1,549 research outputs found

    Old and young bulges in late-type disk galaxies

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    ABRIDGED: We use HSTACS and NICMOS imaging to study the structure and colors of a sample of nine late-type spirals. We find: (1) A correlation between bulge and disks scale-lengths, and a correlation between the colors of the bulges and those of the inner disks. Our data show a trend for bulges to be more metal-enriched than their surrounding disks, but otherwise no simple age-metallicity connection between these systems; (2) A large range in bulge stellar population properties, and, in particular, in stellar ages. Specifically, in about a half of the late-type bulges in our sample the bulk of the stellar mass was produced recently. Thus, in a substantial fraction of the z=0 disk-dominated bulged galaxies, bulge formation occurs after the formation/accretion of the disk; (3) In about a half of the late-type bulges in our sample, however, the bulk of the stellar mass was produced at early epochs; (4) Even these "old" late-type bulges host a significant fraction of stellar mass in a young(er) c component; (5) A correlation for bulges between stellar age and stellar mass, in the sense that more massive late-type bulges are older than less massive late-type bulges. Since the overall galaxy luminosity (mass) also correlates with the bulge luminosity (mass), it appears that the galaxy mass regulates not only what fraction of itself ends up in the bulge component, but also "when" bulge formation takes place. We show that dynamical friction of massive clumps in gas-rich disks is a plausible disk-driven mode for the formation of "old" late-type bulges. If disk evolutionary processes are responsible for the formation of the entire family of late-type bulges, CDM simulations need to produce a similar number of initially bulgeless disks in addition to the disk galaxies that are observed to be bulgeless at z=0.Comment: ApJ in press; paper with high resolution figures available at http://www.exp-astro.phys.ethz.ch/carollo/carollo1_2006.pdf; B, I, and H surface brightness profiles published in electronic tabular for

    Searches for the Most Metal-Poor Candidates from SDSS and SEGUE

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    We report on efforts to identify large samples of very and extremely metal-poor stars based on medium-resolution spectroscopy and ugriz photometry obtained during the course of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), and its extension, SDSS-II, which includes the program SEGUE: Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration. To date, over 8000 stars with [Fe/H] <= -2.0 and effective temperatures in the range 4500K < T_eff < 7000K have been found, with the expected numbers in this temperature range to be well over 10,000 once SEGUE is completed. The numbers roughly double when one includes warmer blue stragglers and Blue Horizontal-Branch (BHB) stars in these counts. We show the observed low-metallicity tails of the Metallicity Distribution Functions for the cooler SDSS/SEGUE stars obtained thus far. We also comment on the confirmation of an inner/outer halo dichotomy in the Milky Way, and on how this realization may be used to direct searches for even more metal-poor stars in the near future.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, from the conference "First Stars III", held in July 200

    The Hubble Sequence in Groups: The Birth of the Early-Type Galaxies

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    The physical mechanisms and timescales that determine the morphological signatures and the quenching of star formation of typical (~L*) elliptical galaxies are not well understood. To address this issue, we have simulated the formation of a group of galaxies with sufficient resolution to track the evolution of gas and stars inside about a dozen galaxy group members over cosmic history. Galaxy groups, which harbor many elliptical galaxies in the universe, are a particularly promising environment to investigate morphological transformation and star formation quenching, due to their high galaxy density, their relatively low velocity dispersion, and the presence of a hot intragroup medium. Our simulation reproduces galaxies with different Hubble morphologies and, consequently, enables us to study when and where the morphological transformation of galaxies takes place. The simulation does not include feedback from active galactic nuclei showing that it is not an essential ingredient for producing quiescent, red elliptical galaxies in galaxy groups. Ellipticals form, as suspected, through galaxy mergers. In contrast with what has often been speculated, however, these mergers occur at z>1, before the merging progenitors enter the virial radius of the group and before the group is fully assembled. The simulation also shows that quenching of star formation in the still star-forming elliptical galaxies lags behind their morphological transformation, but, once started, is taking less than a billion years to complete. As long envisaged the star formation quenching happens as the galaxies approach and enter the finally assembled group, due to quenching of gas accretion and (to a lesser degree) stripping. A similar sort is followed by unmerged, disk galaxies, which, as they join the group, are turned into the red-and-dead disks that abound in these environments.Comment: 12 pages, 12 Figures, 1 Table, accepted for publication in AP

    Geometric phases and criticality in spin systems

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    A general formalism of the relation between geometric phases produced by circularly evolving interacting spin systems and their criticality behavior is presented. This opens up the way for the use of geometric phases as a tool to study regions of criticality without having to undergo a quantum phase transition. As a concrete example a spin-1/2 chain with XY interactions is presented and the corresponding geometric phases are analyzed. The generalization of these results to the case of an arbitrary spin system provides an explanation for the existence of such a relation.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    On the relation between sSFR and metallicity

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    In this paper we present an exact general analytic expression Z(sSFR)=y/Λ(sSFR)+I(sSFR)Z(sSFR)=y/\Lambda(sSFR)+I(sSFR) linking the gas metallicity Z to the specific star formation rate (sSFR), that validates and extends the approximate relation put forward by Lilly et al. (2013, L13), where yy is the yield per stellar generation, Λ(sSFR)\Lambda(sSFR) is the instantaneous ratio between inflow and star formation rate expressed as a function of the sSFR, and II is the integral of the past enrichment history, respectively. We then demonstrate that the instantaneous metallicity of a self-regulating system, such that its sSFR decreases with decreasing redshift, can be well approximated by the first term on the right-hand side in the above formula, which provides an upper bound to the metallicity. The metallicity is well approximated also by the L13 ideal regulator case, which provides a lower bound to the actual metallicity. We compare these approximate analytic formulae to numerical results and infer a discrepancy <0.1 dex in a range of metallicities and almost three orders of magnitude in the sSFR. We explore the consequences of the L13 model on the mass-weighted metallicity in the stellar component of the galaxies. We find that the stellar average metallicity lags 0.1-0.2 dex behind the gas-phase metallicity relation, in agreement with the data. (abridged)Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Effect of in-mould inoculant composition on microstructure and fatigue behaviour of heavy section ductile iron castings

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    In this paper, the influence of the in-mould inoculant composition on microstructure and fatigue behaviour of heavy section ductile iron (EN GJS 700-2) castings has been investigated. Axial fatigue tests under nominal load ratio R=0 have been performed on specimens taken from the core of large casting components. Metallographic analyses have been carried out by means of optical microscopy and important microstructural parameters that affect the mechanical properties of the alloy, such as nodule count, nodularity and graphite shape, were measured. Furthermore, Scanning Electron Microscopy was used to investigate the fracture surfaces of the samples in order to identify crack initiation and propagation zones. Cracks initiation sites have been found to be microshrinkages close to specimens\u2019 surface in most cases. It was found that in-mould inoculant composition strongly influences the alloy microstructure, such as nodule count and shrinkage porosities size, as well as the fatigue resistance of heavy section ductile iron castings

    Stellar haloes in Milky-Way mass galaxies: From the inner to the outer haloes

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    We present a comprehensive study of the chemical properties of the stellar haloes of Milky-Way mass galaxies, analysing the transition between the inner to the outer haloes. We find the transition radius between the relative dominance of the inner-halo and outer-halo stellar populations to be ~15-20 kpc for most of our haloes, similar to that inferred for the Milky Way from recent observations. While the number density of stars in the simulated inner-halo populations decreases rapidly with distance, the outer-halo populations contribute about 20-40 per cent in the fiducial solar neighborhood, in particular at the lowest metallicities. We have determined [Fe/H] profiles for our simulated haloes; they exhibit flat or mild gradients, in the range [-0.002, -0.01 ] dex/kpc. The metallicity distribution functions exhibit different features, reflecting the different assembly history of the individual stellar haloes. We find that stellar haloes formed with larger contributions from massive subgalactic systems have steeper metallicity gradients. Very metal-poor stars are mainly contributed to the halo systems by lower-mass satellites. There is a clear trend among the predicted metallicity distribution functions that a higher fraction of low-metallicity stars are found with increasing radius. These properties are consistent with the range of behaviours observed for stellar haloes of nearby galaxies.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures. Accepted MNRAS. Revised version after referee's comment
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