673 research outputs found

    Near-infrared spectropolarimetry of a delta-spot

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    Sunspots harboring umbrae of both magnetic polarities within a common penumbra (delta-spots) are often but not always related to flares. We present first near-infrared (NIR) observations (Fe I 1078.3 nm and Si I 1078.6 nm spectra) obtained with the Tenerife Infrared Polarimeter (TIP) at the Vacuum Tower Telescope (VTT) in Tenerife on 2012 June 17, which afford accurate and sensitive diagnostics to scrutinize the complex fields along the magnetic neutral line of a delta-spot within active region NOAA 11504. We examine the vector magnetic field, line-of-sight (LOS) velocities, and horizontal proper motions of this rather inactive delta-spot. We find a smooth transition of the magnetic vector field from the main umbra to that of opposite polarity (delta-umbra), but a discontinuity of the horizontal magnetic field at some distance from the delta-umbra on the polarity inversion line. The magnetic field decreases faster with height by a factor of two above the delta-umbra. The latter is surrounded by its own Evershed flow. The Evershed flow coming from the main umbra ends at a line dividing the spot into two parts. This line is marked by the occurrence of central emission in the Ca II 854.2 nm line. Along this line, high chromospheric LOS-velocities of both signs appear. We detect a shear flow within the horizontal flux transport velocities parallel to the dividing line.Comment: 4 pages, will appear as Letter in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Properties of the inner penumbral boundary and temporal evolution of a decaying sunspot

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    It was empirically determined that the umbra-penumbra boundaries of stable sunspots are characterized by a constant value of the vertical magnetic field. We analyzed the evolution of the photospheric magnetic field properties of a decaying sunspot belonging to NOAA 11277 between August 28 - September 3, 2011. The observations were acquired with the spectropolarimeter on-board of the Hinode satellite. We aim to proof the validity of the constant vertical magnetic-field boundary between the umbra and penumbra in decaying sunspots. A spectral-line inversion technique was used to infer the magnetic field vector from the full-Stokes profiles. In total, eight maps were inverted and the variation of the magnetic properties in time were quantified using linear or quadratic fits. We found a linear decay of the umbral vertical magnetic field, magnetic flux, and area. The penumbra showed a linear increase of the vertical magnetic field and a sharp decay of the magnetic flux. In addition, the penumbral area quadratically decayed. The vertical component of the magnetic field is weaker on the umbra-penumbra boundary of the studied decaying sunspot compared to stable sunspots. Its value seem to be steadily decreasing during the decay phase. Moreover, at any time of the shown sunspot decay, the inner penumbra boundary does not match with a constant value of the vertical magnetic field, contrary to what was seen in stable sunspots. During the decaying phase of the studied sunspot, the umbra does not have a sufficiently strong vertical component of the magnetic field and is thus unstable and prone to be disintegrated by convection or magnetic diffusion. No constant value of the vertical magnetic field was found for the inner penumbral boundary.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 6 pages, 7 figure

    Magnetic loop emergence within a granule

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    We investigate the temporal evolution of magnetic flux emerging within a granule in the quiet-Sun internetwork at disk center. We combined IR spectropolarimetry performed in two Fe I lines at 1565 nm with speckle-reconstructed G-band imaging. We determined the magnetic field parameters by a LTE inversion of the full Stokes vector using the SIR code, and followed their evolution in time. To interpret the observations, we created a geometrical model of a rising loop in 3D. The relevant parameters of the loop were matched to the observations where possible. We then synthesized spectra from the 3D model for a comparison to the observations. We found signatures of magnetic flux emergence within a growing granule. In the early phases, a horizontal magnetic field with a distinct linear polarization signal dominated the emerging flux. Later on, two patches of opposite circular polarization signal appeared symmetrically on either side of the linear polarization patch, indicating a small loop-like structure. The mean magnetic flux density of this loop was roughly 450 G, with a total magnetic flux of around 3x10^17 Mx. During the ~12 min episode of loop occurrence, the spatial extent of the loop increased from about 1 to 2 arcsec. The middle part of the appearing feature was blueshifted during its occurrence, supporting the scenario of an emerging loop. The temporal evolution of the observed spectra is reproduced to first order by the spectra derived from the geometrical model. The observed event can be explained as a case of flux emergence in the shape of a small-scale loop.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures; accepted for Astronomy and Astrophysics; ps and eps figures in full resolution are available at http://www.astro.sk/~koza/figures/aa2009_loop

    Ca II 8542 \AA\ brightenings induced by a solar microflare

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    We study small-scale brightenings in Ca II 8542 \AA\ line-core images to determine their nature and effect on localized heating and mass transfer in active regions. High-resolution 2D spectroscopic observations of an active region in the Ca II 8542 \AA\ line were acquired with the GFPI attached to the 1.5-meter GREGOR telescope. Inversions of the spectra were carried out using NICOLE. We identified three brightenings of sizes up to 2"x2". We found evidence that the brightenings belonged to the footpoints of a microflare (MF). The properties of the observed brightenings disqualified the scenarios of Ellerman bombs or IRIS bombs. However, this MF shared some common properties with flaring active-region fibrils or flaring arch filaments (FAFs): (1) FAFs and MFs are both apparent in chromospheric and coronal layers according to the AIA channels, and (2) both show flaring arches with lifetimes of about 3.0-3.5 min and lengths of about 20". The inversions revealed heating by 600 K at the footpoint location in the ambient chromosphere during the impulsive phase. Connecting the footpoints, a dark filamentary structure appeared in the Ca II line-core images. Before the start of the MF, the spectra of this structure already indicated average blueshifts, meaning upward motions of the plasma along the LOS. During the impulsive phase, these velocities increased up to -2.2 km/s. Downflows dominated at the footpoints. However, in the upper photosphere, slight upflows occurred during the impulsive phase. Hence, bidirectional flows are present in the footpoints of the MF. Conclusions: We detected Ca II brightenings that coincided with the footpoint location of an MF. The MF event led to a rise of plasma in the upper photosphere, both before and during the impulsive phase. Excess mass, previously raised to at most chromospheric layers, slowly drained downward along arches toward the footpoints of the MF.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 13 pages, 6 figures, 1 online movi

    Temporal evolution of arch filaments as seen in He I 10830 \r{A}

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    We study the evolution of an arch filament system (AFS) and of its individual arch filaments to learn about the processes occurring in them. We observed the AFS at the GREGOR solar telescope on Tenerife at high cadence with the very fast spectroscopic mode of the GREGOR Infrared Spectrograph (GRIS) in the He I 10830 \AA\ spectral range. The He I triplet profiles were fitted with analytic functions to infer line-of-sight (LOS) velocities to follow plasma motions within the AFS. We tracked the temporal evolution of an individual arch filament over its entire lifetime, as seen in the He I 10830 \AA\ triplet. The arch filament expanded in height and extended in length from 13" to 21". The lifetime of this arch filament is about 30 min. About 11 min after the arch filament is seen in He I, the loop top starts to rise with an average Doppler velocity of 6 km/s. Only two minutes later, plasma drains down with supersonic velocities towards the footpoints reaching a peak velocity of up to 40 km/s in the chromosphere. The temporal evolution of He I 10830 \AA\ profiles near the leading pore showed almost ubiquitous dual red components of the He I triplet, indicating strong downflows, along with material nearly at rest within the same resolution element during the whole observing time. We followed the arch filament as it carried plasma during its rise from the photosphere to the corona. The material then drained toward the photosphere, reaching supersonic velocities, along the legs of the arch filament. Our observational results support theoretical AFS models and aids in improving future models.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 12 pages, 15 figures, 1 online movi

    Physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for T84.66: A monoclonal anti-CEA antibody

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    Antibodies directed against tumor associated antigens are being increasingly used for detection and treatment of cancers; however, there is an incomplete understanding of the physiological determinants of antibody pharmacokinetics and tumor distribution. The purpose of this study is to (a) compare the plasma pharmacokinetics of T84.66, a monoclonal anti-CEA antibody directed against tumor associated carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), in control and CEA expressing LS174T xenograft bearing mice, and (b) to develop a physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model capable of integrating the influence of CEA and the IgG salvage receptor, FcRn, on T84.66 disposition. T84.66 pharmacokinetics were studied following i.v. administration (1, 10, 25 mg/kg) in control and xenograft bearing mice. In control mice, no significant differences in clearance were observed across the dose range studied. In mice bearing xenograft tumors, clearance was increased by four- to sevenfold, suggesting the presence of a “target mediated” elimination pathway. T84.66 plasma disposition was characterized with a PBPK model, and the model was applied to successfully predict antibody concentrations in tumor tissue. The PBPK model will be used to assist in the development of antibody-based targeting strategies for CEA-positive tumors. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 99: 1582–1600, 2010Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64917/1/21918_ftp.pd
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