is experiencing ram-pressure stripping due to its large velocity (1500 km s(-1)) relative to the intracluster medium of Virgo (Forman et al. 1979, Fabian, Schwartz, and Forman 1980). Observations indicate that the x ray emitting gas in the plume of M86 is still being produced from the continual heating of gas and dust stripped from nearer the galaxy's center. Researchers obtained two-dimensional Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS) images of M86 which have revealed that there are two spatially separated regions of emission, one at 60 microns and the other at 100 microns of the IRAS wavebands. The 100 microns emission, presumably from cool dust (at approximately 20 K), appears to be located near the center of the galaxy together with HI (detected by Bregman, Roberts and Giovanelli 1988), while the 60 microns emission appears to lie more than 3 arcminutes away from the optical center in a direction slightly south of the center of the plume. Optical images produced by scanning U.K. Schmidt plates, reveal asymmetric isophotal contours along the major axis of the galaxy (first reported by Nulsen and Carter in 1987, which they propose as excess emission due to star formation). This excess optical emission is co-incident with the direction of the 60 micron infra-red emission

    Room temperature electron spin coherence in telecom-wavelength quaternary quantum wells

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    Time-resolved Kerr rotation spectroscopy is used to monitor the room temperature electron spin dynamics of optical telecommunication wavelength AlInGaAs multiple quantum wells lattice-matched to InP. We found that electron spin coherence times and effective g-factors vary as a function of aluminum concentration. The measured electron spin coherence times of these multiple quantum wells, with wavelengths ranging from 1.26 microns to 1.53 microns, reach approximately 100 ps at room temperature, and the measured electron effective g-factors are in the range from -2.3 to -1.1.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Gauge Dependence in Chern-Simons Theory

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    We compute the contribution to the modulus of the one-loop effective action in pure non-Abelian Chern-Simons theory in an arbitrary covariant gauge. We find that the results are dependent on both the gauge parameter (α\alpha) and the metric required in the gauge fixing. A contribution arises that has not been previously encountered; it is of the form (α/p2)ϵμλνpλ(\alpha / \sqrt{p^2}) \epsilon _{\mu \lambda \nu} p^\lambda. This is possible as in three dimensions α\alpha is dimensionful. A variant of proper time regularization is used to render these integrals well behaved (although no divergences occur when the regularization is turned off at the end of the calculation). Since the original Lagrangian is unaltered in this approach, no symmetries of the classical theory are explicitly broken and ϵμλν\epsilon_{\mu \lambda \nu} is handled unambiguously since the system is three dimensional at all stages of the calculation. The results are shown to be consistent with the so-called Nielsen identities which predict the explicit gauge parameter dependence using an extension of BRS symmetry. We demonstrate that this α\alpha dependence may potentially contribute to the vacuum expectation values of products of Wilson loops.Comment: 17 pp (including 3 figures). Uses REVTeX 3.0 and epsfig.sty (available from LANL). Latex thric

    Modeling the coma of 2060 Chiron

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    Observations of comet-like activity and a resolved coma have established that 2060 Chiron is a comet. Determinations of its radius range from 65 to 200 km. This unusually large size for a comet suggests that the atmosphere of Chiron is intermediate to the tightly bound, thin atmospheres typical of planets and satellite and the greatly extended atmospheres in free expansion typical of cometary comae. Under certain conditions it may gravitationally bind an atmosphere that is thick compared to its size, while a significant amount of gas escapes to an extensive exosphere. These attributes coupled with reports of sporadic outbursts at large heliocentric distances and the identification of CN in the coma make Chiron a challenging object to model. Simple models of gas production and the dusty coma were recently presented but a general concensus on many basic features has not emerged. Development was begun on a more complete coma model of Chiron. The objectives are to report progress on this model and give the preliminary results for understanding Chiron

    Broad Iron Emission from Gravitationally Lensed Quasars Observed by Chandra

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    Recent work has demonstrated the potential of gravitationally lensed quasars to extend measurements of black hole spin out to high-redshift with the current generation of X-ray observatories. Here we present an analysis of a large sample of 27 lensed quasars in the redshift range 1.0<z<4.5 observed with Chandra, utilizing over 1.6 Ms of total observing time, focusing on the rest-frame iron K emission from these sources. Although the X-ray signal-to-noise (S/N) currently available does not permit the detection of iron emission from the inner accretion disk in individual cases in our sample, we find significant structure in the stacked residuals. In addition to the narrow core, seen almost ubiquitously in local AGN, we find evidence for an additional underlying broad component from the inner accretion disk, with a clear red wing to the emission profile. Based on simulations, we find the detection of this broader component to be significant at greater than the 3-sigma level. This implies that iron emission from the inner disk is relatively common in the population of lensed quasars, and in turn further demonstrates that, with additional observations, this population represents an opportunity to significantly extend the sample of AGN spin measurements out to high-redshift.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Ap