128 research outputs found

    Perfil metabólico de ovelhas Rabo Largo criadas em dois sistemas de alimentação.

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    Resumo: O estudo objetivou avaliar o perfil metabólico das ovelhas Rabo Largo, suplementadas durante o período seco. Foram utilizadas 40 ovelhas da raça Rabo Largo divididas em dois grupos, os animais do lote suplementado (LSP) e animais do lote não suplementado (LNSP). Ambos os lotes tiveram acesso a caatinga raleada com área aproximada de 15 ha. Foram analisados os indicadores bioquímicos do ?status? nutricional protéico pela quantificação de proteína total, albumina, globulina e uréia sérica e o indicador energético pela determinação das concentrações séricas de glicose. A proteína total não foi influenciada pela suplementação (P>0,05). Já a albumina nas ovelhas suplementadas (2,54±0,37 g/dL) foi significativamente superior (P0,05). Since albumin supplementation in sheep (2.54 ± 0.37 g / dL) was significantly higher (P<0,05) compared to sheep that were not supplemented (2,28 ±0,32 g / dL). However, the serum globulin content of the supplement was lower (P<0,05) ewes not supplemented (3.82 ± 0.53 vs. 4.17 ± 0.49 g / dL, respectively). It was observed that sheep are not supplemented serum glucose values (41.85 ± 8.11 mg / dL) below the sheep were supplemented (48,24 ± 7,62 mg / dL). As for urea differ (P<0,05) in treatments, and the supplemented animals had lower values than non-supplemented (20,13 ± 9.12 vs 31,26 ± 6,32 mg / dL, respectively). In general, blood levels of the metabolites were within the basic reference

    Perfil metabólico de ovelhas Rabo Largo cridas em dois sistemas de alimentação.

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    Resumo: O estudo foi realizado na Fazenda Experimental Vale do Acaraú da Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú - FAEX, localizada no município de Sobral-CE. Foram utilizadas 40 ovelhas da raça Rabo Largo divididos em dois grupos, os animais do lote suplementado (LSP) tiveram acesso a 300 gramas/cab./dia de feno de leucena (Leucaena leucocephala) durante o período seco e 1% de milho triturado em relação à média de peso vivo durante todo o ano, sendo ajustados semanalmente, além do acesso a água e sal mineral ad libitum. E os animais do lote não suplementado (LNSP) tiveram apenas acesso a água e sal mineral ad libitum. A proteína total não foi influenciada pela suplementação (P>0,05). Já a albumina nas ovelhas suplementadas (2,54±0,37) foi significativamente superior (P 0.05). Since albumin supplementation in sheep (2.54 ± 0.37) was significantly higher (P <0.05) compared to sheep that were not supplemented (2.28 ± 0.32). However, the serum globulin content of the supplement was lower (P <0.05) ewes not supplemented (3.82 ± 0.53 vs. 4.17 ± 0.49 IU / L respectively). It was found that sheep are not supplemented serum glucose levels (41.85 ± 8.11) lower than the sheep that were supplemented (48.24 ± 7.62). As for urea differ (P <0.05) in treatments, and the supplemented animals had lower levels than non-supplemented (20.13 ± 9.12 vs 31.26 ± 6.32, respectively). In general, blood levels of the metabolites were within the basic reference

    Real Time Analysis of Thermal Activation via Sphaleron Transitions

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    We study the process of thermal activation mediated by sphaleron transitions by analyzing the real-time dynamics of the decay out of equilibrium in a 1+11+1 dimensional field theory with a metastable state. The situation considered is that of a rapid supercooling in which the system is trapped in a metastable state at a temperature larger than the mass of the quanta, but smaller than the energy to create a critical droplet. The initial density matrix is evolved in time and the nucleation rate (probability current at the saddle point) is computed. The nucleation rate is {\it time dependent}, vanishing at early times, reaching a maximum at a time t1/mt \approx 1/m with mm the mass of quanta in the metastable state, and decreasing at long times as a consequence of unitarity. An estimate for the average number of particles of ``true vacuum'' produced as a function of time during the nucleation process is obtained.Comment: 26 pages 6 figures (available upon request), PITT-93-06, LATE

    Observables in Topological Yang-Mills Theories

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    Using topological Yang-Mills theory as example, we discuss the definition and determination of observables in topological field theories (of Witten-type) within the superspace formulation proposed by Horne. This approach to the equivariant cohomology leads to a set of bi-descent equations involving the BRST and supersymmetry operators as well as the exterior derivative. This allows us to determine superspace expressions for all observables, and thereby to recover the Donaldson-Witten polynomials when choosing a Wess-Zumino-type gauge.Comment: 39 pages, Late

    The Exact Critical Bubble Free Energy and the Effectiveness of Effective Potential Approximations

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    To calculate the temperature at which a first-order cosmological phase transition occurs, one must calculate Fc(T)F_c(T), the free energy of a critical bubble configuration. Fc(T)F_c(T) is often approximated by the classical energy plus an integral over the bubble of the effective potential; one must choose a method for calculating the effective potential when V<0V''<0. We test different effective potential approximations at one loop. The agreement is best if one pulls a factor of μ4/T4\mu^4/T^4 into the decay rate prefactor [where μ2=V(ϕf)\mu^2 = V''(\phi_f)], and takes the real part of the effective potential in the region V<0V''<0. We perform a similar analysis on the 1-dimensional kink.Comment: 11 pages plus 3 figures in jyTeX; CALT-68-188

    Dynamic Critical Behavior of an Extended Reptation Dynamics for Self-Avoiding Walks

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    We consider lattice self-avoiding walks and discuss the dynamic critical behavior of two dynamics that use local and bilocal moves and generalize the usual reptation dynamics. We determine the integrated and exponential autocorrelation times for several observables, perform a dynamic finite-size scaling study of the autocorrelation functions, and compute the associated dynamic critical exponents zz. For the variables that describe the size of the walks, in the absence of interactions we find z2.2z \approx 2.2 in two dimensions and z2.1z\approx 2.1 in three dimensions. At the θ\theta-point in two dimensions we have z2.3z\approx 2.3.Comment: laTeX2e, 32 pages, 11 eps figure