274 research outputs found

    The role of tectonic uplift, climate, and vegetation in the long-term terrestrial phosphorous cycle

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    Phosphorus (P) is a crucial element for life and therefore for maintaining ecosystem productivity. Its local availability to the terrestrial biosphere results from the interaction between climate, tectonic uplift, atmospheric transport, and biotic cycling. Here we present a mathematical model that describes the terrestrial P-cycle in a simple but comprehensive way. The resulting dynamical system can be solved analytically for steady-state conditions, allowing us to test the sensitivity of the P-availability to the key parameters and processes. Given constant inputs, we find that humid ecosystems exhibit lower P availability due to higher runoff and losses, and that tectonic uplift is a fundamental constraint. In particular, we find that in humid ecosystems the biotic cycling seem essential to maintain long-term P-availability. The time-dependent P dynamics for the Franz Josef and Hawaii chronosequences show how tectonic uplift is an important constraint on ecosystem productivity, while hydroclimatic conditions control the P-losses and speed towards steady-state. The model also helps describe how, with limited uplift and atmospheric input, as in the case of the Amazon Basin, ecosystems must rely on mechanisms that enhance P-availability and retention. Our novel model has a limited number of parameters and can be easily integrated into global climate models to provide a representation of the response of the terrestrial biosphere to global change

    On the potential vegetation feedbacks that enhance phosphorus availability – insights from a process-based model linking geological and ecological timescales

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    In old and heavily weathered soils, the availability of P might be so small that the primary production of plants is limited. However, plants have evolved several mechanisms to actively take up P from the soil or mine it to overcome this limitation. These mechanisms involve the active uptake of P mediated by mycorrhiza, biotic de-occlusion through root clusters, and the biotic enhancement of weathering through root exudation. The objective of this paper is to investigate how and where these processes contribute to alleviate P limitation on primary productivity. To do so, we propose a process-based model accounting for the major processes of the carbon, water, and P cycles including chemical weathering at the global scale. Implementing P limitation on biomass synthesis allows the assessment of the efficiencies of biomass production across different ecosystems. We use simulation experiments to assess the relative importance of the different uptake mechanisms to alleviate P limitation on biomass production. We find that active P uptake is an essential mechanism for sustaining P availability on long timescales, whereas biotic de-occlusion might serve as a buffer on timescales shorter than 10 000 yr. Although active P uptake is essential for reducing P losses by leaching, humid lowland soils reach P limitation after around 100 000 yr of soil evolution. Given the generalized modelling framework, our model results compare reasonably with observed or independently estimated patterns and ranges of P concentrations in soils and vegetation. Furthermore, our simulations suggest that P limitation might be an important driver of biomass production efficiency (the fraction of the gross primary productivity used for biomass growth), and that vegetation on old soils has a smaller biomass production rate when P becomes limiting. With this study, we provide a theoretical basis for investigating the responses of terrestrial ecosystems to P availability linking geological and ecological timescales under different environmental settings

    Situación actual de la prevención del cáncer de piel: una revisión siste

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    Skin cancer deaths continue to rise despite the implementation of numerous preventive campaigns and programs. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate reviews of primary and secondary skin cancer prevention strategies as reported over the past 10 years. We analyzed 63 systematic reviews and meta-analyses: 30 (46.6%) addressing primary interventions and 35 (55.6%) addressing secondary interventions. Two of the reviews covered both. The most widely reported primary prevention approaches were education programs (63.3%), followed by risk modeling to identify individuals at high risk for melanoma (17.6%), and the promotion of sunscreen use (11.8%). The most widely reported secondary prevention measures concerned imaging systems for early skin cancer detection (40%), smartphones and new technologies (22.9%), and visual diagnosis in population-based screening (17.4%). The most effective measures were primary prevention education programs to improve sun protection habits.La mortalidad por cáncer de piel continúa aumentando a pesar de las numerosas intervenciones dedicadas a su prevención. El objetivo de esta revisión es estudiar la situación de la prevención primaria y secundaria del cáncer de piel en los últimos 10 a˜nos. Se incluye un total de 63 revisiones, 30 (46,6%) revisiones incluyeron estrategias de prevención primaria y 35 (55,6%) de prevención secundaria, incorporando 2 de las revisiones información sobre ambos tipos de estrategias. Para la prevención primaria, las medidas más estudiadas fueron losprogramas educativos (63,3%), seguidos de la creación de modelos para identificar a personascon alto riesgo de desarrollar un melanoma (17,6%) y la promoción del uso de fotoprotectores(11,8%). Los sistemas de toma de imagen para el diagnóstico precoz del cáncer de piel (40%),seguidos por el empleo de smartphones y nuevas tecnologías (22,9%), así como el diagnósticovisual como cribado poblacional (17,4%), fueron las medidas de prevención secundaria másevaluadas. De todas las medidas revisadas, las estrategias de prevención primaria centradas enprogramas educativos para mejorar los hábitos de fotoprotección fueron las que resultaron másefectivas

    Decay of metastable phases in a model for the catalytic oxidation of CO

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    We study by kinetic Monte Carlo simulations the dynamic behavior of a Ziff-Gulari-Barshad model with CO desorption for the reaction CO + O →\to CO2_2 on a catalytic surface. Finite-size scaling analysis of the fluctuations and the fourth-order order-parameter cumulant show that below a critical CO desorption rate, the model exhibits a nonequilibrium first-order phase transition between low and high CO coverage phases. We calculate several points on the coexistence curve. We also measure the metastable lifetimes associated with the transition from the low CO coverage phase to the high CO coverage phase, and {\it vice versa}. Our results indicate that the transition process follows a mechanism very similar to the decay of metastable phases associated with {\it equilibrium} first-order phase transitions and can be described by the classic Kolmogorov-Johnson-Mehl-Avrami theory of phase transformation by nucleation and growth. In the present case, the desorption parameter plays the role of temperature, and the distance to the coexistence curve plays the role of an external field or supersaturation. We identify two distinct regimes, depending on whether the system is far from or close to the coexistence curve, in which the statistical properties and the system-size dependence of the lifetimes are different, corresponding to multidroplet or single-droplet decay, respectively. The crossover between the two regimes approaches the coexistence curve logarithmically with system size, analogous to the behavior of the crossover between multidroplet and single-droplet metastable decay near an equilibrium first-order phase transition.Comment: 27 pages, 22 figures, accepted by Physical Review

    The Times They Are A-Changin’: Heterochrony in Plant Development and Evolution

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    Alterations in the timing of developmental programs during evolution, that lead to changes in the shape, or size of organs, are known as heterochrony. Heterochrony has been widely studied in animals, but has often been neglected in plants. During plant evolution, heterochronic shifts have played a key role in the origin and diversification of leaves, roots, flowers, and fruits. Heterochrony that results in a juvenile or simpler outcome is known as paedomorphosis, while an adult or more complex outcome is called peramorphosis. Mechanisms that alter developmental timing at the cellular level affect cell proliferation or differentiation, while those acting at the tissue or organismal level change endogenous aging pathways, morphogen signaling, and metabolism. We believe that wider consideration of heterochrony in the context of evolution will contribute to a better understanding of plant development

    Projected multicluster model with Jastrow and linear state dependent correlations for 12≤A≤1612 \leq A \leq 16 nuclei

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    Variational wave functions based on a Margenau-Brink cluster model with short range and state dependent correlations, and angular momentum projection are obtained for some nuclei with 12≤A≤1612 \leq A \leq 16. The calculations have been carried out starting from the nucleon-nucleon interaction by using the Variational Monte Carlo method. The configuration used consists of three alpha clusters located at the apexes of an equilateral triangle, and an additional cluster, not necessarily of alpha type, forming a tetrahedron. This cluster is located at the top of its height. Short-range and state dependent correlations are included by means of a central Jastrow factor and a linear operatorial correlation factor respectively. Angular momentum projection is performed by using the Peierls-Yoccoz operators. Optimal structures are obtained for all the nuclei studied. Some aspects of our methodology have been tested by comparing with previous calculations carried out without short range correlations. The binding energy, the root mean square radius, and the one- and two-body densities are reported. The effects of correlations on both the energy and the nucleon distribution are analyzed systematically.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Low-temperature nucleation in a kinetic Ising model with soft stochastic dynamics

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    We study low-temperature nucleation in kinetic Ising models by analytical and simulational methods, confirming the general result for the average metastable lifetime, = A*exp(beta*Gamma) (beta = 1/kT) [E. Jordao Neves and R.H. Schonmann, Commun. Math. Phys. 137, 209 (1991)]. Contrary to common belief, we find that both A and Gamma depend significantly on the stochastic dynamic. In particular, for a ``soft'' dynamic, in which the effects of the interactions and the applied field factorize in the transition rates, Gamma does NOT simply equal the energy barrier against nucleation, as it does for the standard Glauber dynamic, which does not have this factorization property.Comment: 4 pages RevTex4, 2 figures. Phys. Rev. Lett., in pres

    Postemergence broadleafweed control in soybean with bentazon 400/acifluorfen 170 and bentazon 400/acifluorfen 140

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    o objetivo do ensaio foi avaliar a eficácia dos herbicidas bentazon 400/acifluorfen 170 e bentazon 400/acifluorfen 140, isolados e em mistura com óleo mineral (Assist), em pós-emergência inicial, para o controle de plantas daninhas latifoliadas na cultura da soja, cv. 'Garimpo', em Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro, textura média, em área de Cerrado. Os tratamentos foram: bentazon 400/acifluorfen 170 (570, 684 e 855 g/ha), bentazon 400/acifluorfen 170+óleo mineral (684+378 glha), bentazon 400/ acifluorfen 140 (540, 648 e 810 glha), bentazon 400/acifluorfen 140+óleo mineral (648+378 glha), fomesafenlfluazifop-butyl (500 g/ha) e testemunha capinada e sem capina. Na produtividade de grãos nenhum dos herbicidas estudados apresentou diferenças com relação à testemunha capinada. Porém a testemunha sem capina apresentou diferenças em relação a todos os demais tratamentos, com a produção de 813 kg/ha. Para a densidade de plantas por ocasião da colheita, altura média das plantas, altura média de inserção da primeira vagem e peso de 100 sementes, não foram detectadas diferenças entre os tratamentos. Verificouse que Amaranthus viridis (caruru) foi controlado por todos os herbicidas, com índices de controle acima de 95%, até os 21 dias após a aplicação. Para Nicandra physaloides (joá-de-capote), todos os herbicidas apresentaram um excelente controle, com índice de 100% desde os 7 até os 21 dias após a aplicação. Para Sida rhombifolia (vassoura), todos os herbicidas apresentaram índices de controle superiores a 97%, até 21 dias depois da aplicação. Na primeira avaliação verificou-se leve toxicidade às plantas causada pelas misturas fomesafen/fluazifop-butyl, bentazon 400/acifluorfen 140+óleo mineral (684+378 glha) e bentazon 400/acifluorfen 140. Na segunda avaliação, 15 dias após a aplicação, não era visível qualquer sintoma de toxicidade. The objective ofthe experiment was to evaluate the efficacy of hérbicides bentazon 400/acifluorfen 170 and bentazon 400/acifluorfen 140, alone and in mixture with mineral oil (Assist) in early postemergence control ofweeds in soybean. Treatrnents were: bentazon 400/acifluorfen 140 (570, 684 and 855 glha), bentazon 400/acifluorfen 170+mineral oil (684+378 glha), bentazon 400/acifluorfen 140 (540, 648 and 810 glha), bentazon 400/acifluorfen 140+mineral oil (648+378 glha) and fomesafenlfluazifopbutyl (500 g/ha) and a weedy and a weeded control. The results showed no difference in grain productivity between the herbicide treatments and the weeded control. However the weedy control showed differences in relation to alI treatments, with productivity of 813 kglha. Soybean density at harvesting, plant height, first pod insertion height and weight of 100 seeds, showed no difference between treatments. Amaranthus viridis was controled by ali herbicides, with 95% control or more until 21 days after aplication. Nicandra physaloides was also controlled by ali herbicides from 7th to 21 st day after spraying. In Sida rhombifolia, ali herbicides showed index control higher than 97% until 21 days after aplication. Seven days after herbicide spraying it was observed negligible toxicity to soybean plants. Seven days later there was no toxicity.

    Response of a catalytic reaction to periodic variation of the CO pressure: Increased CO_2 production and dynamic phase transition

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    We present a kinetic Monte Carlo study of the dynamical response of a Ziff-Gulari-Barshad model for CO oxidation with CO desorption to periodic variation of the CO presure. We use a square-wave periodic pressure variation with parameters that can be tuned to enhance the catalytic activity. We produce evidence that, below a critical value of the desorption rate, the driven system undergoes a dynamic phase transition between a CO_2 productive phase and a nonproductive one at a critical value of the period of the pressure oscillation. At the dynamic phase transition the period-averged CO_2 production rate is significantly increased and can be used as a dynamic order parameter. We perform a finite-size scaling analysis that indicates the existence of power-law singularities for the order parameter and its fluctuations, yielding estimated critical exponent ratios β/ν≈0.12\beta/\nu \approx 0.12 and γ/ν≈1.77\gamma/\nu \approx 1.77. These exponent ratios, together with theoretical symmetry arguments and numerical data for the fourth-order cumulant associated with the transition, give reasonable support for the hypothesis that the observed nonequilibrium dynamic phase transition is in the same universality class as the two-dimensional equilibrium Ising model.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, accepted in Physical Review
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