726 research outputs found

    The Olfactory Threshold of Rotundone in Brandy is Ten-fold Higher than in Wine and does not Increase with the Complexity of the Matrix

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    Rotundone is the only known aroma compound imparting a peppery aroma to wine. Its presence hasrecently been documented in spirits, notably those aged in oak barrels. However, the sensory contributionof rotundone in such alcoholic beverages remains hard to predict, given their high ethanol level. The aimof this study was to estimate olfactory thresholds for rotundone in brandy using three different matrices.Rotundone concentrations in the unspiked samples were 50 ng/L for wine distillate and 135 ng/L for brandy,demonstrating for the first time the presence of rotundone in such spirits and a possible endogenous origin.The olfactory detection threshold was estimated at 103 ng/L in 40% (v/v) ethanol solution, while differencethresholds were 171 ng/L and 189 ng/L in fresh wine distillate and young French brandy, respectively, bothstandardised at 40% (v/v). These thresholds were 10-fold higher than in wines and did not significantlydiffer according to the complexity of the matrix. Our results, which are still preliminary and would deserveto be validated with a larger number of samples and using a higher number of panellists, open new fieldsof investigation for a deeper exploration of the concentration range of rotundone in brandies, particularlythose that underwent a longer ageing period in barrels

    Nuevos registros para la flora vascular de Colombia presentes en la Orinoquia y reseña histórica de las expediciones botánicas a la región

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    18 new records to the vascular flora of Colombia found in the Orinoquia region are recorded: Duguetia riberensis Aristeg. ex Maas & Boon, Trigynaea duckei (R .E. Fr.) R. E. Fr. (Annonaceae); Tassadia medinae (Morillo) Morillo (Apocynaceae); Jaracanda orinocensis Sandw. (Bignoniaceae); Polycarpaea corymbosa (L.) Lam. var. brasiliensis (Cambess.) Chodat & Hassl. (Caryophyllaceae); Murdannia burchellii (C. B. Clarke) M. Pell. y M. aff. triquetra (Wall. ex C. B. Clarke) G.Brückn (Commelinaceae); Enterolobium barinense L. Cárdenas & Rodr.-Carr., Machaerium tovarense Pittier, Muellera crucisrubierae (Pittier) M. Sousa, and Tachigali davidsei Zarucchi & Herend. (Leguminosae); Nectandra bartlettiana Lasser (Lauraceae); Lindernia brachyphylla Pennell ex Steyerm. (Linderniaceae); Campomanesia aromatica (Aubl.) Griseb. (Myrtaceae); Christiana africana DC. (Malvaceae); Dulacia cyanocarpa Sleumer (Olacaceae); Phyllanthus microphyllus Kunth (Phyllanthaceae), and Gouania wurdackii Steyerm. (Rhamnaceae). These species were collected in the states of Arauca and Vichada in Colombia. Aspects related with the taxonomy and nomenclature of these new records, geographical distributions, and affinities with the flora of the Llanos of Venezuela as well as other regions with floristic similarities are discussed, and information about the exploration in the region is documented.Se registran 18 novedades para la flora vascular de Colombia a partir de ejemplares recolectados en la región dela Orinoquia. Los nuevos registros corresponden a: Duguetia riberensis Aristeg. ex Maas & Boon, Trigynaeaduckei (R. E. Fr.) R. E. Fr. (Annonaceae); Tassadia medinae (Morillo) Morillo (Apocynaceae); Jaracandaorinocensis Sandw. (Bignoniaceae); Polycarpaea corymbosa (L.) Lam. var. brasiliensis (Cambess.) Chodat &Hassl. (Caryophyllaceae); Murdannia burchellii (C. B. Clarke) M. Pell. y M. aff. triquetra (Wall. ex C. B. Clarke)G. Brückn (Commelinaceae); Enterolobium barinense L. Cárdenas & Rodr.-Carr., Machaerium tovarense Pittier,Muellera crucisrubierae (Pittier) M. Sousa y Tachigali davidsei Zarucchi & Herend. (Leguminosae), Nectandrabartlettiana Lasser (Lauraceae); Lindernia brachyphylla Pennell ex Steyerm. (Linderniaceae); Campomanesiaaromatica (Aubl.) Griseb. (Myrtaceae); Christiana africana DC. (Malvaceae); Dulacia cyanocarpa Sleumer(Olacaceae); Phyllanthus microphyllus Kunth (Phyllanthaceae) y Gouania wurdackii Steyerm. (Rhamnaceae).Estas especies fueron recolectadas en los departamentos de Arauca y Vichada. Se discuten aspectos relacionadoscon la taxonomía y nomenclatura de estos nuevos registros, su distribución geográfica, sus afinidades con la florapresente en la Orinoquia venezolana y regiones con características florísticas similares. Se agrega una reseñahistórica de las exploraciones en los llanos colombianos

    Nuevos registros para la flora vascular de Colombia presentes en la Orinoquia y reseña histórica de las expediciones botánicas a la región

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    Se registran 18 novedades para la flora vascular de Colombia a partir de ejemplares recolectados en la región de la Orinoquia. Los nuevos registros corresponden a: Duguetia riberensis Aristeg. ex Maas & Boon, Trigynaea duckei (R. E. Fr.) R. E. Fr. (Annonaceae); Tassadia medinae (Morillo) Morillo (Apocynaceae); Jaracanda orinocensis Sandw. (Bignoniaceae); Polycarpaea corymbosa (L.) Lam. var. brasiliensis (Cambess.) Chodat & Hassl. (Caryophyllaceae); Murdannia burchellii (C. B. Clarke) M. Pell. y M. aff. triquetra (Wall. ex C. B. Clarke) G. Brückn (Commelinaceae); Enterolobium barinense L. Cárdenas & Rodr.-Carr., Machaerium tovarense Pittier, Muellera crucisrubierae (Pittier) M. Sousa y Tachigali davidsei Zarucchi & Herend. (Leguminosae), Nectandra bartlettiana Lasser (Lauraceae); Lindernia brachyphylla Pennell ex Steyerm. (Linderniaceae); Campomanesia aromatica (Aubl.) Griseb. (Myrtaceae); Christiana africana DC. (Malvaceae); Dulacia cyanocarpa Sleumer (Olacaceae); Phyllanthus microphyllus Kunth (Phyllanthaceae) y Gouania wurdackii Steyerm. (Rhamnaceae). Estas especies fueron recolectadas en los departamentos de Arauca y Vichada. Se discuten aspectos relacionados con la taxonomía y nomenclatura de estos nuevos registros, su distribución geográfica, sus afinidades con la flora presente en la Orinoquia venezolana y regiones con características florísticas similares. Se agrega una reseña histórica de las exploraciones en los llanos colombianos

    Nuevos registros para la flora vascular de Colombia presentes en la Orinoquia y reseña histórica de las expediciones botánicas a la región

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    18 new records to the vascular flora of Colombia found in the Orinoquia region are recorded: Duguetia riberensis Aristeg. ex Maas & Boon, Trigynaea duckei (R .E. Fr.) R. E. Fr. (Annonaceae); Tassadia medinae (Morillo) Morillo (Apocynaceae); Jaracanda orinocensis Sandw. (Bignoniaceae); Polycarpaea corymbosa (L.) Lam. var. brasiliensis (Cambess.) Chodat & Hassl. (Caryophyllaceae); Murdannia burchellii (C. B. Clarke) M. Pell. y M. aff. triquetra (Wall. ex C. B. Clarke) G.Brückn (Commelinaceae); Enterolobium barinense L. Cárdenas & Rodr.-Carr., Machaerium tovarense Pittier, Muellera crucisrubierae (Pittier) M. Sousa, and Tachigali davidsei Zarucchi & Herend. (Leguminosae); Nectandra bartlettiana Lasser (Lauraceae); Lindernia brachyphylla Pennell ex Steyerm. (Linderniaceae); Campomanesia aromatica (Aubl.) Griseb. (Myrtaceae); Christiana africana DC. (Malvaceae); Dulacia cyanocarpa Sleumer (Olacaceae); Phyllanthus microphyllus Kunth (Phyllanthaceae), and Gouania wurdackii Steyerm. (Rhamnaceae). These species were collected in the states of Arauca and Vichada in Colombia. Aspects related with the taxonomy and nomenclature of these new records, geographical distributions, and affinities with the flora of the Llanos of Venezuela as well as other regions with floristic similarities are discussed, and information about the exploration in the region is documented.Se registran 18 novedades para la flora vascular de Colombia a partir de ejemplares recolectados en la región dela Orinoquia. Los nuevos registros corresponden a: Duguetia riberensis Aristeg. ex Maas & Boon, Trigynaeaduckei (R. E. Fr.) R. E. Fr. (Annonaceae); Tassadia medinae (Morillo) Morillo (Apocynaceae); Jaracandaorinocensis Sandw. (Bignoniaceae); Polycarpaea corymbosa (L.) Lam. var. brasiliensis (Cambess.) Chodat &Hassl. (Caryophyllaceae); Murdannia burchellii (C. B. Clarke) M. Pell. y M. aff. triquetra (Wall. ex C. B. Clarke)G. Brückn (Commelinaceae); Enterolobium barinense L. Cárdenas & Rodr.-Carr., Machaerium tovarense Pittier,Muellera crucisrubierae (Pittier) M. Sousa y Tachigali davidsei Zarucchi & Herend. (Leguminosae), Nectandrabartlettiana Lasser (Lauraceae); Lindernia brachyphylla Pennell ex Steyerm. (Linderniaceae); Campomanesiaaromatica (Aubl.) Griseb. (Myrtaceae); Christiana africana DC. (Malvaceae); Dulacia cyanocarpa Sleumer(Olacaceae); Phyllanthus microphyllus Kunth (Phyllanthaceae) y Gouania wurdackii Steyerm. (Rhamnaceae).Estas especies fueron recolectadas en los departamentos de Arauca y Vichada. Se discuten aspectos relacionadoscon la taxonomía y nomenclatura de estos nuevos registros, su distribución geográfica, sus afinidades con la florapresente en la Orinoquia venezolana y regiones con características florísticas similares. Se agrega una reseñahistórica de las exploraciones en los llanos colombianos

    Antimicrobial residue assessment in 5, 357 commercialized meat samples from the Spain-France cross-border area: A new approach for effective monitoring

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    Although antimicrobials are valuable allies in animal production, their extended use has led to unexpected threats associated with the emergence and propagation of antimicrobial resistance. Moreover, when withdrawal periods in food-producing animals are not observed, antimicrobial residues can access the food chain, causing direct toxicity, allergies, and/or intestinal microbiota dysbiosis in consumers. Given that Spain and France are the largest meat producers in the EU and also count among the top consumers of meat, our study''s aim was to investigate the presence of antimicrobials in commercialized meat purchased in the Spain-France cross-border area (POCTEFA region). 5, 357 meat samples were collected from different animal species and a variety of different retailer types in Spain (Zaragoza, Bilbao, and Logroño) as well as in France (Toulouse and Perpignan). Meat samples were analysed by a screening method (Explorer®+QuinoScan®), yielding 194 positive samples, which were further evaluated by UPLC-QTOF (Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Quadrupole Time of Flight) for confirmation. Chromatographic analyses found antimicrobial residues in 30 samples, although only 5 of them (0.093% of initial samples) were non-compliant according to the current legislation. Further studies suggested that this mismatch between screening and confirmatory analyses might be due to the presence of biologically active metabolites derived from degradation of antimicrobials that were not identified by the targeted UPLC-QTOF method, but which might play a decisive role in the inhibition of the biological Explorer® test. Although chromatographic techniques detect the marker compounds determined by European and national regulations, and although they are the methods selected for official control of antimicrobials in food, certain unknown metabolites might escape their monitoring. This thus suggests that biological tests are the most adequate ones in terms of ideal consumer health protection

    Drosha drives the formation of DNA:RNA hybrids around DNA break sites to facilitate DNA repair

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    The error-free and efficient repair of DNA double-stranded breaks (DSBs) is extremely important for cell survival. RNA has been implicated in the resolution of DNA damage but the mechanism remains poorly understood. Here, we show that miRNA biogenesis enzymes, Drosha and Dicer, control the recruitment of repair factors from multiple pathways to sites of damage. Depletion of Drosha significantly reduces DNA repair by both homologous recombination (HR) and non-homologous end joining (NHEJ). Drosha is required within minutes of break induction, suggesting a central and early role for RNA processing in DNA repair. Sequencing of DNA:RNA hybrids reveals RNA invasion around DNA break sites in a Drosha-dependent manner. Removal of the RNA component of these structures results in impaired repair. These results show how RNA can be a direct and critical mediator of DNA damage repair in human cells