24 research outputs found

    chirurgia 4 Ku_c 4'2006 a.qxd

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    Rezumat Osteodistracåia bimaxilarã -o metodã eficientã pentru corectarea deficitului transversal. Prezentare de caz Dizarmoniile dento-maxilare apar la pacienåii adulåi datoritã discrepanåei dintre dimensiunea dinåilor aei a osului subjacent fiind mai frecvent întâlnite în cazurile cu hipodezvoltare transversalã maxilarã si mandibularã. Tratamentul ortodontic clasic utilizeazã ca metodã de creare de spaåiu extracåiile dentare sau expansiunea arcadelor, care însã au dezavantaje estetice majore pentru pacienåi. Expansiunea palatinã rapidã asistatã chirurgical împreunã cu osteodistracåia medianã mandibularã reprezintã o metodã de avangardã în tratamentul ortodontic aei chirurgical al pacienåilor cu deficite transversale severe de dezvoltare al ambelor maxilare. Expansiunea obåinutã prin aceastã metodã este mai stabilã aei spaåiul generat este mult mai mare în comparaåie cu metoda convenåionalã ortodonticã. Cazul de faåã ilustreazã avantajele acestei proceduri chirurgicale, care asociatã cu un tratament ortodontic produce modificãri morfologice faciale majore aei ocluzale aei totodatã permite o aliniere dentarã armonioasã. Cuvinte cheie: expansiune palatinã rapidã asistatã chirurgical, osteodistracåie mandibularã medianã, deficit transversal bimaxilar, tratament ortodontic Abstract Severe dental crowding in adult patients is one of the features of disparity between the size of the teeth and the jaws. It is most frequently found in cases with a transverse hypoplasia of the maxilla and the mandible. The traditional orthodontic approach is extraction of teeth or arch expansion, both of them with major esthetic disadvantages for the patients. The surgically assisted maxillary expansion (SARME) and the mandibular midsymphyseal distraction osteogenesis procedures open new horizons for the orthodontists and maxillofacial surgeons in the effort to solve the esthetic demands of the patients with dental crowding and severe transversal discrepancy. The amount of surgical expansion is of higher magnitude and stability then the one achieved in orthodontic cases. The case presented here highlights the importance of the surgical procedure followed by the orthodontic therapy due to the enhancement in occlusion, dental alignment and facial morphology

    Bilateral pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum after orthognathic surgery

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    The occurrence of postoperative complications after various orthognatic surgery procedures is rare but all of them might be life-threatening complications. We report a case of a 22-year old female patient who underwent a bimaxillary orthognathic surgery procedure and developed bilateral pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum

    Unusual anatomical detection of a third molar in the infratemporal fossa

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    Third molar presence in the infratemporal fossa is a rare event and it has been reported previously only two times in the literature, except for the cases which arise from complications occurring during the extraction of the impacted upper third molar. Due to the presence of important vessel bundles and nerves in this area, third molar removal requires a correct surgical management in order to avoid many possible serious side effects. We report an unusual case of upper third molar detected in the infratemporal fossa, which has been thoroughly investigated radiologically and removed through a safe surgical approach

    Transport phenomena in (Bi1.6Pb0.4)(Sr1.8Ba0.2)Ca 2(Cu1-xFex)3Oy thin films

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    SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Eagle syndrome surgical treatment with piezosurgery.

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    Eagle syndrome (ES) is an uncommon complication of styloid process elongation with stylohyoideal complex symptomatic calcification. It is an uncommon condition (4\% of the population) that is symptomatic in only 4\% of the cases. Eagle syndrome is usually an acquired condition that can be related to tonsillectomy or to a neck trauma. A type of ES is the styloid-carotid syndrome, a consequence of the irritation of pericarotid sympathetic fibers and compression on the carotid artery. Clinical manifestations are found most frequently after head turning and neck compression. Although conservative treatment (analgesics, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, local infiltration with steroids, or anesthetic agents) have been used, surgical treatment is often the only effective treatment in symptomatic cases.We present the case of a 55-year-old patient, successfully treated under endotracheal anesthesia. The cranial portion of the calcified styloid process was shortened through an external approach, using a piezoelectric cutting device (Piezosurgery Medical II; Mectron Medical Technology, Carasco, Italy) with MT1-10 insert, pump level 4, vibration level 7.No major postoperative complications such as nerve damage, hematoma, or wound dehiscence occurred. After 6 months, the patient was completely recovered. Two years after the surgery, the patient did not refer any symptoms related to ES.The transcervical surgical approach in patients with ES seems to be safe and effective, despite the remarkable risk for transient marginal mandibular nerve palsy. This risk can be decreased by the use of the piezoelectric device for its distinctive characteristics--such as precision, selective cut action, and bloodless cut

    Cranial sutures and diploae morphology

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    The aim of the study was to assess the normal cranial suture and bone diploae ultrastructural morphology. Two types of sutures from different specimens were collected. The micro-CT scanning provided a three-dimensional view of the sutures at a microscopic level thus allowing the evaluation of the development stage and a rapid analysis evaluation of bone and diploae morphology. In the meantime, the micro-CT is able to generate more slices than the normal histology preserving the analyzed specimens and became one of the most powerful tools in the craniofacial area. The micro-CT analysis generated structure-orientated slices that in conjunction with the histological sections provide a high quality quantitative analysis of all cranial sutures and of the cranial bones diploae

    Effect of 3d element substitution on inter- and intragrain critical temperatures in (bi,pb):2223 system

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    The inter- and intragrain critical temperatures are differently affected by the natur and concentration of the 3d substituent (Fe,Ni,Zn) for Cu. Decrease of these temperatures is in agreement with the increase in residual resistivity.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Inclusion of all permanent mandibular molars and all maxillary second and third molars: a case report and review of the literature.

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    Simultaneous impactions of first, second, and third permanent molars on both mandibular sides together with the all maxillary second and third molars is a clinical situation never reported before in the literature and it might be a difficult challenge for maxillofacial surgeons and dentists. Early diagnosis and treatment of eruption disturbances contributes to optimal outcomes. This article reports the treatment of an adult with severe impaction of all mandibular first, second, and third molars together with all maxillary second and third molars, which limits the masticatory function and dental arch integrity. The impacted molars were surgically removed as the patients declined orthodontic treatment. The combined surgical-orthodontic approach represents a challenging treatment and the optimal one as it eliminates the need for prosthetic rehabilitation and implant replacement of the impacted molars, when accepted

    Thermoelectric and thermomagnetic effects of (B1.6Pb0.4) Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox thin films

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    Measurements of resistivity, Nernst, Seebeck and Hall effects of Bi2223 epitaxial thin films for magnetic fields between 0 and 5T and temperature range 5-300 K are reported.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe