305 research outputs found

    Yield, fruit quality, bud fertility and starch reserves of the wood as a function of leaf removal in Vitis vinifera-Evidence of compensation and stress recovering

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    Einfluß unterschiedlicher Entblätterung auf Ertrag, Traubenqualität, Knospenfruchtbarkeit und Stärkegehalt des Holzes von Vitis vinifera sowie Kompensations- und ErholungsvermögenAn Ertragsreben wurde der Einfluß des Entfernens von Hauptblättern oder Geiztrieben auf Gesamtblattfläche, Traubenertrag und -qualität sowie Stärkegehalt des Holzes studiert. Die Bedeutung von Haupt- und Geizblättern sowie des Zeitpunktes der Entblätterung auf dss Verrieseln wurde untersucht. Ziel der Studie war, Kompensationsmechanismen und -limiten der Rebe unter Streßbedingungen kennenzulernen, wie sie durch eine Entblätterung verursacht werden. Ferner sollte die Erholung der Pflanze nach längerer Streßeinwirkung erforscht werden.Wurden die Hauptblätter entfernt (L = nur Geizblätter}, so bildeten die Pflanzen mehr Geiztriebe mit einer größeren Anzahl Blätter. Dies führte nach dem ersten Streßjahr zu einer ungefähr gleichen Gesamtblattfläche wie bei den Kontrollpflanzen. Nach einem weiteren Streßjahr jedoch hatten die L-Pflanzen zwar weiterhin mehr Geizblätter, allerdings von geringerer Größe. Hieraus resultierte eine im Vergleich zur Kontrolle verringerte Gesamtblattfläche. Pflanzen nur mit Hauptblättern (M) kompensierten das Fehlen der Geiztriebe mit verzögerter Blattalterung und späterem Blattfall. Auch hier ergab sich nach dem zweiten Streßjahr eine geringere Blattgröße. Der Traubenertrag der L-Pflanzen wurde im 1. Jahr durch die Blattentfernung kaum negativ beeinflußt, aber im 2. Jahr war er 50 % niedriger als in der Kontrolle. Bei den M-Pflanzen ergab sich in beiden Jahren kein verringerter Ertrag. Der Zuckergehalt der Trauben war in den L-Pflanzen im 1. Streßjahr leicht erhöht, nicht aber im 2. Jahr. Diese Reben hatten während beider Jahre eine bessere Beerenfarbe.Die Blattfläche vom Zeitpunkt der Blüte bis 2-3 Wochen danach ist für den Traubenertrag entscheidend. Eine Entblätterung zu diesem Zeitpunkt verursachte nicht nur ein Verrieseln, sondern im folgenden Jahr zusätzlich eine reduzierte Knospenfruchtbarkeit. Die Zuckereinlagerung in den Trauben hängt von der assimilierenden Blattfläche während der Reifeperiode ab. Der Stärkegehalt im Holz war nach 2 Streßjahren erheblich reduziert. Es ergaben sich schwach positive Korrelationen zwischen Zuckergehalt des Mostes und Stärkegehalt des Holzes.Die Zuckereinlagerung in die Traube und das Auffüllen der Stärkereserven im Holz ging bereits in der auf eine Streßbehandlung folgenden Saison normal vonstatten. Ein normaler Ertrag war l Jahr nach einem längeren Entblätterungsstreß jedoch noch nicht möglich, da die Bildung der Infloreszenzen bekanntlich während dieser Zeit (in unserem Fall die Streßperiode) einsetzt. Erst im 2. Jahr kam es zu einer vollständigen Erholung der Pflanze

    Influence of partial defoliation on gas exchange parameters and chlorophyll content of field-grown grapevines - Mechanisms and limitations of the compensation capacity

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    In order to study the compensation mechanisms related to leaf removal, gas exchange response to defoliation as well as chlorophyll content were investigated in field-grown Pinot noir grapevines. Mature 16 years old bearing plants and 2 years old fruitless potted plants were compared. Defoliation treatments were performed 1 week after full bloom. Besides topping, three levels of main leaf removal (3, 6 or all 12 main leaves retained) were combined with two levels of laterals (all retained or all removed). The single leaf measurements (on the 11th main leaf from the base) were carried out from treatment time to fruit maturity

    Human Flt3L Generates Dendritic Cells from Canine Peripheral Blood Precursors: Implications for a Dog Glioma Clinical Trial

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    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common primary brain tumor in adults and carries a dismal prognosis. We have developed a conditional cytotoxic/immunotherapeutic approach using adenoviral vectors (Ads) encoding the immunostimulatory cytokine, human soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand (hsFlt3L) and the conditional cytotoxic molecule, i.e., Herpes Simplex Type 1- thymide kinase (TK). This therapy triggers an anti-tumor immune response that leads to tumor regression and anti-tumor immunological memory in intracranial rodent cancer models. We aim to test the efficacy of this immunotherapy in dogs bearing spontaneous GBM. In view of the controversy regarding the effect of human cytokines on dog immune cells, and considering that the efficacy of this treatment depends on hsFlt3L-stimulated dendritic cells (DCs), in the present work we tested the ability of Ad-encoded hsFlt3L to generate DCs from dog peripheral blood and compared its effects with canine IL-4 and GM-CSF.Our results demonstrate that hsFlT3L expressed form an Ad vector, generated DCs from peripheral blood cultures with very similar morphological and phenotypic characteristics to canine IL-4 and GM-CSF-cultured DCs. These include phagocytic activity and expression of CD11c, MHCII, CD80 and CD14. Maturation of DCs cultured under both conditions resulted in increased secretion of IL-6, TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma. Importantly, hsFlt3L-derived antigen presenting cells showed allostimulatory potential highlighting their ability to present antigen to T cells and elicit their proliferation.These results demonstrate that hsFlt3L induces the proliferation of canine DCs and support its use in upcoming clinical trials for canine GBM. Our data further support the translation of hsFlt3L to be used for dendritic cells' vaccination and gene therapeutic approaches from rodent models to canine patients and its future implementation in human clinical trials

    The role of CDK9 in myogenesis

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    Cdk9 is a member of cyclin-dependent kinases (cdks). It is expressed in human and murine tissues with high levels in terminally differentiated cells. It is involved in the regulation of transcriptional elongation via phosphorylation of CTD of RNA polII (1). It has been demonstrated that CdK9, complexed with CyT2a, plays a role in the activation of myogenic program. Moreover Cdk9-CyT2a activity is not down-regulated in myotube formation, but its activation contributes to the transcriptional activity MyoD-mediated during myogenic program (2). Recently, a 55 kDa protein called cdk9-55 has been identified. Cdk9-55 is significantly upregulated in cells induced to differentiate, either in C2C12 cells or in satellite isolated cells. In addition, it has been demonstrated that there is a clear induction of cdk9-55 expression in injured skeletal muscles (3). In order to deepen the discussion and extend the understanding of the biological role of the two isoforms of cdk9 during skeletal muscle differentiation process, we report the role of the two isoforms during in vivo mouse myogenesis. We have analyzed the behavior of CDk9-42 and CDK9-55 in primary and secondary myogenesis. Of particular interest are the apparent inverse correlation between the two cdk9 isoforms during the events of limbs formation and how the expression of two CDK9 isoforms, in combination with specific positive (Cycline T1,T2,k) or negative regulators (7SKsnRNA/Hexim1), is associated to a specific cellular phenotype and correlated to a specific function

    Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol

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    Primary muscular echinococcosis is an uncommon localization of hydatid cysts. The nonspecific clinical presentation and possible post-therapeutic complications lead to problems for the diagnosis of this infection and the support of the patient. The authors describe an unusual case of double hydatid cyst of the vastus intermedius muscle. After a precise preoperative evaluation based on clinical, radiological and biological examinations, a surgical excision by pericystectomy combined with perioperative chemotherapy enabled the authors to treat the patient and to prevent postoperative complications. The diagnostic tools and the treatment of this particular type of echinococcosis are discussed. L’échinococcose musculaire primaire est un foyer inhabituel des kystes hydatiques. La présentation clinique non spécifique et les complications post-thérapeutiques éventuelles peuvent s’associer à des difficultés à diagnostiquer cette infection et à soutenir le patient. Les auteurs décrivent un cas inhabituel de double kyste hydatique du muscle vaste intermédiaire. Après une évaluation préopératoire détaillée fondée sur des examens clinique, radiologique et biologique, les auteurs ont traité le patient en procédant à une excision chirurgicale par périkystectomie conjuguée à une chimiothérapie périopératoire, ce qui a permis d’éviter les complications postopératoires. Ils présentent également les outils diagnostiques et le traitement de ce type d’échinococcose

    Study of the Efficacy, Biodistribution, and Safety Profile of Therapeutic Gutless Adenovirus Vectors as a Prelude to a Phase I Clinical Trial for Glioblastoma

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    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and most aggressive primary brain tumor in humans. Systemic immunity against gene therapy vectors has been shown to hamper therapeutic efficacy; however, helper-dependent high-capacity adenovirus (HC-Ad) vectors elicit sustained transgene expression, even in the presence of systemic anti-adenoviral immunity. We engineered HC-Ads encoding the conditional cytotoxic herpes simplex type 1 thymidine kinase (TK) and the immunostimulatory cytokine fms-like tyrosine kinase ligand 3 (Flt3L). Flt3L expression is under the control of the regulatable Tet-ON system. In anticipation of a phase I clinical trial for GBM, we assessed the therapeutic efficacy, biodistribution, and clinical and neurotoxicity with escalating doses of HC-Ad-TetOn-Flt3L + HC-Ad-TK in rats. Intratumoral administration of these therapeutic HC-Ads in rats bearing large intracranial GBMs led to long-term survival in ~70% of the animals and development of antiglioma immunological memory without signs of neuropathology or systemic toxicity. Systemic anti-adenoviral immunity did not affect therapeutic efficacy. These data support the idea that it would be useful to develop HC-Ad vectors further as a therapeutic gene-delivery platform to implement GBM phase I clinical trials

    First case of human gongylonemosis in France

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    Gongylonema spp. are cosmopolitan spirurid nematodes that are common parasites of wild and domesticated mammals and birds. Gongylonema pulchrum Molin, 1857 is most common in ruminants, where it invades mucosa and submucosa of the mouth, tongue, oesophagus and forestomachs. It extremely rarely occurs in man, and fewer than 60 cases have been reported worldwide. We report a case from the Alsace region, which appears to be the first case of human gongylonemosis described in France. Les nématodes du genre Gongylonema sont des spiruridés cosmopolites parasites fréquents dans de nombreux mammifères et oiseaux sauvages ou domestiques. Gongylonema pulchrum Molin, 1857 est l’espèce la plus souvent rapportée chez les ruminants, dans la muqueuse et la sous-muqueuse de leur bouche, langue, œsophage et rumen. Il n’est que très exceptionnellement retrouvé chez l’homme. Moins de 60 cas ont été décrits à travers le monde. Nous rapportons dans cet article le premier cas français, découvert en Alsace

    Assessment of risk of insect-resistant transgenic crops to nontarget arthropods

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    An international initiative is developing a scientifically rigorous approach to evaluate the potential risks to nontarget arthropods (NTAs) posed by insect-resistant, genetically modified (IRGM) crops. It adapts the tiered approach to risk assessment that is used internationally within regulatory toxicology and environmental sciences. The approach focuses on the formulation and testing of clearly stated risk hypotheses, making maximum use of available data and using formal decision guidelines to progress between testing stages (or tiers). It is intended to provide guidance to regulatory agencies that are currently developing their own NTA risk assessment guidelines for IRGM crops and to help harmonize regulatory requirements between different countries and different regions of the world

    Anatomical Differences Determine Distribution of Adenovirus after Convection-Enhanced Delivery to the Rat Brain

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    Background: Convection-enhanced delivery (CED) of adenoviruses offers the potential of widespread virus distribution in the brain. In CED, the volume of distribution (Vd) should be related to the volume of infusion (Vi) and not to dose, but when using adenoviruses contrasting results have been reported. As the characteristics of the infused tissue can affect convective delivery, this study was performed to determine the effects of the gray and white matter on CED of adenoviruses and similar sized super paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIO). Methodology/Principal Findings: We convected AdGFP, an adenovirus vector expressing Green Fluorescent Protein, a virus sized SPIO or trypan blue in the gray and white matter of the striatum and external capsule of Wistar rats and towards orthotopic infiltrative brain tumors. The resulting Vds were compared to Vi and transgene expression to SPIO distribution. Results show that in the striatum Vd is not determined by the Vi but by the infused virus dose, suggesting diffusion, active transport or receptor saturation rather than convection. Distribution of virus and SPIO in the white matter is partly volume dependent, which is probably caused by preferential fluid pathways from the external capsule to the surrounding gray matter, as demonstrated by co-infusing trypan blue. Distant tumors were reached using the white matter tracts but tumor penetration was limited. Conclusions/Significance: CED of adenoviruses in the rat brain and towards infiltrative tumors is feasible when regional anatomical differences are taken into account while SPIO infusion could be considered to validate proper catheter positioning and predict adenoviral distribution
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