806 research outputs found

    Concatenated dynamical decoupling in a solid-state spin bath

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    Concatenated dynamical decoupling (CDD) pulse sequences hold much promise as a strategy to mitigate decoherence in quantum information processing. It is important to investigate the actual performance of these dynamical decoupling strategies in real systems that are promising qubit candidates. In this Rapid Communication, we compute the echo decay of concatenations of the Hahn echo sequence for a solid-state electronic spin qubit in a nuclear spin bath using a cluster expansion technique. We find that each level of concatenation reverses the effect of successive levels of intrabath fluctuations. On the one hand, this advances CDD as a versatile and realistic decoupling strategy. On the other hand, this invalidates, as overly optimistic, results of the simple pair approximation used previously to study restoration, through CDD, of coherence lost to a mesoscopic spin bath

    High-frequency VLBI observations of SgrA* during a multi-frequency campaign in May 2007

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    In May 2007 the compact radio source Sgr A* was observed in a global multi-frequency monitoring campaign, from radio to X-ray bands. Here we present and discuss first and preliminary results from polarization sensitive VLBA observations, which took place during May 14-25, 2007. Here, Sgr A* was observed in dual polarization on 10 consecutive days at 22, 43, and 86 GHz. We describe the VLBI experiments, our data analysis, monitoring program and show preliminary images obtained at the various frequencies. We discuss the data with special regard also to the short term variability.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures;necessary style files included; contribution for the conference "The Universe under the Microscope" (AHAR 2008), held in Bad Honnef (Germany) in April 2008, to be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series by Institute of Physics Publishing, R. Schoedel, A. Eckart, S. Pfalzner, and E. Ros (eds.

    The BBπB^*B\pi coupling with relativistic heavy quarks

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    We report on a calculation of the BBπB^*B\pi coupling in lattice QCD. The strong matrix element BπB\langle B \pi | B^*\rangle is directly related to the leading order low-energy constant in heavy meson chiral perturbation theory (HMχ\chiPT) for BB-mesons. We carry out our calculation directly at the bb-quark mass using a non-perturbatively tuned clover action that controls discretisation effects of order pa|\vec{p}a| and (ma)n(ma)^n for all nn. Our analysis is performed on RBC/UKQCD gauge configurations using domain wall fermions and the Iwasaki gauge action at two lattice spacings of a1=1.73(3)a^{-1}=1.73(3) GeV, a1=2.28(3)a^{-1}=2.28(3) GeV, and unitary pion masses down to 290 MeV. We achieve good statistical precision and control all systematic uncertainties, giving a final result for the HMχ\chiPT coupling gb=0.569(48)stat(59)sysg_b = 0.569(48)_{stat}(59)_{sys} in the continuum and at the physical light-quark masses. This is the first calculation performed directly at the physical bb-quark mass and lies in the region one would expect from carrying out an interpolation between previous results at the charm mass and at the static point.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, presented at the 31st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2013), 29 July - 3 August 2013, Mainz, German

    Quantum theory for electron spin decoherence induced by nuclear spin dynamics in semiconductor quantum computer architectures: Spectral diffusion of localized electron spins in the nuclear solid-state environment

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    We consider the decoherence of a single localized electron spin due to its coupling to the lattice nuclear spin bath in a semiconductor quantum computer architecture. In the presence of an external magnetic field and at low temperatures, the dominant decoherence mechanism is the spectral diffusion of the electron spin resonance frequency due to the temporally fluctuating random magnetic field associated with the dipolar interaction induced flip-flops of nuclear spin pairs. The electron spin dephasing due to this random magnetic field depends intricately on the quantum dynamics of the nuclear spin bath, making the coupled decoherence problem difficult to solve. We provide a formally exact solution of this non-Markovian quantum decoherence problem which numerically calculates accurate spin decoherence at short times, which is of particular relevance in solid-state spin quantum computer architectures. A quantum cluster expansion method is developed, motivated, and tested for the problem of localized electron spin decoherence due to dipolar fluctuations of lattice nuclear spins. The method is presented with enough generality for possible application to other types of spin decoherence problems. We present numerical results which are in quantitative agreement with electron spin echo measurements in phosphorus doped silicon. We also present spin echo decay results for quantum dots in GaAs which differ qualitatively from that of the phosphorus doped silicon system. Our theoretical results provide the ultimate limit on the spin coherence (at least, as characterized by Hahn spin echo measurements) of localized electrons in semiconductors in the low temperature and the moderate to high magnetic field regime of interest in scalable semiconductor quantum computer architectures.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figure

    Wavefunction considerations for the central spin decoherence problem in a nuclear spin bath

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    Decoherence of a localized electron spin in a solid state material (the ``central spin'' problem) at low temperature is believed to be dominated by interactions with nuclear spins in the lattice. This decoherence is partially suppressed through the application of a large magnetic field that splits the energy levels of the electron spin and prevents depolarization. However, dephasing decoherence resulting from a dynamical nuclear spin bath cannot be removed in this way. Fluctuations of the nuclear field lead to uncertainty of the electron's precessional frequency in a process known as spectral diffusion. This article considers the effect of the electron's wavefunction shape upon spectral diffusion and provides wavefunction dependent decoherence time formulas for free induction decay as well as spin echoes and concatenated dynamical decoupling schemes for enhancing coherence. We also discuss dephasing of a qubit encoded in singlet-triplet states of a double quantum dot. A central theoretical result of this work is the development of a continuum approximation for the spectral diffusion problem which we have applied to GaAs and InAs materials specifically

    Linear Sigma EFT for Nearly Conformal Gauge Theories

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    We construct a generalized linear sigma model as an effective field theory (EFT) to describe nearly conformal gauge theories at low energies. The work is motivated by recent lattice studies of gauge theories near the conformal window, which have shown that the lightest flavor-singlet scalar state in the spectrum (σ\sigma) can be much lighter than the vector state (ρ\rho) and nearly degenerate with the PNGBs (π\pi) over a large range of quark masses. The EFT incorporates this feature. We highlight the crucial role played by the terms in the potential that explicitly break chiral symmetry. The explicit breaking can be large enough so that a limited set of additional terms in the potential can no longer be neglected, with the EFT still weakly coupled in this new range. The additional terms contribute importantly to the scalar and pion masses. In particular, they relax the inequality Mσ23Mπ2M_{\sigma}^2 \ge 3 M_{\pi}^2, allowing for consistency with current lattice data.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, published versio

    Lattice simulations with eight flavors of domain wall fermions in SU(3) gauge theory

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    We study an SU(3) gauge theory with Nf=8 degenerate flavors of light fermions in the fundamental representation. Using the domain wall fermion formulation, we investigate the light hadron spectrum, chiral condensate and electroweak S parameter. We consider a range of light fermion masses on two lattice volumes at a single gauge coupling chosen so that IR scales approximately match those from our previous studies of the two- and six-flavor systems. Our results for the Nf=8 spectrum suggest spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking, though fits to the fermion mass dependence of spectral quantities do not strongly disfavor the hypothesis of mass-deformed infrared conformality. Compared to Nf=2 we observe a significant enhancement of the chiral condensate relative to the symmetry breaking scale F, similar to the situation for Nf=6. The reduction of the S parameter, related to parity doubling in the vector and axial-vector channels, is also comparable to our six-flavor results