8,893 research outputs found

    Topological Aspects of the Non-adiabatic Berry Phase

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    The topology of the non-adiabatic parameter space bundle is discussed for evolution of exact cyclic state vectors in Berry's original example of split angular momentum eigenstates. It turns out that the change in topology occurs at a critical frequency. The first Chern number that classifies these bundles is proportional to angular momentum. The non-adiabatic principal bundle over the parameter space is not well-defined at the critical frequency.Comment: 14 pages, Dep. of Physics, Uni. of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, to appear in J. Physics

    Resonances, Unstable Systems and Irreversibility: Matter Meets Mind

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    The fundamental time-reversal invariance of dynamical systems can be broken in various ways. One way is based on the presence of resonances and their interactions giving rise to unstable dynamical systems, leading to well-defined time arrows. Associated with these time arrows are semigroups bearing time orientations. Usually, when time symmetry is broken, two time-oriented semigroups result, one directed toward the future and one directed toward the past. If time-reversed states and evolutions are excluded due to resonances, then the status of these states and their associated backwards-in-time oriented semigroups is open to question. One possible role for these latter states and semigroups is as an abstract representation of mental systems as opposed to material systems. The beginnings of this interpretation will be sketched.Comment: 9 pages. Presented at the CFIF Workshop on TimeAsymmetric Quantum Theory: The Theory of Resonances, 23-26 July 2003, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal; and at the Quantum Structures Association Meeting, 7-22 July 2004, University of Denver. Accepted for publication in the Internation Journal of Theoretical Physic

    Measurement, Decoherence and Chaos in Quantum Pinball

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    The effect of introducing measuring devices in a ``quantum pinball'' system is shown to lead to a chaotic evolution for the particle position as defined in Bohm's approach to Quantum Mechanics.Comment: Latex, uses ioplppt style, two figures. Also can be ftp'd anonymously from: ftp://zaphod.phys.port.ac.uk/pub/papers/paper2

    Spin-dependent Bohm trajectories for hydrogen eigenstates

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    The Bohm trajectories for several hydrogen atom eigenstates are determined, taking into account the additional momentum term that arises from the Pauli current. Unlike the original Bohmian result, the spin-dependent term yields nonstationary trajectories. The relationship between the trajectories and the standard visualizations of orbitals is discussed. The trajectories for a model problem that simulates a 1s-2p transition in hydrogen are also examined.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Gamow-Jordan Vectors and Non-Reducible Density Operators from Higher Order S-Matrix Poles

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    In analogy to Gamow vectors that are obtained from first order resonance poles of the S-matrix, one can also define higher order Gamow vectors which are derived from higher order poles of the S-matrix. An S-matrix pole of r-th order at z_R=E_R-i\Gamma/2 leads to r generalized eigenvectors of order k= 0, 1, ... , r-1, which are also Jordan vectors of degree (k+1) with generalized eigenvalue (E_R-i\Gamma/2). The Gamow-Jordan vectors are elements of a generalized complex eigenvector expansion, whose form suggests the definition of a state operator (density matrix) for the microphysical decaying state of this higher order pole. This microphysical state is a mixture of non-reducible components. In spite of the fact that the k-th order Gamow-Jordan vectors has the polynomial time-dependence which one always associates with higher order poles, the microphysical state obeys a purely exponential decay law.Comment: 39 pages, 3 PostScript figures; sub2.eps may stall some printers and should then be printed out separately; ghostview is o.

    In Switzerland: Vor der Sennhuette

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    The density matrix in the de Broglie-Bohm approach

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    If the density matrix is treated as an objective description of individual systems, it may become possible to attribute the same objective significance to statistical mechanical properties, such as entropy or temperature, as to properties such as mass or energy. It is shown that the de Broglie-Bohm interpretation of quantum theory can be consistently applied to density matrices as a description of individual systems. The resultant trajectories are examined for the case of the delayed choice interferometer, for which Bell appears to suggest that such an interpretation is not possible. Bell's argument is shown to be based upon a different understanding of the density matrix to that proposed here.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Irreversible Quantum Mechanics in the Neutral K-System

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    The neutral Kaon system is used to test the quantum theory of resonance scattering and decay phenomena. The two dimensional Lee-Oehme-Yang theory with complex Hamiltonian is obtained by truncating the complex basis vector expansion of the exact theory in Rigged Hilbert space. This can be done for K_1 and K_2 as well as for K_S and K_L, depending upon whether one chooses the (self-adjoint, semi-bounded) Hamiltonian as commuting or non-commuting with CP. As an unexpected curiosity one can show that the exact theory (without truncation) predicts long-time 2 pion decays of the neutral Kaon system even if the Hamiltonian conserves CP.Comment: 36 pages, 1 PostScript figure include

    Kochen-Specker Obstruction for Position and Momentum Using a Single Degree of Freedom

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    It is shown that, given a reasonable continuity assumption regarding possessed values, it is possible to construct a Kochen-Specker obstruction for any coordinate and its conjugate momentum, demonstrating that at most one of these two quantities can have a noncontextual value.Comment: This version replaces v1, which contained a faulty continuity condito
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