7 research outputs found

    Methods for Partitioning Data to Improve Parallel Execution Time for Sorting on Heterogeneous Clusters

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    International audienceThe aim of the paper is to introduce general techniques in order to optimize the parallel execution time of sorting on a distributed architectures with processors of various speeds. Such an application requires a partitioning step. For uniformly related processors (processors speeds are related by a constant factor), we develop a constant time technique for mastering processor load and execution time in an heterogeneous environment and also a technique to deal with unknown cost functions. For non uniformly related processors, we use a technique based on dynamic programming. Most of the time, the solutions are in O(p) (p is the number of processors), independent of the problem size n. Consequently, there is a small overhead regarding the problem we deal with but it is inherently limited by the knowing of time complexity of the portion of code following the partitioning

    Sequential In-core Sorting Performance for a SQL Data Service and for Parallel Sorting on Heterogeneous Clusters

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    The aim of the paper is to introduce techniques in order to tune sequential in-core sorting algorithms in the frameworks of two applications. The first application is parallel sorting when the processor speeds are not identical in the parallel system. The second application is the Zeta-Data Project (Koskas, 2003) whose aim is to develop novel algorithms for databases issues. About 50 % of the work done in building indexes is devoted to sorting sets of integers. We develop and compare algorithms built to sort with equal keys. Algorithms are variations of the 3way-Quicksort of Segdewick. In order to observe performances and to fully exploit functional units in processors and also in order to optimize the use of the memory system and the different functional units, we use hardware performance counters that are available on most modern microprocessors. We develop also analytical results for one of our algorithms and compare expected results with the measures. For the two applications, we show through fine experiments on an Athlon processor (a three-way superscalar x86 processor), that L1 data cache misses is not the central problem but a subtil proportion of independent retired instructions should be advised to get performance for in-core sorting. Key words: hardware performance counters, in-core sorting algorithms with equal keys, two levels memory hierarchy, optimizing memory accesses, parallelism at the chip level, data structures for databases, parallel sorting. Preprint submitted to Elsevier Science 2 June 2004

    Kubernetes cluster optimization using hybrid shared-state scheduling framework

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    This paper presents a novel approach for scheduling the workloads in a Kubernetes cluster, which are sometimes unequally distributed across the environment or deal with fluctuations in terms of resources utilization. Our proposal looks at a hybrid shared-state scheduling framework model that delegates most of the tasks to the distributed scheduling agents and has a scheduling correction function that mainly processes the unscheduled and unprioritized tasks. The scheduling decisions are made based on the entire cluster state which is synchronized and periodically updated by a master-state agent. By preserving the Kubernetes objects and concepts, we analyzed the proposed scheduler behavior under different scenarios, for instance we tested the failover/recovery behavior in a deployed Kubernetes cluster. Moreover, our findings show that in situations like collocation interference or priority preemption, other centralized scheduling frameworks integrated with the Kubernetes system might not perform accordingly due to high latency derived from the calculation of load spreading. In a wider context of the existing scheduling frameworks for container clusters, the distributed models lack of visibility at an upper-level scheduler might generate conflicting job placements. Therefore, our proposed scheduler encompasses the functionality of both centralized and distributed frameworks. By employing a synchronized cluster state, we ensure an optimal scheduling mechanism for the resources utilization.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Network Architectures and Service